The only reward you shall receive is eternal pain and maybe a comment or two.


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KuroNeko: I know it's technically the 10th anniversary but Prequel started in 2009 on the ms paint adventure forums if I remember correctly, making it 12 years old.

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bluedraggy: I was prepared for this potential controversy. 10 years on prequeladventure.com. 12 since it began on MSPaint Adventures as I understand it. So which is right? I think of it as one is Conception Anniversary, the other is Birth Anniversary. I don't think it could have built the audience it has without becoming it's own site, so in a sense 10 years since 'coming out to the world' - thus birth. But it began earlier. MSPaint Adventures was the womb it took shape in.

Yes, I can always sexualize the most trivial of things!

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Skybolt06: Lol, doesn't matter really, it's still an anniversary to celebrate!

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Kazerad: It was 10 years! When I moved the posts over to the site, I kept the original dates.

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Zargothrax: A decade of sadness

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ADudeCalledLeo: Eh, still faster than the actual postal mail services.
Happy cattiversary and good art!

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KuroNeko: @Kazerad: Ah my bad then.
Now I'll have to to live with the shame of my failure forever.
Or until a days or two when everyone has forgoten about this.
Whatever works best :p

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PermanentFace: I can't believe it's been 72 years.

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_ghouldaddy_: I can't believe it's been 342 years

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JacktheCreator: I can't believe it's been 6539 years...