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Tejo: Here's a little sketch I did yesterday. Please don´t hesitate to share any criticism, advice or opinions you may have, it would be really helpful.
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Anonymous1: I love the expression on this. Well done!

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APayne1776_2: You're a wizard Katia

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KuroNeko: So cute
Well done.
As for criticism, I don't have any, except maybe her belt which is placed weirdly. Even if her torso is not oriented in the same direction as her legs, the left side (our left) of the belt should be placed higher I think.

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Tejo: @Za: Thank you.
@KuroNeko: Thanks a lot, I will try to correct it (and maybe add a wizardly beard too ).

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Rick2tails: this is cute

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Tejo: @Rick2tails: Thank you.

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Tejo: I modified the drawing a bit and uploaded it here: https://imgur.com/gallery/758zAdE

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KuroNeko: @Tejo: Definitely better. Nice work

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Tejo: @KuroNeko: Thank you!

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_ghouldaddy_: Very cute, I approve

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Tejo: @_ghouldaddy_: I'm glad you like it

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_Noxygen_: She needs her wizards beard, that's the first rule of wizarding bro!

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AMKitsune: @Tejo: Updated the version here for you.

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Tejo: @AMKitsune: Thank you