Always heed the Daedric Fun Tip.


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Describe This Image As Dramatically As Possible

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GrizzlyBear: Decided to do one of the left over cards from the project, kinda went all out on it, except towards the background. The Justice card means exactly what you think it means, law, fairness, accountability for actions, and karmic justice. It often indicates that you or someone in your life isn’t being treated fairly, and you will eventually face trail for that injustice. Using Asotil was pretty much a no-brainer, but in doing that most of its symbolism ended up absent, but I kept the basic things at least. The scale he holds is a symbol of balance and fairness, while his sword represents the enactment and preservation of Justice, even through force. The Imperial city and the aylied archway on either side of Asotil weren’t originally supposed to be the pillars from the actual card, was pretty much a coincidence but eh I’ll take it. That’s pretty much all there is to it really, wasn’t too complicated to connect to the original like some of the others were

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Furmidable: The horse looking back at him like he's the idiot, priceless.

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Zargothrax: This one looks very nice, especially the imperial armor! You really made this one in just a few days?
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GrizzlyBear: @Zargothrax: Yeah it took me only four days, but I’m still stuck in quarantine so I had plenty of time to work on it. I tried to be less cartoony and more oblivion accurate and I think it paid off, his thigh could’ve been a little longer though