DAEDRIC FUN TIP: Only fools seek to voice their distaste. Enlightened beings use the blacklist to shun such distractions. Image Uploader rollanan, October 21, 2023; 22:26 Tags artist:rollanan character:Katia_Managan character:Kvatch_Rock Kvatch_arena_armor magnus outskirts_of_Kvatch redraw Source www.prequeladventure.com/2013/05/katia-follow-captain Locked No Describe This Image As Dramatically As Possible October 21, 2023; 22:26 - Reply rollanan: redraw of one of Prequel's most iconic panels October 22, 2023; 06:18 - Reply DearFox: October 23, 2023; 14:06 - Reply bluedraggy: Damn! This is kinda epic. I am forced to re-evaluate some long-held beliefs. October 28, 2023; 19:54 - Reply damrok4321: love it :D You must've spent a lot of time on it. October 29, 2023; 01:52 - Reply rollanan: @damrok4321: most definitely, its not everyday i make fancy painted backgrounds lmao
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