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bluedraggy: It is time once again to test the edge-cases of decency and make the mods get back to work.
Also if you want to debate sweat on furry characters, I'm sure there's somewhere for you to have a great time doing so. Me, I don't care even a little. But speaking of little, give me a little credit for the boob size! I'm going to try and reign those in a bit, at least for Katia. Hip size though... well, I can only do SO much before my natural tendencies reassert themselves.

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Zargothrax: Looks like I managed to see this before the mods! Nice

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bluedraggy: Oh, they MIGHT let this one stand. TBH if I really knew for sure they wouldn't, I wouldn't post it.

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Jig_Bigga: what a FIGURE! Truly a beautiful lady

And living in southeast asia, I know exactly what she’s going through, hahahah

((let’s see if it gets past the mods))

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TheGibusGuy: Is she hot, or in heat?

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Rick2tails: yes there are certain prequel pics Draggy has other places he hasnt posted here from quill to katia to even a bartender pic

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Makkon: yeah I think the extremely prominent camel toe is over the line

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bluedraggy: Thanks Makkon. Revised to tone that down significantly.

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Radiocaster: yeah, that seems like a fair compromise

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Jig_Bigga: out of curiosity, how did you manage to replace that image while keeping all the original comments and post number?

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Radiocaster: @Jig_Bigga: You can just send a report on your own image containing a link to the replacement. I did it for my shipping piece when I misspelled Scribonia's name.

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bluedraggy: Yup. Exactly what I did. Basically the OH SO KIND AND REASONABLE MODS will do it for you.

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Sashimi: Katia has never had such a large gathering at her window before!
Dang! Gotta love the summer months!