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Rick2tails: the weather isnt the only thing thats hot ! nice work Filthypaladin!

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NotGodOkay: Summer is almost over, but Katia is yet to vanquish...

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Jig_Bigga: I don’t know how Filthypaladin does it but I fucking adore the way he draws her head and face

she’s so… perfect? like, she’s mostly human, but juuust feline enough. And don’t even get me started on her eyes; so big and expressive… Her arms too, she’s such a pretty woman…
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Yeltsa_Kcir: hey, it's only the 11th! summer ends on the 21st :)
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TempIntel: gotta get in one last ice-cream before summer ends :(

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TheGibusGuy: Say ahhh~

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bluedraggy: His use of color and shading is really good. But... there's no way that ice cream isn't ending up on her lap.

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Jig_Bigga: @bluedraggy: And what a shame, there’s noone to clean the mess
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NewFace: FilthyPaladin's secret is just being a really solid artist.

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Radiocaster: @NewFace: is it possible to learn this power
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NewFace: @Radiocaster: Not from a generative AI.