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GrizzlyBear: There was an ancient Egyptian themed fanart trend awhile back I was too slow to participate in, so this sat half finished for about a year. Couldn’t let all that effort to go to waste
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Yeltsa_Kcir: Quite literally Goddesses.. RA Approved

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TheGibusGuy: Gorgeous! At least Katia can live the good life in this universe.

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Rick2tails: I wonder what the bartender is upto in this universe

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Radiocaster: @Rick2tails: I looked it up and beer was popular in Ancient Egypt, so he's probably working in King Narmer's dynasty period beer factory

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bluedraggy: There are so many fantastic things about this! Translucent ears. Metallic shine, shadow angles, the moon in the sky, background haze. God Grizzly, this is really, really awesome!
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GrizzlyBear: @bluedraggy: Thanks. I missed the train on that whole egyptian thing, so I took it as an opportunity to experiment with some things.
Also this would look way worse without some help from Bokdan0
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TempIntel: common misconception, it wasn't the aliens who built the pyramids, it was the Khajiit!
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GrizzlyBear: @TempIntel: #TRVTHNVKE

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Sashimi: @GrizzlyBear: This is magnificent on so many levels!

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Geravind: Ankha approves!