Lesser beings should be ashamed of their uncovered body. Tag such images with "questionable".

Dramatic Descriptions

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AlTan: Пугающе. Чувствуется дуновение космического ужаса.

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AlTan: When Katia got up with wrong leg

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AlTan: Probably she has received a BFG 9000.

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AlTan: Her teeth... Oh my eyes

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AlTan: С возвращением!! Приятно снова тебя здесь видеть)

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AlTan: https://youtu.be/ykl2-OGl290

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AlTan: @Geravind: Это заявка на победу !! Не могу не ответить:

"You have good chance of winning. My turn. Continue"

And after all
realize that the wall
stay on your way.

And you can see
the obssession dream
on the other side
of the block

But you have rope
And the height of the block
Not so big
And the dream
Not so far

Climb and climb
And at the end of the line
You can reach
other side of the coin

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AlTan: @Geravind: Как-то вечером навеяло..)

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AlTan: @Kazerad: Thanks for rate. I was very hope that after interpretation poem do not lost concision. I hope, that you will finish your history at a good manner, like in a poem.

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AlTan: I didn't think, that discussion turn this way. Thanks to Probablynotafurry: you read my thinks.
I whant that people may read it, and i will be satisfied if they like it.
And thanks to administration stuff, that you allow it. (I was keeping it both poems in my table for 3 month (And worked on them, course) This show my respect to website and it contents)

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AlTan: I didn't think, that discussion turn this way. I may say, that i post poem here, becouse russian speaker prequel community still not have official websaite. So we offen swing by this webside and will may enjoy it.
And of course i thought about free time of english-speaking community and post my translate of Gippius's poem here to.
Especial thanks for administration, that you allow it.

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AlTan: Someone wanted to practice in googletranslate?

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AlTan: I'm glad to see one more pencil artist here. Pic is good. I go to redraw (for practice).

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AlTan: @picartosux: Возможно и стоит бросить писать, все равно понимает 3,5 человека.

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AlTan: @RoninSmall: + Группе конец, все начинает скатываться к километровым ;?*: БЕГИТЕ!!

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AlTan: @unknown_victor: I can't agree with you more: anything can be fetish. But on rhe other hand, internet conclude a lot of fetish-theme groups. More than need (as i think), and there are no one reasons to make one more.

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AlTan: Her pose does not correspond to environment, course. But in any rate that's great. Just great! Wish you luck and hope you shell not leave after that finish accord.

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AlTan: I join to the fleshmob. That is my variant.

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AlTan: @BadReligion: Thank for 8/8. Nobody have ever r8 me so g8. Actually, this proverb just discribe situation with remarks to a dot.

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AlTan: @Enheldor: The word is not a sparrow. If it fly out, you can't catch it.

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AlTan: @Geravind: Thank for notise. I'll try to do more realistic works. Don't be shy Gera, i am quite tolerated to the critics.

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AlTan: Без бутылки не разберешься...

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AlTan: http://www.prequeladventure.com/fanartbooru/ext/emoticons/default/pleased.gif

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AlTan: @Enheldor: That's real good. I hope his russian-speaker friend will can to adaptate comic.

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AlTan: @Enheldor: I could not agree more. Personally, Kazared put comic translate back constantly. Maybe from this:

Literal translate be very very weird, if it is course / (Remind the joke about line and fe-line) That is no joke on Russian. Like a powlympics and etc. Big part of humor will turn out mess (illegible wasts) when translated. So i can't understand his (Kazared's) nit-picking and tired face. Hello Kazared ! Are you from coust? You are from coust? There is no differences in russian and it's not so important. More important thingths will be lost more over then "are you from the coust"?

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AlTan: I forgot to use bbcode for links ... It becomes a pattern.

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AlTan: Just redraw. Don't forgot old pictures. Clockwise links:

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AlTan: O) Good try, dood! As for me, it's really intresting to look on Katia in this plane and in the blouse. One more plus for forage-cap :з

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AlTan: After that she may add:
"Daddy is not the law.
I am the LAW !"

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AlTan: @ThatGuyWithAKhajiitWaifu: Thank you. I wanted that it look like old book's estamp.

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AlTan: And let teeth of all the guardians of morality are crumbling to dust. Even a slutcat has its own truth.

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AlTan: @Kazerad: Very Intresting method. Espechially I like your comment about "proving". I often observe the consequences of this bad patern. Unfortunately in russian science especially, turned out the scientific schools system. I will not to say, that there are only minuses in this, but of cource, if you are the student, you accepted scientific school's views. So, in our country prevails the idea of "right" and "wrong" methods and theories (read ours and non ours). And of cource we all are "proving" only our once.

But it's questionable, that weak theories must be always replaced by more powerful ones. Just remind Newton's theory. In additional, then more theories about some problem, then better. For example the theory of evolution describes the origin of human, sociology - social behavior, psychology - habits and etc. Together they describe a human in general. Therefore, i think any theory is acceptable, if it solves any problem and it accepted at least someone.

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AlTan: If the best of us will leave, with whom we will stay (http://www.prequeladventure.com/fanartbooru/ext/emoticons/default/sadcat.gif)
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