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BadReligion: http://youtu.be/pBpmoBQwFU8

...I'm gonna die here without "edit" option.
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BadReligion: I can't say nothing more
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BadReligion: ಠ_ಠ
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BadReligion: She stopped at the middle of the road for nothing, and this face... she just admires surrounding?

I'm just jealous. ;_;
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BadReligion: Khajiit heart is worth 15 gold, but for me Rajirra heart is priceless. ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
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Now I deserwe a permaban...
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BadReligion: Normally I could say I won't share this ancient knowledge b'coz others will start spam pictures as Disney new StarWars, but this Image is spam already.


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BadReligion: Empty box, really? That's boorish. ;____;
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BadReligion: Ban for shitposting? No? Okay. .__.
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BadReligion: Nice try, but we all know what she did.
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BadReligion: we are dumb, orginal is in the source >_<
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BadReligion: It looks very familiar.

ah, yes
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BadReligion: Describe Katia in one picture:
͡° ͜ʖ ͡°
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BadReligion: I just wonder why on every his drawing she is terrified.
...you like it you sadist? :v
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BadReligion: Honest to the pain, first she do then she ask, dead serious, selfish, may she is coward and cruel, but I can't hate her, I tried but I can't, and this masterpiece ...oh gawd, freakin beautiful.
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BadReligion: What have been seen cannot be un-seen. ._.

I hope my mind won't send me again these pictures when Gharug and Kati...
Oh NO! It's happening again!
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BadReligion: WTB!

Wanna touch this fluffy fur. :v
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BadReligion: The fk happend to her? ಠ_ಠ

Or no, I don't want to know.
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BadReligion: Keep strong Quill! Remember, one single hug and R34 will follow you forever!
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