The only reward you shall receive is eternal pain and maybe a comment or two.

Dramatic Descriptions

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BadReligion: First I thought about Assassin's Creed Dead Kings.

I wanna fight with her
It just could be interesting experience
No to death ofc, I'm not suicidal

Da legs
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Katia fetishist? Oh Lawd.
...I'm not better.

Aaaaaaand, everyone is looking for Sigrid's details (which are gr8), but Katia...
But this tongue, it must hurts ...wanna feel it.

Quill have to take part in it. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
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BadReligion: Thief Katia returns!
This time you have to steal ring from Lady ...emm, just somewhere in this possession next to docks.
You don't feel lucky, you had hope to fast in and out but lady's husband Cpt. Fegget with his crew arrived two days earlier than they planned.
But you won't give up, you came here for this necklace and you won't leave this place without it ...and other shiny stuff.

<lookin' closer>
Wait, she have two crossed swords on the back? D:
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BadReligion: Have you got time to talk about our lord and savior Ra?
-or Helios
-Ahura Mazda
-Sol (roman one)
-Celestia :^)
-Second Sol (norse one)
...there is a lot of that.
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BadReligion: @Armored-Struggle-Wagon: You have perfectly described my attitude to her. :v

Katia, Rajirra have message for you.
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BadReligion: @ThatGuyWithAKhajiitWaifu: Did I did something wrong? :v ...
@AMKitsune: http://sadmoment.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/How-Cats-Demand-More-Food-After-Eating-In-Comic-By-A.-Muto.png ?
@ThatGuyWithAKhajiitWaifu: And I thought diamonds are woman's best friends.

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BadReligion: @Kazerad:
He is honest. :|

Anyway he said so I don't have to.
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BadReligion: And this is religion which I can profess. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

If Katia is Bastet...
No time to waste!

Dammit I love mythology and references to them, but my memory is pissing me off...
Where is "add to favorite" button? :c
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BadReligion: There is such a thing as "too much effects".
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BadReligion: Nice Quill, I couldn't control myself for a second.

@ThatGuyWithAKhajiitWaifu: Looks like Katia just waiting for someone who will dare do it.
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BadReligion: @Armored-Struggle-Wagon: All these people who will kill Katia over and over without any reason...
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BadReligion: @katiaaitak: I would rather call it "adulate".

Looks like nickname commits. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
And I just wanna hear Rajirra's beating heart in her chest.
...anyway, wondering how Khajiit's blood tastes.
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BadReligion: Idk, you are really determined or just bored, great work. :v

RPG must have a story, will you base all on comic or do your own fanfiction? (or just pointless walkin' over cities).
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BadReligion: She is on high? Looks like on high. ._.
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BadReligion: What will we do with a drunken Katia?
What will we do with a drunken Katia?
What will we do with a drunken Katia?

Early in the mornin'! ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
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BadReligion: It is hilarious on this strange way.

Quill-You're late.
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BadReligion: I noticed that everyone is staring at Katia...

@Arcsome: Just fuck you, can't unseen. ._.
And Quill is more like: "Any problem Kat? (dare you)"
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BadReligion: @Nyflex: Why love? Just sleeping cat on your legs.
@John_Medina: Aggy took care about romantic atmosphere.

"Adventuring for dummies.", rofl.

Hope it is very warm in this flat, if no... dammit Quill, you don't know? The most heat runs from head and feets, you are poikilothermic (I mean cold-blooded (reptile)), preparations to hibernate?
Well... it can looks like "last hug".
And left Katia alone for more than month, it will end veeeery bad.
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BadReligion: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
( ͡⊙ ͜ʖ ͡⊙)
( ͡◉ ͜ʖ ͡◉)
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BadReligion: @Tahrey: Biology lesson with BR: >_<
To "vertebrata" (yes used, guugle translator, I mean livings with internal skeleton), we count:

"Just" lizards are group of reptiles.

For what we have collarbones? To hold our arms in the right place, why we have it but for example regular cats don't? Reasons in my previous message here.
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BadReligion: @Tahrey: As humanoid race with straight posture, which can move arms more than only for/backward, I think yes, they should have a collarbones.
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BadReligion: I love protruding collarbones...

I thought she is wearing glasses, but I realized these are only nose holes.
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BadReligion: @Radian: "Thief tunic" ._.
Nevermind, but the heck is that rope? It goes through that cloak of gay tomorrow, there is a special hole to pass it?
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BadReligion: "There is a chill in the air."

But dammit Katia! You really want a open struggle? Better off this fire, hide in a shadow... without a reason it is called "Katia's thief tunic"? Fkin THIEF, and now even a drunken Quill can shoot you! Only source of light in the room, she had to walk in to it, I'm done.

"No really, I am smilin'."


lemmietouchdatnose. :3
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BadReligion: @Geravind: B'coz (duuuuh) on this painting she confesses her embarrassing "feelings", and we caught her on this.
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BadReligion: I just imagined Katia doing these combos, just wow.
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BadReligion: I don't know why but it reminds me of Darth Darth Binks.
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BadReligion: Faces are like:

Bartender-Defuq I'm doin' here?
Gharug-robbery, robbery, rape, robbery...
Sigrid-C'mon, trust me!
Gaius-Don't trust anybody.
Katia-Why her? What she have that I don't? (scales, gaydar...)
Rajirra-Why I am next to this loser?
Quill-Smart choice.
Stephane-Let it end fast, please. -_-
Regular human woman-Locked and loaded ...perhaps.
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BadReligion: At least Rajirra can defend herself ...I hope.

Don't you dare, Katia.
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BadReligion: @Tahrey: http://www.prequeladventure.com/fanartbooru/post/list/user_id=638/1
I just wanted to say I like it. :v

"still desperately waiting for the day when the unrelenting Pony onslaught will end."
The day that never comes...
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BadReligion: <saw this>

<looked on own shit>

<cry in a corner>


<cry even more>

I'm sick of crossovers with this ...what is this? hippo?
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BadReligion: @Radian: Np m8 (▀̿Ĺ̯▀̿ ̿)

That she is resting explains that she looks like anorectic? >_>
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BadReligion: I'm the only one who wanna feel these claws on own neck?


... .__.
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BadReligion: After second fail:

That is why I really need edit option here. >_>
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BadReligion: Mission completed successfully and now just sell stolen stuff. (▀̿Ĺ̯▀̿ ̿)

Wait, Asotil is a black marketeer?

In my opinion Katia need a bigger cavity between nose and eyes, and isn't she too thin.
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BadReligion: @Armored-Struggle-Wagon: A good one.
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BadReligion: There is a "pencil_drawing" tag? Oh lawd...

@Armored-Struggle-Wagon: It gave me heart attack. ;__;
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BadReligion: [/img]http://i3.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/000/966/118/c0c.gif[/img]

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BadReligion: @MetalC0Mmander: Maybe Quill is a reason why someone regrets that he isn't a woman.

...just a quess.
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BadReligion: @MetalC0Mmander: It's very artificial.

She is angry and focused on one point, which mean she found her target.
With anger and swords outside she perhaps want rush on enemy, she should lean for that but she have straight back, she wanna sprint with swords? Good luck.
With swords outside and straight back mean she is self-possessed, maybe angry, but possessed, her face shows something different.

But now when I think about it, something can rush on HER, in this version I don't have maybe any comments.
Buuuuuuuut(t)... if you are in danger it is a impulse that you step back, not only a impulse, it is very useful in a fight, and her legs are straight, maybe she just stiffen surprised.

Just to show sexy Katia with swords? Maaaybe with lowered head...

@D_C_N: "Surprise motherf&%@r!"

Fine legs. ͡ᵔ ͜ʖ ͡ᵔ
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BadReligion: @Radian:"Dolan" version of word:faggot, just first offensive word which came to my head, it used to mean something like "gay" but used more often for just "stupid".
I mean just bad.

I understand that sometimes "call of artist" can be merciless, but haste is one of worst things, if you were exhausted why don't you go sleep or just rest to think about it clearly?
You can make a first sketches before rest if you are afraid that your "best idea evar" will disappear.
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BadReligion: Yep, Princess of Persia.

But really? From all possible two swords poses you have chosen the most feget one.
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BadReligion: Something like "Agent Katia"

She have to steal from one "Big fish" a special Glyph (or whatever), so she went inqognito to the one of these royal events, enchanted him, and he took her to his bed flat...
-I've got keys, fgt is sleeping, now I have to find this "Glyph" and run out of this dirty place. (aaaand he is really bad at this ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° )

<sneaky, sneaky>

-Fk! guards everywhere, but I can turn off lights and slip between them while they will search for any light source. (night vision OP)

<Did it>
<necessary kill>
<even more sneaky>

Get it and run away like a true badass thief.
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BadReligion: @ThatGuyWithAKhajiitWaifu: She can't grow up hair again? Ok, no more questions.
I'm reminding that sentence she "grew up in a castle on the middle of desert", but I'm not sure about that.
Anyway in childhood she used to have two braids, but nevermind, you can always change hairstyle.

May just RedR tell us.
@RedRuin: May my laziness be cursed, I'm quite sure I won't even try. (and your picture is nice motivation)

@AMKitsune: Hooray! My long tongue is finally useful! (picture in a message)

These ears aren't too close to eyes?
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BadReligion: OH FCK YES!!!

ehkm... I mean, nice art, but I'm quite sure Rajirra can't stand behavior like that, Katia should control herself!
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BadReligion: Pointless description:
These dark clouds gonna cover clear sky, and Katia is looking in the opposite direction, which can mean she don't know about incoming dangerous, but this pose can tell she is waiting for something/someone, perhaps she don't know for what/who exactly.
About face... is different, is ...experienced? Looks like she feel that "something" is coming.
And long hairs, they shows us that it had been a long time after Prequel and she perhaps settled down in this farm.

What exactly is "Uncanny Valley"? Google is helpful as always. (at all)
Program used? (for what I'm askin'? I don't get even Paint ._.)
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