Spanking is reserved only for mortal punishment, not fanart.

Dramatic Descriptions

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Bill: @KuroNeko: Thanks! Your art is really good & I enjoyed coloring it.

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Bill: The Prequel Fanbase: Those still around with experience in the great hiatus of the grape juice bottle being thrown.

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Bill: @Rick2tails: Nekid Lizards=Best Lizards.

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Bill: Finally, shading now level 100.

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Bill: Omfg I absolutely adore your swimming Argonian.

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Bill: Added caption. *StretchesShabarQara*

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Bill: @vsauce4: Hey! Good to see you still around.

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Bill: Hi all, long time, no post. Just a quick one to say, "I'm alive."

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Bill: Chocolate cake.

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Bill: Good work! Especially with those Digitigrade legs.

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Bill: Also love your Pixel art. Part of what got me to actually try it.

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Bill: Now comes the all new wave of Pixel games. Starting with the "Binding of Slutcat."

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Bill: Definitely an improvement in the meme posting. Good shading too.

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Bill: @SlashSeven: Because Fangs are fancy!

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Bill: This Khajiit certainly looks to be enjoying the nights in Elswheyr

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Bill: Katia is slowly becoming a vampire with the introduction or should I say reintroduction of Fangs into the fan art pages.

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Bill: @somebody0214: Oh lol the "pillow shading" look was not desired. It was just an outline to bring out the color. Any relationship between this and the surprised Pikachu pic were not intensional though now I might actually meme Katia into that. Thanks for the feedback though

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Bill: Those eyes tho.

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Bill: It's what I do, John. Ex a cooze me sir, I appear to be in the need of some layogna.

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Bill: She has sand in it. Sand that is coarse and rough and gets everywhere.

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Bill: The first (and hopefully last for sake of the community) Fortnite/Sad Cat crossover.

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Bill: Crunk if bin dun dun, duh Cho, Crunk if bin dun dun, Do oot do, do do dun do. Someone with talent should animate it into Tilted Towers.

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Bill: Good work! The shading and color work is beyond exceptional! Im also very hyped for Elswheyr's appearance in the new update.

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Bill: Lol my bad only meant to post one.
Anyway it's everyone's favorite meme series The Prequels.

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Bill: @DOOMGUY11: your very much welcome!

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Bill: @Zargothrax: Thanks. I thought the nightmares needed some better representing art as those parts are some of the best in not only the comic but the Elder Games as a whole.

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Bill: @Plastiware: That's pretty good apart from the fact of Quill's friendship with Katia. Also I doubt Quill would blow Katia's head in.

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Bill: LoL I know right! That's why I voted for Martin Septim. Too bad he's dead.

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Bill: Yeah Gro-Upp needs to grow up. Maybe not kill more like imprisonment as in solitary confinement in the Imperial Cities prison right next to the protagonists cell.

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Bill: And in Kaz time that would be... May 4?

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Bill: Spotted* I need to go back to preschool.

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Bill: OH noes my cultists ways have been dpotted. Got to lay low now

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Bill: Nevermind Im just dumb.

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Bill: Didn't know how to properly tag the King so kinda had to guess. If this is technically questionable please let me know as there is absolutely no nusity but the body is still technically visable.

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Bill: Took Doomguy's pic and pixelated and colored it. Not trying to flood the booru I swear.

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Bill: Don't know if I should call it a knock off. I mixed my style with Kaz's and this one pics.https://www.prequeladventure.com/fanartbooru/post/view/5732#c36002

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Bill: It's still definitely good work nothing wrong with Jotoro Kat. I very much like her ears too (that's basically where I waste most of my art time. I spend roughly 4 to 1 days on ears to everything else.)

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Bill: @PermanentFace you know what. I agree to embrace my bad spelling for the sake of relevancy to anothers.

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Bill: Those lips also that left hand is a a bit small and the arm seems short but this is a pretty good crossover.

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Bill: Also maybe try to master both a top down and a heads on view before trying to do an angle like this.

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Bill: The line work is really good apart from if you look very closely if kinda seems like the room bends in on itself but with enough practice you'll understand how to perceive a piece.

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Bill: I have a semi fixed version with proper spelling but my bad creator skills led to me not overwriting my save which was basically before I spent like 3 hours to a day just trying to make them look natural and familiar to what I based it off of in the comic. I may try to fix them again but it's past midnight and I have college tomorrow.

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Bill: Click on my name. Should be a separate bar titled PM

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Bill: But I could always just reference the sign work in Anvil when told that. thinking outside the box.

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Bill: Lol fail

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Bill: This one piece has been in development for the greater part of 2 weeks. I think it would be an interesting comic. Anyone with good website talents PM me. I basically have the first so parts written.

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Bill: Good work! only criticism is that the left eye is a bit off but you can get over that easily.

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Bill: If anyone sees this what dimensions does Kaz use? I mean in pixels such as this is 250 by 250 pixels.

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Bill: Thanks
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