The only reward you shall receive is eternal pain and maybe a comment or two.

Dramatic Descriptions

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CaptainLackwit: @Mediocre_Scrublord: *shrug* Either way it's good to see this ancient meme again.

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CaptainLackwit: @Mediocre_Scrublord: That makes bright green eyes sound even more fucking awesome.

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CaptainLackwit: @POMA: Oohhhhh. So there is. Neato- I forgot all about that one.

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CaptainLackwit: I'm actually kind of curious- when did we decide that Katia's eyes were green? I'm seeing green-eyes Katia a lot, and mind you I'm partial to it, but I'm simply curious where it came from.

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CaptainLackwit: @VashTheStampede: Two apologies in a row- Talos, man, what did you SAY?

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CaptainLackwit: She really has been through some shit tho.

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CaptainLackwit: @Plague_of_Gripes: This is good- allows us to believe what we want and not have our dreams shattered. :P

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CaptainLackwit: @POMA: I know that.

@TemporaryFace: Let me have my dreams ; _ ;

Though in truth I really can't say I've ever seen the tip-twitching. Which is curious.

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CaptainLackwit: @TemporaryFace: I've... lived around cats my entire life and I can't say I've ever seen that behavior, at least not in this end-of-tail-joy-twitch that Katia does which Rajirra also seems to be doing.

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CaptainLackwit: I can't blame Rajirra, really. Having hair that long, it must feel really nice to have someone else brush it, gets knots out, and so on. So even if every moment with Katia is agony.

At least it's a solid good brushing.

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CaptainLackwit: Oh. My. God. Yes.

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CaptainLackwit: @Bob: I've been sitting in these catacombs for several years. In fact, you can see where the stone has worn away from being sat on so much.

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CaptainLackwit: @VashTheStampede: *pats Vash on the back*

It's okay. It was inevitable.

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CaptainLackwit: Dammit, I missed another stream. I always feel bad about that.

Also, the more Rajirra in this world, the better.

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CaptainLackwit: @VashTheStampede: Golly Gee Willickers Mr. Stampede, that's even more factiful than I thought..!

Katia's prettiness is the factiest fact that ever facted, or at least it will be if this keeps up.

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CaptainLackwit: I uh, uh, uh, uh...



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CaptainLackwit: @VashTheStampede: Yes. This is a fact.

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CaptainLackwit: @MetalC0Mmander: Naaaaaah there's a certain look of insecurity/unsure...ness, that only Katia can really do.

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CaptainLackwit: @POMA: MY HEART. TOO CUTE. Excellent coloring job!

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CaptainLackwit: Haha, can't help but laugh.

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CaptainLackwit: @Plague_of_Gripes: I love the, "Very typical" addition there. Something about it sends me on a chuckling spree.

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CaptainLackwit: *SIGH* I suppose I have to spend some time in this box.

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CaptainLackwit: @Mediocre_Scrublord: I seriously want to get one of those shirts for myself. Just because.

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CaptainLackwit: Haha, oh that's mean.

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CaptainLackwit: @tronn: But WILL he still be bad news?

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CaptainLackwit: Question is, is SHE bad news?

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CaptainLackwit: @Diocletithik_Nagnaresh: :D

Srsly tho, Katia 2cute4me.

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CaptainLackwit: http://www.prequeladventure.com/fanartbooru/post/view/983#search=artist%3APlague_of_Gripes I really adored this image and decided to make it my desktop. But I felt like I should touch it up like crazy too. Hope this is alright to do. :D

Figured you guys may want it too. Credit goes to Plague of Gripes for the original, all too adorable for anyone's good image.

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CaptainLackwit: This has been my skype avatar for way too long.

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CaptainLackwit: @Lazy_Fat_RissianRS: http://reactionface.net/reactionface/images/original/379.jpg?new=1

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CaptainLackwit: @Diocletithik_Nagnaresh: Me neither. But I had to read it aloud.

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CaptainLackwit: @Diocletithik_Nagnaresh: http://vocaroo.com/i/s1T7jMWQy0Tl Here, maybe this will clear things up.

...Nah, it won't.

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CaptainLackwit: @Lazy_Fat_RissianRS: What?

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CaptainLackwit: @Man_Of_Mer: I actually got to use that today!

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CaptainLackwit: "For sake of fucks".

I MUST use this.

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CaptainLackwit: @POMA: What? No, I was ooh-ing as in, "Ooh, nice. That's good. This is a quality thing and a nice improvement. I find it favorable." I've always taken multiple Os as being impressed/finding something favorable. Multiple Hs as understanding, and capitalized both as OOOHHH SERVED.

Ooh, Ohh. OOHH. It's... Complicated.

But rest assured, it was positive.

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CaptainLackwit: I really like the one SomeDork did. Love the hair- dude can draw hair.

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CaptainLackwit: I felt pride when mine was the first one posted. Also sorry that it was not on imgur- I don't pay so I have to clean it up sometimes, and totally forgot you were going to post these.

My bad. D:

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CaptainLackwit: @POMA: Oooohhhh

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CaptainLackwit: YES!

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CaptainLackwit: That man's art is godlike. I can only hope to draw that well someday... But damned if I won't try.

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CaptainLackwit: How about Katia and Quill-Weave just... Chillin' on a couch in front of a fire drinkin' nog? That'd be a pleasant, chill thing. That and Quill-Weave doesn't get enough art.

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CaptainLackwit: Holy shit. This is amazing.

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CaptainLackwit: Holy crap the colored one was ALSO an instant save!

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CaptainLackwit: I love how Kazerad is characterized by a vest.

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CaptainLackwit: This is fantastic.

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CaptainLackwit: Aawww~...

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CaptainLackwit: @Mediocre_Scrublord:

*Roaring Applause*

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CaptainLackwit: I think that is a good idea.
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