Always heed the Daedric Fun Tip.

Dramatic Descriptions

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Cryptid10: @Kazerad: Well like I said Kaz, a friend did it, so i cant say what filters he used.

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Cryptid10: A Simple edit an online friend made. I thought it was cool, and that someone might like it. It isn't really drawn, and is just some filters. Credit to Brotzi again.

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Cryptid10: We need an apologetic cat Emoticon.

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Cryptid10: Came back to this to use the Katmojis

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Cryptid10: I think the nose is a bit too big, but otherwise its 100X better than anything I could ever do :D

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Cryptid10: BRO TOO BOSS

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Cryptid10: I know what pic has my vote :D

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Cryptid10: @notabigthreat: Agreed.

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Cryptid10: Also, props for the Skyrim map underneath.

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Cryptid10: Amazing. I want twenty.

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Cryptid10: Also 11 people have downloaded this on thingiverse! That is much much more than I thought it would be!

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Cryptid10: @Tahrey: Dunno about cars other than toy ones. But I have seen car parts like an engine block. I also just saw a...cat shaped defense keychain...?

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Cryptid10: DOWNLOAD
Finally got around to putting it on thingverse.

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Cryptid10: @Kazerad: I know, but Talion's dagger was a broken sword too. It looks very similar to it.

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Cryptid10: I'd see what detail you can add to the lower half, then you're golden.

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Cryptid10: I like the dagger. It's similar to Talions from Shadow of Mordor.

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Cryptid10: https://spaces.hightail.com/space/eN3kS
Here. This should work.

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Cryptid10: @Tahrey: Yus. I'll post a download link, so anyone can download it. Feel free to post a pic. in the comments so others can see the make.

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Cryptid10: @Mezhik: Thanks! We actually had problems with the other ones I printed off based on other series, but this one finished fine.

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Cryptid10: @angrybacteria: I do. Recommend any sites I could use to share it with you/others? I'm gonna post it on the thingiverse, but I can't until tomorrow.

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Cryptid10: @Mezhik: =( sorry. I wish kaz would do some official necklaces like this, but you never know. As for me, I used our schools printer.

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Cryptid10: Edit: So the original image belongs to a user named Prophet_Lord. Honestly Kaz, you could make this Prequel's official logo.

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Cryptid10: A pic of my necklace (My own amulet of silence) made with a 3D printer. I did this quite a while ago, but didn't have an account to share it. I used a logo someone made on here, although I can't find it. If anyone finds the link, I'll credit the author. I'm thinking of painting it, but I'll ned to get some good quality paint first.

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Cryptid10: @Armored-Struggle-Wagon: Thanks! I haven't done a whole lot of image editing, so I wasn't really sure if these were good or not. My first pic was just fansnark, but I really put time into the others. So again, thanks for the feedback!

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Cryptid10: @SameButDifferent: Yay. I am loved.

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Cryptid10: Probably the last SSB edit I’ll do. I was gonna do another challenger approaches from a different smash, but a user named SameButDifferent suggested a victory screen.(Why didn’t I think of that?) So, here it is.

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Cryptid10: @SameButDifferent: Finished it.

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Cryptid10: @SameButDifferent: Well now I want to do that too, dammit. I guess I'll try and make it a bit nicer like the challenger approaching one, but we will see.

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Cryptid10: Yeeeaahhh, the challenger approaching one is better.

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Cryptid10: Whalp, I did do it. Probably could have done a bit better, but theirs an inconsistent rendering tag for a reason. Plus it’s a little nicer than some SSB newcomer ballots I’ve seen. Regardless, I think it’s kinda funny, so that counts for something.

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Cryptid10: A Prequel SSB challenger edit. I'm honestly surprised nobody has done this yet. I'm thinking of doing a SSB newcomer picture of Katia too, but it would take longer. Plus it would be less dramatic as I'd be using this image from the comic.

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Cryptid10: @SameButDifferent:Ok den, I'm just gonna leave it there to spite you.

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Cryptid10: @katiaaitak: Yay. Mission complete

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Cryptid10: This pic needs more love. Metroid+Prequel= BEST COMBO

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Cryptid10: First pic/edit I've ever done. Me and my friends were making spongebob references and this came to mind. Didn't have much editing tools to work with, but oh well.
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