Obey all rules or suffer unimaginable consequences.

Dramatic Descriptions

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D_C_N: Merch aside, I personally would prefer slower good updates, as opposed to a bunch of fast, meh ones.

Besides, coming up with Ideas for good story progression takes time. A bunch of time. And then there is executing the idea, sometimes scrapping it and starting over. And then there is a art. And sometimes gifs.

And that's not even taking into acount anything else that may be going on at the time. In this case, a bunch of merch that needs to be shipped.

Besides, is it really fair to not want Kazerad to take on a big project "between updates" since unless he kills Katia, or ends the comic, he'll always be in between the last update, and the new one.

That's just my opinion, idk, maybe I'm just an idiot who likes to hear themselves speak, or read themselves... type.
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D_C_N: I some how missed that screen, it just took me to the list. Must of been the spirit of george ;)
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D_C_N: @ThatGuyWithAKhajiitWaifu: George is getting upset!
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D_C_N: @ThatGuyWithAKhajiitWaifu: I was joking, because you said katia was the only right answer, the implication being that really George was the only right answer.

Because George likes his chicken spicy
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D_C_N: @ThatGuyWithAKhajiitWaifu: you misspelled George Costanza
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D_C_N: George Costanza... best waifu 10/10 confirmed
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D_C_N: It migt be spam, but now at least my glorious metal sign is on top again ;)
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D_C_N: What?
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D_C_N: @Tahrey: with the caliber of people who took those classes when I was there, it's more frightening than you imagine.

Someone got stabbed with a welding torch once... and yet they still get a laser.
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D_C_N: He made it when we were seniors in highschool, a d he was in a metal shop class, so that's how he used the laser.

And I'm not sure exactly how heavy, but fairly heavy for sure.
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D_C_N: @Tahrey: they cut it out with a laser cutter of some kind.

And as far as then light box is concerned, I'm afraid you may be more clever than we. Since he intent was just for me to hang it, but but it was much too heavy. Hence why it had to be screwed into the wall.
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D_C_N: @AMKitsune: it's just a piece of metal, painted black, with yellow paper taped to the other side.
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D_C_N: A friend made me this a while back, but I couldn't figure out how to display it.

So I stuck yellow paper behind it, drilled holes in it, and screwed it into my wall.
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D_C_N: @ThatGuyWithAKhajiitWaifu: I think it's a good sorta balance. Classy is what I would call it
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D_C_N: 10/10 would look at again.
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D_C_N: Nice form! Uh, the er, um, style that is... of course.
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D_C_N: Adorable and sad...
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D_C_N: Daww
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D_C_N: W-wut...but... or perhaps... hmmm
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D_C_N: I shall comment not on the controversy, but rather on the comic...

I found it to be rather funny. Well done.
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D_C_N: I noticed that the veiwer count drop off from this chapter and its predecessor was pretty huge, so I have to ask. Is there any interest in more stories?

Because if there is not, that's completely fine, and I'll focus my time on non-katia centered stories, and not bother anyone here anymore, I'd just kinda like to know either way.
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D_C_N: Oddly enough, even though I fall into the stories category that seemed to kinda annoy him, I do have to admit that I more or less agree with POMA.

He could have phrased it less harshly certainly,but I feel like he's not entirely wrong. No one wnats to hear that there is something wrong with what they created, but that doesn't mean that the error isn't there.

I can't say I agree with just declaring something "shit" with no explanation as to why, but I don't think that just simply saying that it's good is really helpful either. Feel like since I've posted my stories here (which is still sorta hard for me) I've become at least to some extent a better writer; not just because people told me what I was doing well, but more because people told me what I was not.

It's just my opinion, and, hell, I'm a writer not an artist so maybe it's completely different. But still, I thought it worth sharing.
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D_C_N: To rub, or not to rub. That is the question...

And the correct answer is rub
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D_C_N: Do what needest to be done... rubbest
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D_C_N: This will have been the last... idk, chapter I guess, of this particular story.

I'll probably post some unrelated one off kinda things, maybe. This story has just gotten too...complicated. not just the plot (mostly the plot) but also the fact that it takes place in a part of my world that I have not fully developed makes moving forwards... difficult.

Thanks for reading it and, sorry for leaving unfinished but I just don't really know where to go.

And lets be fair, my first story was prolly the best one, so I'm going to just try to do more like that.
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D_C_N: Looks cool... and maybe just a bit happier... or a lot happier.
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D_C_N: I knew the juice box would be a winner ;)

And thanks for the feedback as always.
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D_C_N: The new one, this time with art yay!

Or not, either way, as usual please let me know what you think, and thanks again for reading my stories :)
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D_C_N: Trust me, as far as my "art" is concerned, an actual drawing would deserve a lower score than my crappy hand writing.
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D_C_N: I think furrst blood is the clear winner here.
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D_C_N: In the emblem editor in the game it's in. It's made from a crap ton of, cresents and curvey triangles; stuff like that.
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D_C_N: How else does one hold two swords while having seemingly just burst into a room?
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D_C_N: Thanks, at least it's getting better. Hopefully the next part will be devoid of typos and... missing groups of soldiers. And likely not too much incompetence... except maybe for a bit of my own.
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D_C_N: Hopefully this segment was better than the last one. I feel like it was less boring if nothing else.
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D_C_N: I guess that was enough dumb call of duty emblems, time to get back to work.

Sorry it took so long, and, yeah, lemme know what ya think.
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D_C_N: I finished the story. Hated it. Deleted it and restarted, so it may be a while.
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D_C_N: Pretty cool :)
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D_C_N: Started to make another, and there was an earthquake... guess that's a sign.
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D_C_N: Also my new emblem... fear me.
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D_C_N: This stupid thing took 64 layers and a large portion of my sanity. But hey, at least it turned out extremely meh... that makes it all ok...
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D_C_N: There is, but sadly you cannot customize it.
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D_C_N: Yes. It's from a game. I'm not a Katia themed murderer... I might post more Katia gun skins in the future. And maybe the third part of my story. Or neither, we'll see.
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D_C_N: Maybe that's why she looks so put off... although, everytime I see it, i feel like she's judging me for procrastinating on finishing my story... oh well, good thing she's on the wrong side of the gun ;)
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D_C_N: Best part is... made it on the wrong side of the gun... can't even see it. What a cat-astrophy.
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D_C_N: It always cat-ches the enemy off guard. The purrfect killer. They'll be feline my power... and other puns
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D_C_N: Whatever. This, totally worth the time it took to create (it isn't)
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D_C_N: I might have a part 3 to upload in the coming days. If I can get it to be a level of quality I'm okay with.
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D_C_N: I know, er, well, that, hopefully is the plan. That I can pull Katia back out of this world and publish it with only my own characters. But the problem I seem to have is balance, if not enough happens, it will be boring. If too much happens it will be clutered. And if it has fast parts and slow parts it would probably be far to long.

Seeing as I am posting this to the prequel fanart site, I don't really feel that I could justifiably expect anyone here to read a 20 page story, where most of the content are things that they aren't really interested in.

Thanks for the encouragement though.
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D_C_N: I lied. I have no idea how to proceed. I think this segment may be the last. I think I just neednto practice more before I post anything else. So, I'm afraid my little story may have to end here.
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D_C_N: Thanks for the feedback and the answers, of my flaws, that I was actually aware of is my poor dialogue.

And for the next story, I think I have a decent Idea of how to proceed. (I'll be sure to include more details regarding the features of, well, battle, in the next story)
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