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Dawoc: Oh, is that what you call it? Your 'inventory'?
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Dawoc: A Cat in Time
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Dawoc: @Rick2tails: Why not a pair of them? Why just one boob?
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Dawoc: Katia and Communism: Two things that consistently fail at what they try to do.
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Dawoc: I thought the guar plush was her leg for a second
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Dawoc: You misspelled "Sequel".
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Dawoc: @twistNtwirl: There's no pineapple or yoyo, the most important of items!
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Dawoc: Featured masterpiece, anyone?
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Dawoc: @ThatGuyWithAKhajiitWaifu: I wouldn't necessarily say that's the case. I personally don't really care, but I can see why some people are getting annoyed.

Like I mentioned 1/4 of art submitted to the booru these days is exclusively Nicros_Man stuff. Now, this wouldn't really be a problem, if it wasn't for the fact that most of it seem to focus on his OCs and AU story, which kind of has the effect of making this place resemble something of a personal DeviantArt gallery.

Sure, they could just blacklist the "your_weird_OC" or "artist:nicros_man" tag, but then they might miss something they'll like. Because they might not be against people drawing their OCs interacting with Prequel characters on principle, or even Nicros_Man's art (because he's not a bad artist), just where the focus of a lot of his art seems to lay and the sheer amount.

I also think how new people will react to this is a somewhat valid concern. New people are going to come in and see a significant portion of the fanart page filled with what is seemingly one guy's wish fulfillment. Now, how will they react to this? That's a valid question.

Like I said, I personally don't care one way or the other, but I thought I'd weigh in, because I think calling the people who have an issue with this "whiner looking for something to complain about" is a bit unfair.
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Dawoc: 24% of new art submitted to the booru is created by Nicros_Man on average. This number is the rough average of the last 10 pages.

Not picking a side here, just throwing out a statistic! Make of it what you will!
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Dawoc: You and your friends are dead.

Except you don't have any, so you're good.

Except you're dead.

Game Over.
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Dawoc: @SilentOrbweaver: I find that whether someone likes or dislikes ESO largely depends on what they went in expecting, and what kind of game they wanted out of it. As an Elder Scrolls game, yeah it's kind of garbage. As an MMORPG, it's pretty damned good and probably one of the better examples on the market. I absolutely loved the PvP in that game.
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Dawoc: I was thinking of uploading the non-halloween version of this here as well, but it contains a hint of areola, so I'd rather play it safe.
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Dawoc: When you're playing scrabble and you're trying really hard to think of a word to spell.
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Dawoc: Sneaky cat.
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Dawoc: If I were to put everything on yellow, and win, would she be the prize?
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Dawoc: Honestly, I think that labeling this questionable is going just a tad overboard, even for this booru.
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Dawoc: If Katia accepted the Count of Kvatch's offer to become his heir? I mean, it'd only last a couple of weeks - if that - but would be pretty nice change of pace for our favorite Khajiit.
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Dawoc: Yes, keep going.
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Dawoc: Worth every Septim.
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Dawoc: Does she hate mondays?
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Dawoc: Oh, Katia Morrigan?
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Dawoc: It's just a flesh wound.
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Dawoc: Absolutely Haram
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Dawoc: And proud!
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Dawoc: Not gonna lie, I kinda saw this too.
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Dawoc: Yeah, that looks like an appropriate reaction to the update.
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Dawoc: *Insert obligatory update joke here*
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Dawoc: Now I have this urge to see Katia in Quill-Weave's evil outfit.
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Dawoc: That's some seriously impressive animation, though. It honestly looks like it could've been made by Kaz himself.
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Dawoc: @MetalC0Mmander: It's a comment section on the internet. These things are to be expected.
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Dawoc: Elsweyr shall rise again!
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Dawoc: @realbboy: Fair enough, that makes sense. But yeah, might be a good idea to put stuff like this up on the site somewhere, rather than rely on hearsay. Not everyone hangs out on his streams or on Discord, after all.
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Dawoc: The fact that there hasn't been an updated for 1,5 years doesn't really upset me, it's not like I don't have other things to sink my time into. At this point, I think a lot of fans (myself included) just want some semblance of transparency into what's actually keeping it, and if those answers were given, I believe it'd help a lot in calming the "fan-snark" down.
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Dawoc: I'm gonna be "that guy" and say that looking at this makes me realize how quickly I would've lost interest in the comic, had Katia been human. Khajiit Katia is just too adorable.
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Dawoc: I guess Spanish Katia is way more.. playful than regular Katia.
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Dawoc: And she just stands there, being a khajiit.
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