Unimaginable suffering shall be granted to those that do not tag properly.

Dramatic Descriptions

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Drowsy-fox: Velma: ask for his name then look through your mail to see if there is anything fore him. You never know we're you might run into someone your delivering to.

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Drowsy-fox: I love it

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Drowsy-fox: I really like the art stile and the shading in this pictur. good job once again furnut.

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Drowsy-fox: This looks amazing

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Drowsy-fox: Velma: walk up and try talking to him. nothing bad can happen with just talking can it?

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Drowsy-fox: What plane of oblivion is this.

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Drowsy-fox: This is amazing.

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Drowsy-fox: *Velma* keep an eye out for any bandits. They could be lurking around any corner waiting to steal your items.

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Drowsy-fox: Run fore it if you can.

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Drowsy-fox: In skyrim You get rings after you merry if I remember correctly.

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Drowsy-fox: I noticed the rings I just had chocolate on my mined. now I'm full on chocolate milk, a wad of mini KitKat's that melted in a car and I froze back together, and some chocolate fudge cookies.

Lol kitkat's(cats).

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Drowsy-fox: OK I made some chocolate milk so I should be fine now...

Whate is that chocolate cake I see on the chocolate table?!

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Drowsy-fox: Is the building they are in made of chocolate because if it is they should make that milk on the chocolate table into chocolate milk. Just scrape some chocolate off of the chocolate brick wall.

I think I may have chocolate on my mined right now. Maybe I should go get some.

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Drowsy-fox: There should be a guess that crossover Game show. I have a crossover picture of katia that's almost dun. Ill see if anyone can guess the crossover Wen I post it.

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Drowsy-fox: Are we on who's line is it anyway. Because if we are I'll play.

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Drowsy-fox: @furnut: Your art is amazing.

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Drowsy-fox: Go fore the one that's armed with a spear...

Spear drops to the ground.
Whate wick one was armed again.

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Drowsy-fox: This is amazing.

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Drowsy-fox: It looks really good.

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Drowsy-fox: Everyone cover your eyes.

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Drowsy-fox: Velma-*Check your delivery schedule and see we're your first stop is.*

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Drowsy-fox: How do you change your profile picture fore the fan art page.?

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Drowsy-fox: It looks like katia and quill weave are standing on a space ship piloted by those 2 pineapples.

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Drowsy-fox: My laptop is also a tablet. Its one of those that you can take the screen off of the keyboard. Unfortunately I haven't bean able to use it since I got it do to my not having internet.: sadcat:

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Drowsy-fox: velma-*Are your shoe lases tied, Did you pack a lunch, and did you bring a map.*

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Drowsy-fox: @furnut: Once I have the money to get an app to draw on my laptop with I'll probably switch to drawing on that more. All I have is the basic paint program, and all the good drawing apps require paying monthly ore yearly. Even then I wold need internet. so my only option at the moment is drawing on my phone. I guess there's always paper and pencil.

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Drowsy-fox: @furnut: I was just assuming it was something else, because the cup that broke looked like a mug not like a wine glass. I suppose wine could be in a mug to. And I don't know what wine looks like ether. I wold assume that wine wold have quite a variety of coolers. And I meant the blood thing as a joke sorry.

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Drowsy-fox: I like this picture a lot. And I really like the stile of the picture...

I still want to know what was in quill weaves cup. Is it just a very red coffee ore Is it blood?. I wold really like to know.

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Drowsy-fox: I oddly want to see more to. So that's a yes from me.

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Drowsy-fox: @MetalC0Mmander: So it's just a plot twist to show what captain America wold be like as a villain.

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Drowsy-fox: I don't even know what that hail hydra stuff is about with captain America but I find it to be a little creepy.

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Drowsy-fox: I'm not very good at spelling so I'm probably not the best to point that stuff out, sorry.

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Drowsy-fox: @Armored-Struggle-Wagon: I know what you meant by that. It does look a little thick even fore slobber. But mhm Ya, I'm going with slobber.

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Drowsy-fox: ?

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Drowsy-fox: It looks like a combination of milk and slobber around the khajiit,s cup.

and what was in that cup that Quill weave dropped it looks an offal lot like blood. Is quill weave a vampire?

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Drowsy-fox: I love the picture and the words that describe it. This is now one of my most favorite pictures of katia I've seen so far...

And I wanted to point out that you misspelled the word learned In it.

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Drowsy-fox: I feel like something bad happened in that city that made katia have to leave. And she turns around to take one last look at the city but it just makes her cry.

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Drowsy-fox: I have not the words to say. Fore the memory of my past are to hard to speak. I find myself now wandering alone. In the distant land of forgotten soles.

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Drowsy-fox: @Armored-Struggle-Wagon: The only problem I have with using my phones hot spot fore my laptop , is it takes my phones mobile data really fast. So I may have to take you up on that offer sometimes. Fore right now it should be fine tho. And I'll try to learn the different tags as I go too.

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Drowsy-fox: @AMKitsune: I used my phone hot spot and checked out that flash. it looks like it wold help me out a lot with tagging things. : )

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Drowsy-fox: And is it just me ore does the throne look like it's shaped like a pineapple.

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Drowsy-fox: Which is more prickly the pineapple ore the throne?...
I think it wold be the pineapple.

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Drowsy-fox: This makes me think of a game called Alice madness returns. But this looks far cooler.

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Drowsy-fox: @notabigthreat: Sadly my phone doesn't support flash, and I don't have any internet in my house to use my laptop. So I'm unable to view that flash. But thank you fore the pointers.

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Drowsy-fox: By the way I drew this on my phone... I just thought I'd put that little side note there.

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Drowsy-fox: I found out that I can edit it but I still can't fix the scrambled order of the words. this is my first upload so I'm not familiar with any of it. Well on to what I was going to say before the confusion. I've never used the shapes to map out a face before so I thought why not practice with katia. On the left I took an existing picture of katia to try it with. the picture I made is on the right. i found out that Its a lot tougher to draw katia then I thought.I definitely need to work on the shoulders more. Ill keep practising.

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Drowsy-fox: I apparently misspelled katia's name somehow. and I don't know what happened to the tag it Wasn't scrambled wen I typed it.
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