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furnut: Assuming Dodger is Quill, she sees her first furry lesbian fantasy come to life..... or is it just someone that is just happen to look like her?

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Nyflex: It's time to commit your second crime, Dodger!

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Armored-Struggle-Wagon: That milk seems just a tad bit too thick to be milk. >;p

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furnut: SHhhh.....you don't notice the milk thickness.

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Drowsy-fox: It looks like a combination of milk and slobber around the khajiit,s cup.

and what was in that cup that Quill weave dropped it looks an offal lot like blood. Is quill weave a vampire?

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Armored-Struggle-Wagon: @Drowsy-fox: I was hinting at a.. different bodily fluid,I mean, that stuff is too thick, and sticky, but yeah, that works too. >;3

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Drowsy-fox: @Armored-Struggle-Wagon: I know what you meant by that. It does look a little thick even fore slobber. But mhm Ya, I'm going with slobber.

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Geravind: Looks nice.
Don't picture such big cartoonish heads, it looks weird.
Ahem... meat and milk simultaneously? It leads to horrible death actually.

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woundedkneecap: That's my weird fetish.

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Vidiotdragon: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2P5qbcRAXVk

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Pepsidude: There is no way that's not cum.

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Kewot_Rokar: The amount of lewd...

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furnut: @Vidiotdragon: nice :D

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Skoon: Cup of horse extract?

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Armored-Struggle-Wagon: But, in all seriousness, nice work, furnut! I like this, very cute. (and very silly! >;3)

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furnut: @Armored-Struggle-Wagon: Thank you! Also, I enjoyed all the comments here. I didn't expect this much attention to just the milk

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AMKitsune: Wow, this comment thread took a turn for the... imaginative.

That aside, as ASW said, fantastic stuff. Your scenes and the ways you draw characters in them are always adorable.

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Cattitude: "Why is there a Khajiit hooker in my house and why is she drinking my milk?"

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furnut: @Cattitude: lol! Not sure if you were just joking, but I was trying to convey they were in a bar by putting alcohol and a dart board on the wall. Ignore this if you were just joking

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furnut: @AMKitsune: aw thanks!

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Drowsy-fox: I like this picture a lot. And I really like the stile of the picture...

I still want to know what was in quill weaves cup. Is it just a very red coffee ore Is it blood?. I wold really like to know.

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Armored-Struggle-Wagon: @furnut: Say, furnut, do you have anything I can talk to you through, like directly, like Skype, or Steam? I would like to be your friend. <3

(Unless of course, if you don't want to, that's fine, too )

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furnut: @Drowsy-fox: I was going for wine, but I was quite tired by the time I was coloring the wine and didn't bother to look up what real wine looks like.

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Geravind: @Armored-Struggle-Wagon: You can send a PM here in contrast to Purrgatory (after clicking on username) and see number of received new messages in right-upper corner. It's not voice communication, but still...

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Cattitude: @furnut: Yeah, I was just making a dumb joke and I am dumb for not realizing it was a bar. I didn't see the alcohol and dart board.

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Drowsy-fox: @furnut: I was just assuming it was something else, because the cup that broke looked like a mug not like a wine glass. I suppose wine could be in a mug to. And I don't know what wine looks like ether. I wold assume that wine wold have quite a variety of coolers. And I meant the blood thing as a joke sorry.

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furnut: @Drowsy-fox: Hey its all good! I appreciate the comment

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dtlux14: Katia loves that "milk", it's time to share some with Quill Weave.