Molag Bal doesn't like rule thirty four images.

Dramatic Descriptions

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Filthypaladin: bread

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Filthypaladin: An accurate representation of Oblivion's khajiits

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Filthypaladin: Just thinking of a hypothetical 'college arc'

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Filthypaladin: Then in comically timed fashion a stray magelight spell hits her in the face.

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Filthypaladin: "Now with your newly gained confidence in your ability to overcome odds never thought imaginable. You go on to face your greatest challenge yet... College! Wrought with unparalleled social perils so unprecedentedly mundane, that even the most minor of interactions is rife with communicative nuance. An academic workload so demanding that it'll strain your mind past it's very limits and your body beyond what should even be considered a tolerable amount of sleeplessness. And that's just the regular parts of college!

But, this isn't just regular college, this is magic college. This is the Arcane University! So important is it, that its located in its own dedicated section of the Imperial City, walled off, far from the city proper, even with it's own magic guards! Where students, barely into adulthood, learn to wield the raw energy of the universe - at a whim! There's probably no relation there.

Although, admittedly based off your past experiences with their alumni, you hold at least a little bit of reservation. But, surely those circumstances were the exception, not the norm. So, lets look forward to a brighter future!"

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Filthypaladin: All great adventures start with a stupid idea!

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Filthypaladin: also, cast shadows HAH!

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Filthypaladin: I needed to work on my male figures so...

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Filthypaladin: lovely atmosphere

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Filthypaladin: eggcellent!

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Filthypaladin: @Vinarto: don't say that stuff, man. I really respect the work that he does.

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Filthypaladin: @bluedraggy: that feeling when you have a toxic relationship with your own ass

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Filthypaladin: @bluedraggy: Rajirra - Hips Don't Lie

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Filthypaladin: @Filthypaladin: it's fine, it'll give me an excuse to draw another one

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Filthypaladin: @XenoYparxi: yeah, i can see that.

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Filthypaladin: grossly underestimated thin fabriced, boofy pants.

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Filthypaladin: Drew this to offset Katia's frumpiness

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Filthypaladin: Nice pic btw

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Filthypaladin: Raj deserves better. ;c

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Filthypaladin: @XenoYparxi: slouchy frump kat

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Filthypaladin: @XenoYparxi: Her legs might be a bit too long, she is also hunching too

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Filthypaladin: this might sound strange, but i really like her thick ankle design.

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Filthypaladin: The years move ever closer to the beginning of Prequel and everything in between.

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Filthypaladin: @bjornhansenthemansen: take that foul nord speak outa here you!

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Filthypaladin: Basically an anime when u think bout it

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Filthypaladin: Also, yes she has a gargantuan head normally

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Filthypaladin: I wanted to draw a more canonically proportioned Katia. Also, bonus khajiit skull sketch!

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Filthypaladin: @Filthypaladin: very meta

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Filthypaladin: @Tabby_Catface: It's her subconscious telling her to have another go at life.

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Filthypaladin: @vsauce4: *gingerly places hand upon giant cat's, cat shoulders*

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Filthypaladin: i like this :)

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Filthypaladin: @AMKitsune: Nah, is t cool. I mean i had to look of reference to find out. :p

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Filthypaladin: one of y'all will get the reference

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Filthypaladin: @AMKitsune: Also, from my references, bulky, muscular thighs on women do tend to be that big in relation to the waste. In fact I probably should have given her a bigger butt. :)

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Filthypaladin: @AMKitsune: Also, that edit, if I were to criticize it, I'd say that her hips come off as too narrow, too close to male hips.

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Filthypaladin: @AMKitsune: The whole picture is kind of joke giving Katia swole legs, that's sort of the focal point. (;

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Filthypaladin: @Filthypaladin: So, to anyone, don't be disheartened, it's tough learning process that does indeed take time to learn and conceptualize effectively.

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Filthypaladin: @Geravind: It's important not to diminish how complicated the process truly is, it's much more multifaceted than it seems. It's a daunting task that even masters have to consistently reinforce, and to new-coming artists, as there seem to be many on here, it can seem that much worse.

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Filthypaladin: @Geravind: No worries, I understand. I tend to have trouble with stray pixels just because the value is so similar. As for breaking down form into yet simpler forms is a work in progress, not so simple as it seems. The basic spheres, cubes, and cones take time in of themselves to understand and how light interacts with their unique planes, while merging them together into more complicated human figures has taken me the better part of a year to begin to understand. Since the muscle groupings change form depending on which one's are in use, and that's after building an understanding of what muscles compose each group, and what they actually do to move the body. Then of course how they actually look in the picture plane and natural looking posing.

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Filthypaladin: @Makkon: ty!

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Filthypaladin: I'm pretty sure this is thematically appropriate.

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Filthypaladin: I do actually canonically imagine Katia's legs as being not very muscular and a bit on the thinner side considering her petite size and calorically challenged nature. I also recount some older model art describing her as "wimpy" as well. But, maybe I shouldn't be doubting that fine naturally toned cat muscle!

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Filthypaladin: @Tabby_Catface: those are the MAD GAINS!

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Filthypaladin: Inspired by Makkon's art. Promise I'm being completely sincere, I just have hard time taking Katia seriously. lol

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Filthypaladin: Also clothing... those pesky things. Yeah, I don't tend to draw those too often. >.>

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Filthypaladin: did this for lighting practice and to better understand her figure in general.

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Filthypaladin: "I'm pretty sure I'm lost as shit right now."

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Filthypaladin: @Makkon: Also, never once have I been able to catch one of those streams.

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Filthypaladin: @Makkon: I like the way to keep to form on legs so much!

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Filthypaladin: kyoot
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