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Filthypaladin: Clever, clever!

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Filthypaladin: That's pretty ingenious, actually! I imagine another go at these, with a generous coat of frosting to mask any blemishes, would make for a lead contestant.

Although, they're still pretty cool as is.

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Filthypaladin: Ye, how'd you do these?

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Filthypaladin: Interesting artifacts, Stalker. (๑ゝڡ◕๑)

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Filthypaladin: Khajiit Dodger when?

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Filthypaladin: I like when she cries.

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Filthypaladin: AU Prequel High, Katia is that friendless awkward girl, Dodger feels sorry for her and decides to maybe to talk to her, hi-jinks ensue.

Also, Dodger is still in the closet.
(it writes itself)

note: “Argonians tickled under the chin will reflexively open their jaws.[27]”

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Filthypaladin: the disenfranchised youth of Cyrodiil

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Filthypaladin: OTP

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Filthypaladin: Katia:"A-awww geez, Aggy!"

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Filthypaladin: Suffice to say, the good time didn't last!

Spoilers: the horse probably died. =D

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Filthypaladin: Very informative!
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