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Dramatic Descriptions

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Jadezzar: Evil Nick version, eh? Jad would probably don't have to have one, since being a mercenary entails few things...

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Jadezzar: @Nicros_Man: That explains why your drawings are good. You've done it for quite some time.

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Jadezzar: @Nicros_Man: Yeah (While I prefer Jad).

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Jadezzar: Don't worry, dude. Your pic quite good.

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Jadezzar: @DOOMGUY11:

Meanwhile, Gharug would be 100% dead, after Jadezzar (75% dead), Katia and Asotil gang up on him.

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Jadezzar: @Toryu-Mau: @DOOMGUY11:
Lol. Yeah, not much drama in that flashback, maybe just a young Suthay-raht girl with recurring nightmare trading story with a teen Cathay who have seen the world.

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Jadezzar: @DOOMGUY11: Planning to. But I'll either wait until Kat finally got away from the witch, or just go ahead. Now, I'm kinda tempted to make Kat and Jad kinda recognize each other. (Well, Jad family passed through Hammerfell at one point. They might met Kat and her family at one point)

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Jadezzar: >Too heavy
Wait until you got a "real" armor.

(Keep up drawing, dude.)

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Jadezzar: Ah. Each to their own preference indeed. Nice picture, by the way.

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Jadezzar: @Toryu-Mau: Only Jad got to wore. Kat will got a headdress, though. And after I think, gonna give her a Kiritsuke kozane dou instead. She'll have a Naginata, Jad got a Yumi bow. And yes, both got golden crest, Kat a small one in shape of Cat head, Jad a big, crescent moon, though not as big as one worn by Date Masamune.

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Jadezzar: @Toryu-Mau: Don't worry. I don't want a Booru War. Just wondering, since there's some cliche associated with guys singing to impress a girl.

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Jadezzar: Good luck...

*stares hopefully at F-16 A/B/C/D and Su-27/30/35*

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Jadezzar: @DOOMGUY11: "Hey! I wanted to be in there too!"
(Note : For Jadezzar. I'll run away screaming if I'm surrounded by Khajiits, except if I'm actually in Elder Scrolls...)

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Jadezzar: @DOOMGUY11: "Ahem...

I was born in Elsewyr, to a pair of former mercenary-turned-traders. I grew up mostly in tents, away from home, since most of profits could be earn in dangerous places. Yet when I wanted to be a mercenary, my parents voiced their displeasure..."

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Jadezzar: The Japanese influence comes from the shoulder plates (sode). Maybe late variant, since it's not like the boxy earlier type.

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Jadezzar: @DOOMGUY11: Yeah. Lorica Segmentata is one of the armor worn by the Legionnaries of Rome (The other is Lorica Hamata, mail armor. While most depictions put the Segmentata as the common one, it might actually be the Hamata that got widely used).

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Jadezzar: This talk about Japanese armor makes me want to draw Kat in O-yoroi and Jad in Tosei-Gusoku.

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Jadezzar: And Mtiszha is a Suthay.

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Jadezzar: @Toryu-Mau: Already at home, lol. After 6 hours train ride from 19:30PM to 1:45AM.

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Jadezzar: @Toryu-Mau: Ah right. Could be Segmentata with Do-Maru or Tosei Gusoku too.

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Jadezzar: He reminds me to a villain design, but I don't know or remember...

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Jadezzar: Explain...?

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Jadezzar: @DOOMGUY11: Not too cheesy? I have feeling that few would consider it so.

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Jadezzar: Now that I'm thinking about it, maybe I'll draw Quill-Weave interviews Jad and his parents for an upcoming book, something-something Elder Scrolls version of Dogs of War.

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Jadezzar: @DOOMGUY11: Actually, I have to thank Kaz. I partly tried to base my style off him, although it doesn't really work out. Still trying to learn and get the ropes, if you know what I mean.

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Jadezzar: @Nicros_Man: Technically, Blades armor are based on Akaviri design, which in turn heavily based on Japanese armor.

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Jadezzar: I sorta like the right one. Maybe because of the Akaviri style armor.

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Jadezzar: @DOOMGUY11: If only I could do it better...or maybe someone makes a better version...oh well. Like I always said, critics are welcomed and if someone wants to draw a better version I appreciate it.

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Jadezzar: When I saw you in that dress, looking so beautiful
I don't deserve this, darling, you look perfect tonight

This is the part of lyric I wrote.

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Jadezzar: @DOOMGUY11: Meant to be a lute. But the train shakes, and I'm unused to draw on clipboard while in a vehicle, so...

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Jadezzar: @DOOMGUY11: Should've tried Gamerpoop version...

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Jadezzar: Gonna put colorized, cleaned and scanned version ASAP.

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Jadezzar: Two hours in a train + listening to Ed Sheeran "Perfect" = ^

Cheesy, I know. But eh...

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Jadezzar: Soyuz nerushimy respublik svobodnykh...

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Jadezzar: @DOOMGUY11: 2 sister and a brother is a big one? My dad have 9 siblings. 12, but 3 didn't make it to adulthood.

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Jadezzar: @DOOMGUY11: "Now, combine and charge it to be one big fireball

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Jadezzar: @DOOMGUY11: She's too flexible.

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Jadezzar: Can someone lend me a set of Dragonbone equipment? Need them to rearrange Sigrid's limbs.

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Jadezzar: They're adorable.

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Jadezzar: Sorry for the bad quality. However I'm heading back to my hometown for few day, and there's a scanner, so I could upload better quality and maybe even colorized version. Also, if you guys want to know, from left to right...

Matabi, 13, Tojay-raht, Jadezzar youngest brother. Dokharesh, 50, Cathay, Jadezzar father. Dranareshi, 48, Suthay-raht, Jadezzar mother. Mtiszha, 21, Jadezzar sister. Darokisha, 17, Ohmes-raht, Jadezzar sister.

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Jadezzar: @Toryu-Mau: Well, he's meant to look that young (23), but I'll try to do a new pic where I could do more detail.

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Jadezzar: Cooollll. You did it. And I flunked my drawing of Jad, Kat and Asotil ganging up on Gharug.

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Jadezzar: @Sashimi: Poor Jad gonna be jealous, though...

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Jadezzar: Nice drawing, dude. You're one of the most productive guy in here. Wish I could do something like that with Jad.

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Jadezzar: Cool pic, tho. Don't get me wrong.

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Jadezzar: @TrashPanda545: Kettenkrad. They are half bike half tracked vehicle. Still tho...

"Ladies, why use that puny thing...

When you can ride Königstiger?"

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Jadezzar: @DOOMGUY11: Ok, dude. Be careful.

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Jadezzar: Dug up and alter (a bit) pic of Jadezzar.

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Jadezzar: @Nicros_Man: Would you ever draw Nick bare chested? I think I've drawn Jad, but have yet to post that one. And I wonder if a male Khajiit with underpants warrant questionable tag.
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