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Dramatic Descriptions

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Jadezzar: @APayne1776_2: Your living dream is to be blammed by comissars? Bah. The best thing would be to join Adeptus Astartes.

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Jadezzar: D'aaww. Little one is fuzzy and adorable indeed .

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Jadezzar: Someone please remind me to make Kat kill Gharug, Durga slays Mahisashura style...

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Jadezzar: Hhhnnngggh. Cannot resist. Must pet.

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Jadezzar: @PermanentFace:

Well, when your sermons are very, "interesting", you've achieved CHIM, a God thanks to a "dead" God's heart, it's understandable. After all, he probably speared Indoril Nerevar Mora, with support from Seht and Ayem.

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Jadezzar: Fixed the formatting of the text.

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Jadezzar: @Zargothrax:
Nah, more majestic.

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Jadezzar: I'd happily watch Gharug got cooked alive by Kat...

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Jadezzar: @KuroNeko: Why all of them, when you can use Knahaten Flu...

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Jadezzar: @DarthVader: Burnnnn. Buuurrrrnnn, you Shit Lord.

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Jadezzar: Oblivion Crisis, prematurely triggered by a Khajiit and Dunmer Ancestor Guardian

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Jadezzar: Completely made up Kat armor. Jad, well, took inspiration from many different armor designs

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Jadezzar: Uncovered scan of old images. Will put some more.

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Jadezzar: @AMKitsune: I didn't expect it to be taken that serious. But yeah, choose your own adventure.

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Jadezzar: @KuroNeko:
Thanks dude, its wonderful. (Btw, he fought 3 Duneripper and killed one).

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Jadezzar: Kaz someday better make Prequel into printed book, with this as cover.

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Jadezzar: Btw, this is full clothing, no armor.

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Jadezzar: Someone advised me to put this long forgotten image up. Been very long time. It's an episode from my fanfic, where Jadezzar returned Katia guar doll from bunch of Dunerippers.

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Jadezzar: Thanks.

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Jadezzar: Thanks folks. It's a drawing I made one or two month ago, more or less. Meant to depict the Battle for Bruma.

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Jadezzar: Must.Hug

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Jadezzar: Sorry. Been long time, busy with stuffs. Drew it sometime after I played ESO Elsewyr BETA. Took inspiration from Khajiiti and RL Thailand-India-Myanmar-Cambodia-Indonesian(Balinese Hindu[And Ancient Javanese]) clothing.

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Jadezzar: Hmmpths...Jadezzar going to be very happy...

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Jadezzar: @Toryu-Mau: Oh right. Well I'll try. And eh, I still kinda busy from time to time. Just hope I could scan my pics tomorrow. Or maybe today. And then upload them to DA.

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Jadezzar: I really, really need to improve alot...

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Jadezzar: You finish it! Nice, nice...

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Jadezzar: Lo and behold...the dark corner of the internet. Or is it...?

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Jadezzar: @Toryu-Mau: Well...my DA isn't really used all that often since I mainly gonna post here. That said, my ID is Dolotski. And I'll prefer to be an observer rather than leader.

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Jadezzar: @Toryu-Mau: Just be careful with passwords and security. Also, be careful with news and information, because some of them might be fake, either the info or the account.

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Jadezzar: @Kazerad: Is there any other group beside the official one?

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Jadezzar: @Toryu-Mau: Hmm...

Why not make a Discord channel?

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Jadezzar: Continue drawing @Zargothrax: . We all need moar artist.

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Jadezzar: So.Many.Different.Styles...

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Jadezzar: @APayne1776: In real life, I'm a history student. Does that stop me from drawing?

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Jadezzar: @Toryu-Mau: I hope so. I really hope so.

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Jadezzar: @Toryu-Mau: For Americans or Russians, maybe even many other people, it's nuclear war. For Indonesian, maybe a civil war. With presidential and representatives election next year, many things could happen. The heat's already felt from 2014, in fact, when the current one got elected for first time (Oh, and hopefully again, next year. The alternative option is quite scary.)

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Jadezzar: @APayne1776: Don't worry, dude. Keep drawing. Ignore those voices.

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Jadezzar: @Toryu-Mau:
Don't overthink it too much, otherwise you'll be crazy as hell.

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Jadezzar: *gasp*

*rambles about the dangers of communism*

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Jadezzar: OOF, but seriously, though, never say a girl if she's flat right on her face.

Nice artwork, by the way.

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Jadezzar: Oh, Goed, goed. Nice.

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Jadezzar: This reminds me. Already done mine, but not yet colorized and edited. Still no luck to get image editing software yet...

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Jadezzar: Good job, dude.

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Jadezzar: Damn, dude. You got better very fast.

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Jadezzar: *all

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Jadezzar: @DOOMGUY11: Don't worry , dude. We ll have our own imagination...(Imagining Jad and Kat have xxx like Balian and Sibylla in Kingdom of Heaven. Hey, I might draw Jad as Balian and Kat as Sibylla. And maybe S'tenghir as Guy de Lusignan or Raynald de Châtillon

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Jadezzar: @Sashimi: Same. Should have kept drawing.

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Jadezzar: (Note : I'm somewhat of a bit traditionalist Catholic regarding sex. Rather marry first [and definitely know more about gf], and once and for all. Kinda silly, but I'm not the kind of guy that interested only in one nights, prefer long lasting relationship)

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Jadezzar: *gulps*

"I'm, rather interested in a bit more "formal" relationship first...but eh, we lives in interesting and dangerous time. Might not even seen tomorrow...so..."*undress with very happy grin*

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Jadezzar: @DOOMGUY11: Indeed kid. Indeed. (In certain situations, he could be ruthless and brutal. He didn't relish in it, though. Either because he fought for the pay or other reasons). Doesn't mean he's an absolutely merciless and remorseless killing machine.
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