LuminosityXVII: In which Katia loses most of her fur and clothes (again) in a freak laser sword accident, then proceeds to acquire a top from Batgirl's collection, boots from an 80s reenactment cover band, and a lightly used rappelling harness from a shady salesman specializing in outdoor recreational gear.
She is then entreated to save the local populace by wielding a fourth tier Shield of Fortuity in combat against the Space Octopus of the Third Moon of Geonosis. She eventually wins by activating Semblance of Pineapple, an ability that is essentially equivalent to going Super Saiyan except you smell delicious the entire time and can start wars by attempting to eat pizza.
LuminosityXVII: In which a world set ablaze witnesses the almighty power of the pineapple (and yo-yo) and lays down its arms in surrender, bringing forth an age of fear and peace.
LuminosityXVII: I do hope this hatchet is well and truly buried. I need to see Raj get her comeuppance AND redemption, and it's just not going to get done right unless you two collaborate on a story.
PF, you're in charge of comedic slapstick revenge. Sash, you're on feels duty--and my eyes had better be leaking by the end. Kaz, if you're reading this, you're with me on Quality Control. We get big heavy sticks to clonk underperformers with. Everyone else, take your places as the live studio audience. GO GO GO WE'RE ROLLING YESTERDAY
LuminosityXVII: @comkiller: ...Okay, full disclosure: I actually haven’t played Oblivion yet. In fact, so far the only Elder Scrolls games I’ve played are Skyrim and a touch of ESO. Oblivion is on my to-do list, along with Morrowind, and I did do some basic timeline research when I started this comic—but I had no idea Sigrid was an actual Oblivion character until you prompted me to look it up out of sheer confusion just now.
LuminosityXVII: @Sashimi: I, for one, always believe in the possibility of redemption for just about anyone. That said, given what we've seen so far, I'm still going with "total coward twat" until I see evidence otherwise.
LuminosityXVII: @durandal: I ingested 30 chapters before I saw the label. I am experiencing a childlike sense of wonder, an inability to focus on anything productive, and I think I can smell colors again. Also I can't feel my legs. Help?
LuminosityXVII: CiderWard, BlueDraggy American probably, born 1943; American possibly, born 2013
Struggles of the Common Argonian Against Her Ceiling and Also The Establishment, 2017
Crayon on computer screen
Struggles of the Common Argonian is lined with CiderWard's bombastic black swooshes and crayoned in with BlueDraggy's characteristic disdain for rooftops, canopies, domes, and generally anything with the nerve to go over his head. Bold strokes of the-dog-did-it brown dominate, accentuated by a brave splotch of roid rage red to capture the eye. A splash of motion-sickness green entreats the viewer to empathize with the subject Argonian--to feel as she feels, to experience first-hand her pain and intense nausea. While BlueDraggy's work has long been associated with the sound made by a baseball as it near-misses the viewer, the intrinsic message Ciderward brings to this piece delivers overtones of adorable-when-plastered and underscores the futility of attempting to comprehend the inner machinations of those who are objectively terrible at cartoonish first-person shooters.
LuminosityXVII: @SkyAce_76: Whoops! I haven't seen much of young Sheldon, honestly. Or any of the Big Bag Theory, actually. I'm told this is a heinous crime, so I guess that makes me an outlaw.
LuminosityXVII: @MevisRivinel: Holy dang, dude, you are all over the comments today! I mean, I'm in no position to talk given the madhouse of a thread I half-accidentally started and entirely intentionally fueled, but I mean lordy.
Those loops are always fun and not remotely weird to watch spiral forever into madness. Usually feedback loops end with something exploding or catching fire, though. I'll bring the popcorn.
@CaptainLackwit: Haha dude, the whole thing is mainly about my wondering if the weather vane reference was gonna show its face and then being a little excited when it did. Said weather vane reference comes from the story linked in the very bottom-right corner of the image--which by the way, @madmanransom, is the single most entertaining text-only adventure I have ever read, pony or no (though I haven't read Austaeoh yet, so there's that). It's essentially Groundhog Day, but with magic, snark, evil shapeshifting bugs, snark, the occasional chainsaw, extra snark with a hint of crazy, and a very loyal baseball bat. You should totally go watch the show up to S2E2 for context and then binge on this shit like there's no tomorrow.
Its two sequels are really good too, but they're heavier and deal more with mental trauma recovery, shipping, and then meta weirdness and the nature of the universe, so I'm not sure if they're everybody's slice of pie. More weather vane though, which is always a joy.
Dramatic Descriptions
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In unrelated news, I feel a sudden urge to make chicken noodle soup.
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She is then entreated to save the local populace by wielding a fourth tier Shield of Fortuity in combat against the Space Octopus of the Third Moon of Geonosis. She eventually wins by activating Semblance of Pineapple, an ability that is essentially equivalent to going Super Saiyan except you smell delicious the entire time and can start wars by attempting to eat pizza.
Coming to this holiday season.
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PF, you're in charge of comedic slapstick revenge. Sash, you're on feels duty--and my eyes had better be leaking by the end. Kaz, if you're reading this, you're with me on Quality Control. We get big heavy sticks to clonk underperformers with. Everyone else, take your places as the live studio audience. GO GO GO WE'RE ROLLING YESTERDAY
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I’m picturing this with Borderlands-style narration, only way more serious.
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I will now proceed to wear the Cone of Shame.
And also to bump Oblivion to the top of my queue.
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Still really like this piece tho
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I am now obligated to ship this.
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And there's something about claws drawn in that style that I've always liked, for some reason.
"Haha look at those dinky little things you call claws--mine are my ENTIRE FINGERS"
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...the title. Which informed me that there are two more parts to find.
Will report back.
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American probably, born 1943; American possibly, born 2013
Struggles of the Common Argonian Against Her Ceiling and Also The Establishment, 2017
Crayon on computer screen
Struggles of the Common Argonian is lined with CiderWard's bombastic black swooshes and crayoned in with BlueDraggy's characteristic disdain for rooftops, canopies, domes, and generally anything with the nerve to go over his head. Bold strokes of the-dog-did-it brown dominate, accentuated by a brave splotch of roid rage red to capture the eye. A splash of motion-sickness green entreats the viewer to empathize with the subject Argonian--to feel as she feels, to experience first-hand her pain and intense nausea. While BlueDraggy's work has long been associated with the sound made by a baseball as it near-misses the viewer, the intrinsic message Ciderward brings to this piece delivers overtones of adorable-when-plastered and underscores the futility of attempting to comprehend the inner machinations of those who are objectively terrible at cartoonish first-person shooters.
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Does it go well with hollandaise sauce?
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Of course, it's partly (okay, mostly) my fault, so I'm not sure how much say I deserve in the matter.
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You could set some sick fires with that.
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Come to think of it, I'm not sure I actually made it clear how the pineapple trick factored into all this until just now.
...Hehehe whoops.
I'll give you 300 Lumibucks to look the other way.
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Also, something something Lannister loop.
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Those loops are always fun and not remotely weird to watch spiral forever into madness. Usually feedback loops end with something exploding or catching fire, though. I'll bring the popcorn.
@CaptainLackwit: Haha dude, the whole thing is mainly about my wondering if the weather vane reference was gonna show its face and then being a little excited when it did. Said weather vane reference comes from the story linked in the very bottom-right corner of the image--which by the way, @madmanransom, is the single most entertaining text-only adventure I have ever read, pony or no (though I haven't read Austaeoh yet, so there's that). It's essentially Groundhog Day, but with magic, snark, evil shapeshifting bugs, snark, the occasional chainsaw, extra snark with a hint of crazy, and a very loyal baseball bat. You should totally go watch the show up to S2E2 for context and then binge on this shit like there's no tomorrow.
Its two sequels are really good too, but they're heavier and deal more with mental trauma recovery, shipping, and then meta weirdness and the nature of the universe, so I'm not sure if they're everybody's slice of pie. More weather vane though, which is always a joy.