MetalC0Mmander: Oh I get it. It's not with a love kitten. It's with love, singed Kitten. Well that or your calling KillerFish kitten... you how I got confused?
MetalC0Mmander: Porn of her of course.
Seriously though it's a picture of her going in a cave to lavel grind. So I guess her expression is a mix of fear, anoyance and boredom.
MetalC0Mmander: Will you guys stop messing these two hairstyle already! Rajirra has the long hair while katia has the short sideburn kinda things. But because this one went and gave both to this khajiit I can't tell who it's supposed to be.
MetalC0Mmander: To thins day I'm still trying to understand why members of the 4chan community are so intend to refer to their artists as drawfags, a term that should be perceived as an insult.
MetalC0Mmander: Wait wasn't the black woman from the first generation a red shrt too. And yes I think it's not hard to see I know almost nothing about Star Trek.
MetalC0Mmander: Wait have I missed something? Because from what I remember Blockhead was a pretty good show and your wording make it sound like it wasn't.
MetalC0Mmander: She can confort herself by thinking that not matter how oblivious to the world the she gets, she can never as oblivious as this asshole.
MetalC0Mmander: I want to change this tag for "worst best character?" I also want to go on an acurate tagging rampage but I don't know the policies on that subject. Someone needs to tell me what to do because I am afraid of what will hapen right now.
MetalC0Mmander: Do you really want to make us believe the bartender doesn't hate Katia enough to not try to maintain a social relation with her even for a second.
MetalC0Mmander: Did it after fucking up once. Don't know if there's usually some kind of unwriten rule about that but I thought it didn't matter much in this case.
MetalC0Mmander: I don't think us as manifestations in her head have to fear anything she can do. But for the residents of the Elder Scroll universe... well she could only kill like 1 or 2 at best.
MetalC0Mmander: Oh come on! Even if there are problem with a picture at least take the time to point them out and while you're at it what's good. Like I can say right now the proportions beside the head are great.
Dramatic Descriptions
Seriously though it's a picture of her going in a cave to lavel grind. So I guess her expression is a mix of fear, anoyance and boredom.
And wow those are the cutest argonians sculpted into this staff.