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MevisRivinel: @MevisRivinel: everything looks perfect :D
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MevisRivinel: Is the moon Masser? Because it's kind of reddish. Other than that, I have no questions :D
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MevisRivinel: now I want to sleep even more than I did a couple minutes ago .______.
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MevisRivinel: Is that . . . a Skyrim staff? O_o :D
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MevisRivinel: @Raydio: I said that I'm not sure. That means that there is a chance that I am sure :D
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MevisRivinel: I really like the idea but I'm not so sure that she would actually make a good Catwoman :/
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MevisRivinel: @stupid_smelly_greedy_cat_people: well the artist did say that it's Sigrid.
@YeOldeCuckolde: This is awesome. Now I actually want to know her full backstory, like what happened before the part that Stephane talked about.
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MevisRivinel: @Toryu-Mau: makes sense :D
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MevisRivinel: I know this picture is pretty old but, the Oblivion Gate is STILL blocking the city gate! WE CANNOT GO AROUND IT!!! EVEN THOUGH IT'S LIKE TEN FEET AWAY!!! >:( . . . :D
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MevisRivinel: Hmm . . . did you also make Aggy sort of smile? Cool outfit on the khajiit though :D
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MevisRivinel: @MevisRivinel: O_O HOW DARE I MISSPELL SHEOGORATH'S NAME?! I shall now try to escape my doom by hiding in da closet. .____.
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MevisRivinel: um . . . by "this part" I mean the imagination at the dinner party thing.
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MevisRivinel: So I was rereading the story and got to this part. This is how I imagine Shegorath would react to it
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MevisRivinel: @Toryu-Mau: mortals and ex-mortals! XD
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MevisRivinel: @Toryu-Mau: now that I look back at it, it does kinda look scary . . . XD sorta
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MevisRivinel: . . . I think I should have made the background darker . . .
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MevisRivinel: And I just tagged it "nightmare" because it's not the nightmare king, but rather the nightmare cultist. :/
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MevisRivinel: Oh and by the way, Gaius is wearing pajamas
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MevisRivinel: This is how I imagine Gaius Artrum's nightmares. With the "he just stands there" line
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MevisRivinel: Thanks
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MevisRivinel: Hmm . . . actually, apparently it's not my first Prequel art. I just found some drawings on paper, but I'm not going to upload them because everything is just too messed up and I tried drawing it with my left hand and upside down so, yeah
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MevisRivinel: If this was my first art ever . . . XD
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MevisRivinel: @LuminosityXVII: Yeah, I mean Prequel XD
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MevisRivinel: Plus, I don't think that my signature counts as Daedric Text :/
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MevisRivinel: whoops, the word above the paintbrush his supposed to be "LAL" not "LAI" you know, like "lol" but "LAL" :/
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MevisRivinel: ok I'm done
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MevisRivinel: . . .
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MevisRivinel: This is my first art and I need a moment to calm my nerves after drawing this. :/
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MevisRivinel: @Toryu-Mau: Yep. :D
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MevisRivinel: @Toryu-Mau: Yep. Usually stuff like that happens around 10 AM :/ . . . :D
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MevisRivinel: @MevisRivinel: Hmm, unless it's an eclipse . . . or the sky just decided to become a blueberry, hence the color
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MevisRivinel: One of the tags is "magnus." Umm . . . Don't you mean "secunda"? Magnus is the "sun" and Secunda is one of the moons . . .
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MevisRivinel: The wizard beards are going to take over TAMRIEL!!!
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MevisRivinel: I think this should have been in Sheogorath's Shrine Oblivion quest. Would have made it ten times better. (well, maybe I'm exaggerating)
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MevisRivinel: Awesome animation tho :D
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MevisRivinel: Huh, I'm really starting to hate tables for some reason now :T . . . maybe going to start eating on the floor . . . or the ceiling . . . whichever works out best
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MevisRivinel: :D
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MevisRivinel: yep!
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MevisRivinel: Hehehehehehehehehehehe
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MevisRivinel: Katia: welp, the gods actually heard me back in the castle.
Sigrid: . . . shit
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MevisRivinel: sooo, how long did she really sit there? O_o
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MevisRivinel: @MevisRivinel: oops I forgot and after the "HURRRRRAAAAAAAAAAAAY" :/
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MevisRivinel: да, это "POWER TO THE PREQUEL." вот прямо хочется закричать "УРРААААААААААААААААА" и на бой против всех кто смеет сказать иначе (или что-то плохое о Prequel) . . . :)

Translation (just in case):

yeah, it's "POWER TO THE PREQUEL." Now I just want to yell, "HURRRRRAAAAAAAAAAAAY" go fight anyone who dares say any different (or something bad about Prequel) . . . :)
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MevisRivinel: sooo, Katia would still be in her adventurer clothes and with a sword by that time? Still awesome!
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MevisRivinel: Archemage robes :3. Awesome.
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MevisRivinel: All I can say is: hardcore.
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MevisRivinel: What if this actually happened? Like Stephane walked out of the tavern, then heard the noises from the inside, came back in to see what was going on and saw THIS. . . . that would be awesome
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MevisRivinel: epicness . . .
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