Obey all rules or suffer unimaginable consequences.

Dramatic Descriptions

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NewFace: "Annoying stranger expects me to fight mutants" misrepresents her decision not only to cut and run but to lock "annoying stranger" in a room with the mutants, presumably to die. She was also rude before that though, yeah.
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NewFace: In retrospect, it was nice of Sigrid to let her keep her bandages.
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NewFace: Technically all of this belongs to our lord and savior Todd Howard.
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NewFace: Brickadia you say? Is that something you'd recommend for recreating interior spaces digitally?
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NewFace: I prefer Surilie Bros.
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NewFace: I imagine that once it has been scaled up to realistic size, there would be multiple guild halls within the Imperial City in addition to the headquarters at the University tower.
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NewFace: @Rick2tails: Objection! Weedum-Ja
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NewFace: @Kazerad: Kazerad you bastard where's my updates
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NewFace: Uninstall System32
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NewFace: Khajiit that are mean to Katia get eaten by Daedra and don't get fancy new bars
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NewFace: @Radiocaster: Not from a generative AI.
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NewFace: FilthyPaladin's secret is just being a really solid artist.
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NewFace: Do it, Katia, the time of reckoning has come
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NewFace: TFW you lock a friendly stranger in a room with a Greater Impmaster Murderboss to die, only to be eaten by scamps a week later.
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NewFace: It's been awhile since the blue cat showed up on this booru
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NewFace: Home is what you make it
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NewFace: Is this just where we go for Prequel now
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NewFace: Well ain't you the high tom titty
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NewFace: Big talk but will you follow through?
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NewFace: I hope this puts the pressure on him that he needs, and no more pressure on him than is helpful. People still want to read your stupid webcomic, Kaz!
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NewFace: I can't believe I'm witnessing actual khajiit racism on the Prequel Adventure fanart booru smh
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NewFace: This is a remainder, as recent posts have indicated it is not widely understood, that the very_casually_underdressed tag refers to picture in which there is full nudity, with casually_underdressed the tag to use when, for example, a khajiit is wearing a cape and hat and nothing else.
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NewFace: If Kazerad can still claim to be 'still around', then who are we to judge you?
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NewFace: Are we going to need a new tag for this outfit?
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NewFace: I'm pretty pleased with the consequences of that one post myself
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NewFace: Say what you will about AI, but it has a lovely way of pulling a community together
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NewFace: I think it ought to be FilthyPaladin's decision, if anyone's
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NewFace: > Casta only likes Quill for her body.
Well, but fair's fair, you know?
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NewFace: Goodness me, Casta, the more the merrier eh?
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NewFace: How many years this time, do you suppose
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NewFace: Did something happen with jujutsu kaisen that motivated a bunch of people to draw Prequel crossover fanart of it lately?
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NewFace: Deep
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NewFace: I'm not aware of any other artwork on this booru that depicts the bits people between the legs.
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NewFace: I bet it was the stripe on her crotch that did it.
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NewFace: I like the one on the right
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NewFace: Egg
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NewFace: I think this is pretty cool
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NewFace: This literally brings tears to my eyes. There is yet beauty in this update-less world. Thank you. Thank you so much, for this.
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NewFace: Bringing back the classic stranger_danger tag for this one
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NewFace: Kazerad killed my cat
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NewFace: It's surely just a harmless coincidence.
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NewFace: Well this is fantastic
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NewFace: A well deserved feature.
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NewFace: It's funny because war is hell.
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NewFace: @BattedBook5: That's Oblivion, baby!
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NewFace: It's not even how you spell 'civilization'. But I suppose if it's something a popular tagging flowchart is assigning it should at least be applied consistently.
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NewFace: Okay but seriously where does this 'civilisation' tag keep coming from.
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NewFace: Need a light?
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NewFace: I swear to god, Kazerad...
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NewFace: He can't keep getting away with it
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