NewFace: "Annoying stranger expects me to fight mutants" misrepresents her decision not only to cut and run but to lock "annoying stranger" in a room with the mutants, presumably to die. She was also rude before that though, yeah.
NewFace: I imagine that once it has been scaled up to realistic size, there would be multiple guild halls within the Imperial City in addition to the headquarters at the University tower.
NewFace: I hope this puts the pressure on him that he needs, and no more pressure on him than is helpful. People still want to read your stupid webcomic, Kaz!
NewFace: This is a remainder, as recent posts have indicated it is not widely understood, that the very_casually_underdressed tag refers to picture in which there is full nudity, with casually_underdressed the tag to use when, for example, a khajiit is wearing a cape and hat and nothing else.
NewFace: It's not even how you spell 'civilization'. But I suppose if it's something a popular tagging flowchart is assigning it should at least be applied consistently.
Dramatic Descriptions
Well, but fair's fair, you know?