Deleted images are cast into Oblivion along with their creators.

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Pronin: https://slowpokegamer.tumblr.com/post/161870740874/think-like-a-witchhunter

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Pronin: @Pronin: https://slowpokegamer.tumblr.com/post/162265755829/slowpokegamer-transparent-katia-for-your-blog

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Pronin: @Grape:
1: I'm not not trying to be insulting, I'm sorry if I am.

2: I already saw this image posted on Tumblr weeks before it was posted here. So, I've have had enough time to get over it.

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Pronin: Now, I'm not gonna flat out say that this terrible, I'm just gonna say that you really need to work on getting better at art.

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Pronin: It's the taste...the taste of lewd dragon! Adine!

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Pronin: I like what you did with the 3rd and 4th panels and trying to implement focus by using a lighter brush.

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Pronin: Nice image, but there's something really off about her body, but I just can't put my finger on what the problem is.

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Pronin: @A_racist_slur_against_Khajits: Yeah no, it's pretty bad, that's why I left. The discord near mimics what's wrong with the comments section, if not worse and that's why Kaz really doesn't like it. I really wouldn't recommend going there but I also don't care what you do, just don't bring that shit here.

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Pronin: Kinda sad but do you know what this reminds me of? The cordyceps virus. If you don't know what it is, look it up. It's some scary nasty shit and it was the inspiration for the zombie virus in "The Last of Us".

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Pronin: @Cremafied: This is pretty good but that nose could a bit bigger.

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Pronin: I get that this was on a phone which is slightly impressive but, you really need to work on that linework. The are way too many stray lines.

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Pronin: @GalaTheFish: I ain't clicking that shit. Can't get me.

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Pronin: @Vidiotdragon: They really are not that good. I would suggest not joining them.

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Pronin: Why the fuck do you have Internet Explorer on your computer?!

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Pronin: The only problem I have with this image is that one leg seems longer than the other.

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Pronin: @JaHannar: It's not hard if you know what you want and know what to do.

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Pronin: @Vajjra: Defeat has never felt so blissful...

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Pronin: @Vajjra: He's like the jack of all trades.

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Pronin: I just noticed the legs are wrong. Her left leg should be up, not her right.

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Pronin: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=stlZEKoJg10

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Pronin: Fucking hell, this is funny!

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Pronin: I don't know why, but I feel like I need to fix to lighting on this. There are too many little spots where there should be lighting.

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Pronin: @Kewot_Rokar: There's been a terrible accident!

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Pronin: @bluedraggy: Could've fooled me.

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Pronin: @Probablynotafurry: Fanart is mostly considered as draw artowrk.
This might be considered fanfiction in the sense that it is written fan work rather than drawn.

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Pronin: @Vidiotdragon: It may be, but it's the difference between showing a story and telling a story.

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Pronin: @Kazerad: It's not that isn't Prequel related. It's whether or not it's considered art, at least, for here on the fanart booru.

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Pronin: @CockPockets: No.

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Pronin: @Rick2tails: Pff. Normie.

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Pronin: @Rick2tails: It's 4chan.

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Pronin: Okay, this is pretty funny.

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Pronin: Shading skin isn't fun.

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Pronin: Yeah, I'm pretty sure that's what FurNut looks like.

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Pronin: Cute

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Pronin: I don't know who this "Hodd Toward" is but he seems like a legit honest guy that would never lie.

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Pronin: Why do I come here...just to suffer?

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Pronin: I like the thin art style you got. Very Tim Burton-esque.

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Pronin: Curved swords. Curved. Swords.

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Pronin: Absolutely nothing!

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Pronin: Mew from pokemon?

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Pronin: Nice.

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Pronin: @Enheldor: It is your fault because you THINK they look the same.

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Pronin: Death Metal apocalypses cat. Not my favorite but still really nice.

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Pronin: @picartosux: @AMKitsune: @Lykozze: That's really racist, you racist.

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Pronin: This could be good but you really need to work on those proportions.

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Pronin: Todd Howard? I think you mean Todd "The toddler" Howard(https://imgur.com/a/Q9EQX). To be real though, these screenshots look amazing and I can't wait to see what happens next. For this just being a fan project, you're doing an amazing job.

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Pronin: This really nice but, along with all the problems stated above, the tail is a bit wonky. Tails don't usually bend in those sorts of ways.

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Pronin: June isn't for another 6 days. You posted this too early!

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Pronin: It's official, The_guardsmen. You're now, like, my new favorite person.
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