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Raydio: Whooahh! What’s going on with the tags?!?!

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Raydio: @Sashimi: >: ^

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Raydio: -at least I think this came from a stream. It looks like kaz :^

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Raydio: Please don’t tell me I missed a stream again

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Raydio: Kazerad s signature is worse than a physician’s, and that’s saying a lot

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Raydio: @Sashimi: Heh, maybe. I just don't know where to start. I came up with the AU idea with the first 'noir' image I posted. It's still germinating.

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Raydio: Okay, so i'm half a semester through my AP literature class, and I think to myself: creative writing can't be THAT difficult! So I start throwing around this AU concept, only to realize I cannot write nor am I creative.
So here is some character concept stuff for now instead.

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Raydio: @Sashimi: Keep it coming dude. I really want to see this story come out

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Raydio: Character interaction? Sexual tension? Sign me up.

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Raydio: Bro.

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Raydio: This image stopped my cancer, thank you.

@madmanransom: It makes the image better for sure, it looks so goofy on her.

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Raydio: @sacridshadow: How did we not see this before..?!

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Raydio: What the fuck this is adorable

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Raydio: @MetalC0Mmander: “NOPE. You can’t. This is life now.”

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Raydio: I fucked that comment up : ^

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Raydio: sense@AMKitsune: Ah that would make
@Asperger_kitten_1337: Is this a steam game?

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Raydio: Some criticism: her tail is kinda weird in the sense that it looks like it would more belong on a dog than a cat, being as floofy and "erect" as it is currently.

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Raydio: I like them. I think the pixel art is pretty, but I have no idea what "The Last Comflict" is, though.

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Raydio: Idk

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Raydio: Because she was laying down, but got up when people clicked on the image, obviously.

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Raydio: @Toryu-Mau: The Elves are running this city.

They have control over all the major trade ports that girdle this city's industry. The monopoly the Mer have made has given them unimaginable power. Although, It would be a shame if something came in and changed that, now wouldn't it?

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Raydio: @Bakannon: I think the ketchup was just happy to be there :)

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Raydio: Hey look, I ripped off Kazerad's character design again :)
(seriously though, I love this character's design too too much!)

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Raydio: Collab with @realbboy soon??

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Raydio: @Asperger_kitten_1337: I was more thinking of the menstruation part. Bluh.

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Raydio: @Asperger_kitten_1337: Oh God. Ew. This image just became even worse.

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Raydio: @Asperger_kitten_1337: At least it’s tomato stuffs....not......something else.

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Raydio: In my defense, this got away with it... http://www.prequeladventure.com/fanartbooru/post/view/640#search=artist%3APseudonymous

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Raydio: Dear Mods: Im sorry.

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Raydio: @Kazerad: I see. I still wish I could gently tell people their art is good, though.

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Raydio: Theres something about those (very) asymmetrical eyes that makes this really cute wtf

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Raydio: @Odes: oh god I hope my comment didn't sound like a lo-blow to you. It's just been on my mind a lot lately and this post reminded me of it

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Raydio: @Kazerad: Kaz this is extremely off topic but I want to ask it while you're here: is it possible to add a "kudos" system to the booru? Ive noticed a lot of silly stuff like this sometimes garners more attention the real art, and I wish there was a way to show the artists that I like that their art is nice without having to make up an elaborate comment.
(Also you're likely really busy so this is proabbly more proper a question for the moderators)

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Raydio: @Odes: I literally started in august. No joke.
Just apply yourself to it and you will get better, I promise.

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Raydio: @Odes: cuz this reminds me of my "haphazard" mouse drawings before I got my tablet

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Raydio: @Odes: I probably shouldn't ask this but was this done with mouse or tablet

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Raydio: These are underrated

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Raydio: @Stankloid: it would be the perfect irony.

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Raydio: @bluedraggy: Thanks :^)

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Raydio: @bluedraggy: I'm fleshing out the details systematically over time, maybe someday soon i'll sit down and write this damn thing!

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Raydio: Chironia.
That's what they call this ghoulish tyrannical hellhole, and where you've come to find answers, answers about a missing argonian -and you're running out of clovers to pick.

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Raydio: @Kazerad: I somewhat agree in that the comic itself has many scenes where she's literally naked

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Raydio: Yah! What Geravind said! (what did he say )

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Raydio: @tronn: The AU version of Ilden or Katia's stance in particular? I don't know anything about JoJo's bizarre adventure

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Raydio: More noir kitty. I have this whole AU designed around this interpretation, but have no time what so ever to turn it into an actual written story.

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Raydio: This is giving me anxiety just looking at it

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Raydio: @bluedraggy: Uss the report image thing instead next time, it notifies all the mods at once and works much quicker

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Raydio: I just vomited

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Raydio: Prequel Noire edition
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