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Dramatic Descriptions

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Streetwind: One of the best I've seen in a while. Featured Masterpiece, stat!

I especially like the design of the outfit/equipment.
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Streetwind: That's not how you use those, Katia!
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Streetwind: ...Is this the "Game Over" screen of a videogame where you need to help Katia stay sober? :P
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Streetwind: Hahahahaha. Definitely racist. :D
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Streetwind: Gosh, that face just gave me cavities.

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Streetwind: For some reason this makes me think of a broadway musical set-up... wonder what they're about to sing? :D
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Streetwind: No.
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Streetwind: @Geravind: I know we haven't had an update in forever, but have you looked at the comic recently? :P
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Streetwind: I used to find this meme funny... then I studied the crusades.

I no longer find this meme funny. =/
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Streetwind: Goodness, I now have several additional cavities in my teeth.
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Streetwind: If we get any more uploads of this band, it'll have to get an official booru tag... how about, "Les Questionables"? :P
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Streetwind: This should be tagged Questionable... not because of nudity, but because of sanity :D
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Streetwind: Are they young'uns, or are they just wearing cultist robes for no particular reason? :P
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Streetwind: Who left the booze unattended again? Don't you know what happens if you leave booze unattended in cat households? *points* That's what happens!
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Streetwind: Oh man, this is like the best crossover piece on the entire booru. Well drawn, full color, unexpected, creative, funny AND extremely adorable all in one package. I love it.
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Streetwind: Hah. So Katia's head is 100% occupied by one giant eyeball. No wonder she isn't very competent, she literally has no brain! :D
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Streetwind: Where did Katia get enough money to eat that much? :D
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Streetwind: I reckon someone thinks that the black text bar works like a censorship bar that covers bare nipples. And well, you can't really see any lines that show a transition from body to clothes... so it's quite possible that there are no clothes. Or it could just be that the sketch is too simple for that level of detail. Guess that's left to the observer to decide...
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Streetwind: @@Daniel_Feldspar: she mentioned it briefly when she was dining with Sigrid. http://www.prequeladventure.com/2012/04/1869/
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Streetwind: She's also allergic to moon sugar, so maybe this is another substance altogether.

(Or she could just be trying to make a potion she can sell. Khajiit has wares, if you have coin...)
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Streetwind: @Riddle78: Cats can rotate their ears backwards this way no problem. It can denote apprehension or aggression, especially if they are also flattened against the skull. Or the cat could simpy be picking up an interesting noise from behind. In this case, it's probably Katia being a little worried about the success of whatever she's brewing up there...
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Streetwind: Could any of you translate the speech bubbles for those of us not fluent in Klingo--*cough*cough* cyrillic script? ;)
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Streetwind: Hope those are potions, not booze!

(And hope that potions aren't made with alcoholic bases, like in The Witcher... :P)
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Streetwind: This pair is sending mixed messages, I feel... :P
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Streetwind: Is it really Khajiit racism if the Khajiit host it themselves? :P
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Streetwind: What is a drawpile? o_O
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Streetwind: Sometimes I wish this board had less memes and lulz, and more serious artwork...
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Streetwind: Her face says that she's overcome her moon sugar allergy, tbh :P
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Streetwind: Perhaps she is fat from all the cake, but wearing a corset to fake a slim waist? :P
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Streetwind: So is this the Prequel version of Caramelldansen? :D
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Streetwind: A non-gif-contest upload? Hallelujah! :P
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Streetwind: But is it long enough for the long gif contest?
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Streetwind: Love the hand-licking after casting a fire spell :D
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Streetwind: Don't do drugs mm'kaaay?
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Streetwind: If there's one thing cats love, then it is forming snuggle piles together with other cats.
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Streetwind: Glory to Arstotzka!
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Streetwind: The head looks a bit small for the body size, and together with the laid-back ear and the lack of fuzz, gives the whole thing a bit of a "mannequin" vibe. But other than that, it's fine (definitely a mile better than I could ever do myself).
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Streetwind: Can you hear the music?

o/~ You can leave your hat on... o/~
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Streetwind: Then please tag the artist... 'cause not everyone recognized it that easily ;)
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Streetwind: "learnt" is the classic British spelling, "learned" is the American variant. Both are considered correct spellings today.
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Streetwind: I'm pretty impressed by that tree.
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Streetwind: ...Don't just stare at it, Katia! It's free food! Grab it quickly before it flies away!
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Streetwind: Great design on the clothing/armor!
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Streetwind: The detail in everything is fantastic. This needs to become featured, stat!
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Streetwind: I totally expected the bottom panel to be Katia's usual scrawny and noodly-armed self in that posture... now that it isn't like that, I'm confused o_O
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Streetwind: I thought Cat Expert was fine at 3/6 with its effect... I mean, Fen Creeper is a 3/6 taunt for 5, and it's being played in Arena. Okay, not in Constructed, but that's largely because taunts matter less there.

For Cat Expert to have an additional effect, even as little as summoning one 1/1 Beast token, without increasing the card cost already makes it fine for a class card. As a Hunter, the Beast tribe of the token enables other class cards like Ram Wrangler, Hound Master and Kill Command. And with 6 health, you are likely to get more than one token, if the opponent doesn't decide to burn hard removal on it.

A 4/6 taunt for 5 that spawns tokens with Charge is too much IMHO. Unless you specifically want a card that's really high above the curve. Blizzard occasionally does release those even though they should know better... (Hello Dr. Boom). Also compare Imp Gang Boss: a 2/4 class card for 3 that spawns 1/1 tokens without charge. Ostensibly that is a statline comparable to 4/6 for 5, but it's missing the taunt. Having taunt always results in reduced stats, except for 1-cost minions. The higher health you go, the more stats you lose to taunt. So, a 6-health taunt minion having a statline comparable to a non-taunt minion with a strictly worse effect, which is still considered a must-play for a lot of decks, is really a red flag balance-wise.

Wild Hunt needs more help, IMHO. It's a strictly worse Feign Death, since it triggers your opponent's rattles as well (and they'll be positive for him in 9 out of 10 cases). And Feign Death costs only 2 mana, not 3, while still not seeing much play outside gimmick decks.
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Streetwind: @Thebaconator3: But is that not the best example of thinking like a Witchhunter? =P Sun Tzu said, know your enemy and know yourself. If you *are* your enemy, then you can do both at once and save time and effort!
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Streetwind: @notabigthreat -

The value of Nourish as a 3 card-draw for 5 mana does not simply come from placing three cards into your hand. For starters, there is a difference between putting cards into your hand, and actually drawing them from your deck. Both give you cards to play, but only the act of drawing is considered acceleration (putting your key combo into your hand faster). Additionally, Nourish can also be played as a ramp, and the rule of the thumb is that combining multiple cards into a single card makes their effects worth more.

The effect on Think Like A Witchhunter is interesting though. It can give you your opponent's key cards, but it can also give you dead weight. Mind Vision generally works because you cast it on turn 1, right after the mulligan, where your opponent fished for good cards. A 5-mana cardsteal (not draw) meanwhile is slow as molasses. Thoughsteal can be played when the priest would usually pass, in turn 2 or 3, but by turn 5 the endgame is approaching and you need to be able to answer your opponent reliably unless you want to surrender the board. Perhaps if you have Lightbomb on hand already for turn 6, you would play this and hope your opponent overextends right into your impending boardclear... Otherwise you're at your opponent's mercy to give you time to cast it.

Yeah, very intriduing. I can't really rate it off hand.

As for the other cards, Gharug is okay, I guess... if you manage to get him out together with, say, an Ogre Warmaul. Four cards drawn for 3 extra mana, that weighs up his stat deficiency. And control warriors love card draw. Death's Bite is also a possible sacrifice, since you play Death's Bite partly for its own deathrattle in the first place.

Sigrid is quite decent. Shadow Madness sees play at 4 mana, and this card gives you a 4-2 body on top of it, while the mage can actively influence what targets are eligible. Also compare Cabal Shadowpriest, which also sees active play at 6 mana, 4/5, permanent steal with limited ability to influence the eligibility (via Shrinkmeister) but a narrower target field overall. Sigrid's not the stongest legendary in the game, but likely the strongest card among these four.

ASOTIL is... really strange. The effect may be too weird and synergize too little with other Paladin cards to be playable. And compared to Silver Hand Regent, he struggles to keep up. You'd have to push your hero power button at least twice every turn to make him worth having, which makes him an endgame card... that has three health and will be cleared almost instantly. And Silver Hand Regent isn't even played in Constructed, despite heavy synergy with things like Quartermaster and Muster For Battle. Overall, likely the weakest card among these four.

(And honestly, my headcanon card effect for ASOTIL would be "Katia Managan is immune", combined with a Katia Managan card that has a nice effect and/or stats but a Battlecry to deal heavy damage to herself, a bit like a less fortunate Injured Blademaster. =P That makes ASOTIL into Katia's personal protector, much like he is in the story, and requires opponents to get through him first... as well as greatly increasing Katia's own value if you summon her while he is on the board already, as that blocks the Battlecry.)
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