Streetwind: Here we see Katia try to convince a very skeptical Rajirra that her argonian friend over there is really quite normal, most of the time, anyway.
Streetwind: @Zerorganic: Pelinal Whitestrake is infamously the single most racist person (okay, divine spirit) to have ever existed in the Elder Scrolls universe. His life goal was murdering the largest number of mer (elvenkind) possible, in the most brutal and degrading manners possible - usually while foaming mad for some reason or other. Unsurprisingly, he is greatly revered among men (humankind).
Although Khajiit are classified as beastfolk and not mer, their entire creation myth involves a carbon copy of the Aldmeri pantheon with slightly changed names, and politically, they are more closely tied to the Aldmeri Dominion than to any nation of men. The fact that some khajiit forms look more elflike than catlike didn't help, either - back in his day, Pelinal slaughtered thousands of Khajiit when he mistook them for Aldmeri.
Streetwind: This begs for a followup where she strokes Katja's back... and the different mental images that Katja and Quill are experiencing at that moment. :p
Streetwind: This, right here? This is proof that we need a "Prequel Babies" spinoff series.
Featuring: Toddler Katia, Egshell Quill(Dodger?), Mischievous Kitten Twins Ra'jirra and S'thengir, Tiny Aggy (inexplicably still a ghost), Novice Plushiemancer Dimitri and his weird older sister Nah from next door, Gharug Not-Gro-Upp-Yet the playground bully, a child-proofed Sworddog, and of curse Exasperated Single Dad Gaius. He must make ends meet for his haunted (by Aggy) houseful of kittens plus one random lizard (how did he even get them?) by working an unfulfilling office job under Corporate Boss Nightmare King. He is also being hit on by Scary Aunt Sigrid, who hates children and must be prevented from inserting herself into the family at all costs.
All watched over by Nanny Asotil, in the frilliest of dresses. Still with a metal helmet though. STOP RIGHT THERE ADORABLOE SCUM!, he shouts as he catches the little ones hatching a plot to once more drive off Sigrid...
Streetwind: I'm enjoying these period-style works so much more than the dumb JoJo crossovers. Could I request a disco fever Katia next? Or maybe a roaring twenties style? :D
Streetwind: @Doomguy11: Katia stated in the comic that her hands were so slippery with blood, she feared she would fall the moment she stopped holding on with both at the same time.
Streetwind: The first thought that went through my head upon seeing this is "Oh no, now Sigrid will have to capture the Avatar to restore her honor!" =P
Streetwind: But, but... the slaughterfish are already in a perfectly serviceable pot! Just light a fire under the well and dump a crate of wine into it, and voila.
Streetwind: As much as I want Elder Scrolls 6 to be set in Elsweyr, this picture shows just a sliver of the immense difficulty of pulling that off properly. The sheer diversity of the khajiit in their native environment sounds fun when you read it in the novels, but is a giant headache for any games developer. And that's not even factoring in the fact that no Elder Scrolls title before has dared focusing on a society so utterly nonhuman - as amazingly alien as Morrowind was, even its residents are closer to human than the khajiit are. It's probably not something that can be done in a game without completely quarter-assing it (looking at you, ESO). Like, how do you even implement character creation for a species with at least sixteen different subraces, some of which might live in trees, might be exclusively quadruped, might vary from one to twelve feet in height, or might be unable to use language normally?
As such, I applaud Vikozlav for actually going there and daring to try a glimpse of the ethnic insanity that must be a larger khajiiti settlement... I can't imagine how much work this picture took.
Streetwind: @damrok4321: Why bother voting? Just add the tag yourself. Everyone is allowed to tag (and remove ill-fitting tags) until a community consensus has been reached.
I just went and added a couple tags, including 'adorable'.
Streetwind: You know, golden weapons don't have to be solid gold. You'd have a hard time even swinging them properly if they were! But they can simply be "gilded" - covered in a thin layer of gold for aesthetic purposes. This is actually something that's been done IRL, so there's no reason it cannot be in the game world.
Incidentally, it's the same for silver weapons. Silver is only a slightly less bad metal to make weapons out of than gold. But steel weapons can be silvered, giving the weapon its benefit of hurting silver-hating mystical creatures without lacking in sturdiness.
Streetwind: @A_racist_slur_against_Khajits: It's what should by all rights be a 0.5 second gif, related to the previous submission. The only reason this is flash is so it can install malware on your...
Streetwind: I find it especially funny how the facial expressions are distributed. It's not Katia going "ooops, this is not good" and onlookers going "gods be damned cat, stop screwing up every time"... no, it's the exact opposite. It's Sigrid who looks nonplussed, while Katia can't even. Makes me wonder what went down to get them to this point!
Streetwind: Another interesting statistic would be in terms of content, not just in terms of update frequency. Even discounting fancy flash games, updates nowadays are many times the size of those right at the very beginning.
Streetwind: Somehow I am less curious about what's going to happen after this, and more about what happened that led to this situation. She had such a beautfil dress before, and suddenly she's buck naked in public. Aaaawkward.
Streetwind: I'm now going to do the typical internet thing and completely ignore the rest of the story while latching onto the question of whether or not Khajiit are even physically capable of sweating.
It's actually a super interesting question, since Khajiit live in the hottest climate in Tamriel. And they come in a great number of different forms, some of which are nearly indistinguishable from elves and don't even have fur, while others are indistinguishable from common house cats. Perhaps some Khajiit can and do sweat, while others can't? Unfortunately, from the looks of my Google results, there doesn't seem to be a canon statement on this in Elder Scrolls lore...
(It's a bit of a pet peeve of mine how the official lore is so often content with lamely expounding how *different* Khajiit are instead of actually characterizing them.)
Streetwind: When this particular moment happened in the flash game, I found myself exclaiming "Katia NO! You're supposed to be a sneak thief, not a streak thief!"
...But I guess it's hard to shed her slutcat instincts after so many years :p
Streetwind: While everyone is busy discussing the message this submission is sending, can I just say one thing?
I appreciate so much the huge amount of effort put into drawing each panel with unique poses, postures and expressions that flow into each other in a natural fashion - when all that was needed for a bit of fansnark would have been simple copypasta. Comics as sequential art are far more than just two heads facing each other with various speech bubbles! I feel the art is good enough for a featured masterpiece, even, if the content didn't make it near impossible to feature. ;)
Streetwind: Was linked to me. Thought the booru would appreciate. Unsure if questionable, since painted underwear Katia has not always required this tag...
Dramatic Descriptions
Although Khajiit are classified as beastfolk and not mer, their entire creation myth involves a carbon copy of the Aldmeri pantheon with slightly changed names, and politically, they are more closely tied to the Aldmeri Dominion than to any nation of men. The fact that some khajiit forms look more elflike than catlike didn't help, either - back in his day, Pelinal slaughtered thousands of Khajiit when he mistook them for Aldmeri.
Why did she even get a cat, if it won't do its job?!
Featuring: Toddler Katia, Egshell Quill(Dodger?), Mischievous Kitten Twins Ra'jirra and S'thengir, Tiny Aggy (inexplicably still a ghost), Novice Plushiemancer Dimitri and his weird older sister Nah from next door, Gharug Not-Gro-Upp-Yet the playground bully, a child-proofed Sworddog, and of curse Exasperated Single Dad Gaius. He must make ends meet for his haunted (by Aggy) houseful of kittens plus one random lizard (how did he even get them?) by working an unfulfilling office job under Corporate Boss Nightmare King. He is also being hit on by Scary Aunt Sigrid, who hates children and must be prevented from inserting herself into the family at all costs.
All watched over by Nanny Asotil, in the frilliest of dresses. Still with a metal helmet though. STOP RIGHT THERE ADORABLOE SCUM!, he shouts as he catches the little ones hatching a plot to once more drive off Sigrid...
Then EVERY picture will be questionable! Muahahahahahack*cough*wheeze*
That's how witch hunters would think about it!
As such, I applaud Vikozlav for actually going there and daring to try a glimpse of the ethnic insanity that must be a larger khajiiti settlement... I can't imagine how much work this picture took.
I just went and added a couple tags, including 'adorable'.
Now if only I could remember the blasted thing's name... it must have been at least ten years since then.
Incidentally, it's the same for silver weapons. Silver is only a slightly less bad metal to make weapons out of than gold. But steel weapons can be silvered, giving the weapon its benefit of hurting silver-hating mystical creatures without lacking in sturdiness.
It's actually a super interesting question, since Khajiit live in the hottest climate in Tamriel. And they come in a great number of different forms, some of which are nearly indistinguishable from elves and don't even have fur, while others are indistinguishable from common house cats. Perhaps some Khajiit can and do sweat, while others can't? Unfortunately, from the looks of my Google results, there doesn't seem to be a canon statement on this in Elder Scrolls lore...
(It's a bit of a pet peeve of mine how the official lore is so often content with lamely expounding how *different* Khajiit are instead of actually characterizing them.)
...But I guess it's hard to shed her slutcat instincts after so many years :p
I appreciate so much the huge amount of effort put into drawing each panel with unique poses, postures and expressions that flow into each other in a natural fashion - when all that was needed for a bit of fansnark would have been simple copypasta. Comics as sequential art are far more than just two heads facing each other with various speech bubbles! I feel the art is good enough for a featured masterpiece, even, if the content didn't make it near impossible to feature. ;)