All beings within Mundus are but characters on the stage of fate and should be tagged as such with "character:" before their names.

Dramatic Descriptions

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Sunny: @bluedraggy: What pineapple? I only see melons.
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Sunny: I spy with my little eye... two Khajiit who are a long way from Skyrim.
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Sunny: "Actual underwear" not actually underwear. Terms and conditions apply.
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Sunny: @Sashimi: Looks awesome, thanks!
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Sunny: @Sashimi: Ham, mushrooms, and pineapple on mine, please!
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Sunny: Shouldn't this also have the "questionable sanity" tag?
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Sunny: Are those her hands? Or her feet? Or something else?

And what rules are supposedly being screwed? I don't see it.
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Sunny: This is a masterpiece.
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Sunny: Is it even possible to do the jojo-and-pineapple trick with two pineapples?
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Sunny: Why would you delete it? It's awesome. My only criticism would be that it needs to be larger.
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Sunny: I think I found the source.

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Sunny: @Itchybaboon: It is, but the tail needs to be set higher. About two mousecursors higher.
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Sunny: @Millie: Go home, Shyamalan, you're drunk.
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Sunny: Gold hast the best contrast, but vintage would be acceptable.
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Sunny: @Rick2tails: But... they know each other.
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Sunny: Her head is not the thickest part of her body! This picture is non-canonical!

It's still good, though.
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Sunny: Because they can, Katia. Because they can.
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Sunny: "Constant dragon attacks", ha! I wish. I started it up again and I've been walking everywhere, only seen 2 dragons so far (not counting the fixed ones). I've got a laundry list of words and no souls to unlock them with.
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Sunny: Well, I use them, but mostly for jackets, suits, and dresses. And I definitely don't use the metal ones, only wood will do, or at worst the large plastic ones. The wiry metal ones are really only good for arts and crafts.
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Sunny: @Streetwind: What game? And is it any good?
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Sunny: @AGMsInbound: I'd better save it for posteriority then.
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Sunny: Kazerad: Do the heroic thing.
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Sunny: @Dahooligan: Maybe the table is being pushed up from the ground?
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Sunny: @GoodIdeasAreOverrated: That's a good idea that is definitely not overrated. Go ahead and do it!
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Sunny: Go put hero DNA in the big machine thingy.
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Sunny: >Kazerad: Identify BA
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Sunny: Furrymoan, you are awesome, you should feel awesome, and you deserve to have awesome things happen to you.
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Sunny: Going to the past will only lead to sex with grandmothers, well know scientific fact. An alternative universe is far safer.
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Sunny: @Algebrag: It's only been one and a half year so far. So I'd say Kazerad is just "really naughty" but not yet "evil".
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Sunny: @Algebrag: Actually, it kinda fits. No need to remove it.
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Sunny: This put me in a giggling fit for 5 minutes straight.
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Sunny: @furnut: @Rick2tails:
What they said.
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Sunny: @Bluedragon: Eeh, it looks more like a pair of buttocks to me.
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Sunny: @CoCoNO: So all we need is a crossover involving Aisha Clanclan and we'll have 3.
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Sunny: Gravity-defying! She's dancing like a witchhunter.
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Sunny: @RoninSmall: I honestly can't tell whether you're trolling me, or whether my joke went completely over your head.
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Sunny: I take it she's wearing the hood and glove of grey tomorrow?
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Sunny: @Man_Of_Mer:
I think someone already did.
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