Submit images and feed on the tears of mortal cats.

Dramatic Descriptions

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SuperMightyhena: Wrote this around this time last year. Wanted to do it in a similar format to the actual comic so I had a fellow friend/Prequel fan suggest commands and I worked around them. Might do more of this in the future if people are interested.

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SuperMightyhena: @makimb0: I take it this sort of thing happens often? or did it happen to you too?

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SuperMightyhena: @Bluedragon: Quite possibly, it would fit her personality in Prequel. And I hate to be a burden on the mods, is there a way for me to fix this by myself?

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SuperMightyhena: My commission from Kazerad came today! I'm so pleased to have this!

I also have no idea what I'm doing here. WHy is this flipped?!
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