Think before you post. Not even Stendarr will forgive you.

Dramatic Descriptions

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TempIntel: Katia's got some interesting stories to tell Quill, if/when she makes it back
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TempIntel: Road trip vibes, also Cyrodil plate and Kvatch cafe, nice
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TempIntel: @Radiocaster oh yea she'll eat it, after shes done... ya know...
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TempIntel: common misconception, it wasn't the aliens who built the pyramids, it was the Khajiit!
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TempIntel: @Jig_Bigga,Rick2tails: thx! I feel sometimes my draws are flat and missing certain elements
@Zargothrax: Colovian fashion never goes out of style
@TheGibusGuy: Katia only wants one thing... a big juicy
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TempIntel: ♫ boss music in the distance
spider cat combo, what shall we name such a creature?
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TempIntel: @ APayne1776_TheThird
I combined 2 ai generated images and put some static filter over it, I wanted a spooky censor bar jumpscare.
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TempIntel: Katia's uh... "Halloween Costume"
nsfw here
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TempIntel: Batia beckons...
seems trustworthy
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TempIntel: No need to seethe, cringe cat, there's always next year!
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TempIntel: Love the subsurface scattering with the ear good stuff
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TempIntel: "Rock hard" back workout from all that time sitting. No pain, no freaking gainz baby
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TempIntel: gotta get in one last ice-cream before summer ends :(
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TempIntel: the freeze frame to the ending of a 80's film
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TempIntel: @GrizzlyBear I see what you mean, the og pic has "woke up at 3am and not having any milk for your cereal" kinda expression
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TempIntel: woops, I was in a rush https://i.imgur.com/UgxKOLa.png
Katia has 2 eyes who would've known :/

I like frostedWarlock's pic, it has a sense of unease and uncertainty about it, Katia doesn't know what lies ahead and must put aside her fears to be the best version of herself she can be. I hope I was able to capture the feeling...
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TempIntel: Had an idea to redraw the first (possibly) known fanart.
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TempIntel: Holy! the absolute vibe, my god, masterpiece!
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TempIntel: @GrizzlyBear: I was not expecting an actual answer ha. Where is that from is that pic from and date? (if you know?). Because I found one on deviantart https://www.deviantart.com/electromancer/art/Katia-Managan-223666099 that says "Jul 14, 2011" and one on Furaf https://www.furaffinity.net/view/6116630/ that's from the exact same date weirdly. I assume someone one posted art on 4chan or maybe mspaforum but idk, research continues...
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TempIntel: I know this seems to be the first post here, but I wonder what the first ever prequel fanart pic was, and where? TempIntel/Spasms wuz here! o7
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TempIntel: Picking colors for night lighting is soo difficult, you did a fantastic job here
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TempIntel: Dusk lighting goes great with the purple, I like the Quentin ghost too!
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TempIntel: Calm park atmosphere, love it
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TempIntel: Another great American Holiday! This time it's free!
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TempIntel: While were debating ethics of ai, I wanna say that its good to put your money where your mouth is and give some $ to people like short Kaz, Aygee, and Cider when you can.
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TempIntel: Cant believe you scrubs draw with your hand and pens lol, cringelords. AI ART IS SUPERIOR AND MY BITCOIN MINING IS WAY MORE PROFITABLE THAN YOU 9-5 WAYGEE BURGERFLIPPERS WILL EVER DREAM!!!! /s
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TempIntel: The colors play really well here, nice
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TempIntel: Asotil brought over the REAL fireworks!
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TempIntel: Dude, Katia + Summer theme is such a good combo, my god this rocks
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TempIntel: @TheGibusGuy I was waiting for someone to notice, she traded her decency for PBJ!
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TempIntel: Tavern Owner: What!? were supposed to sell beer?
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TempIntel: Katia was caught late night snackin
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TempIntel: Christmas came early hoowah!
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TempIntel: These are all amazing, your style's got alot of energy to it!
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TempIntel: @Zargothrax, If were good boys this holiday season, maybe we'll get all 3!? :o
@APayne1776_TheThird, "I never thought I'd see a resonance cascade, let alone create one..." Katia later on
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TempIntel: Dramaticat
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TempIntel: Katia looks sweet as a dragon
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TempIntel: Delivery Sphinx? she can handle my package, herherher
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TempIntel: eyegyptian kat
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TempIntel: woweewee
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TempIntel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E1fzJ_AYajA
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TempIntel: spectacles = +1 smugness
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TempIntel: oh Katia, ya shouldn't be whipping that thing out all willy nilly
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TempIntel: this is awesome, reminds me a little of Noita, great lighting
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TempIntel: an update! in this economy? very cool
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TempIntel: @bluedraggy oh my gosh, how did I forget her chest color? The idea I had in my head didn't translate into the drawing, but maybe it wasn't a good idea to begin with :/
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TempIntel: gives me Darksouls vibes, hollow Katia
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TempIntel: skooooom, this is a sketch I did a while ago but I kinda just gave up on it
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TempIntel: Quill needs the Argonian Swamp™ Moonshine! not that pussy Imperial wine swill
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TempIntel: "Lucky for katia the backrooms are osha compliant and have an exit." thank God the universe complies to regulation
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