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TempIntel: @damrok4321 Thanks! there's definitely more on the way.
@ADudeCalledLeo Yep, the gang's all here. If your looking for context, I drew the minekat and mustache cat to poke fun at my drawing looking too blocky in certain areas and Katia's face fur looking too long.
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TempIntel: @Dominik What kind of jams did you listen to?
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TempIntel: *now loading kat
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TempIntel: Eye love it.
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TempIntel: Go forth pixie Katia, and spread moon sugar dust far and wide.
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TempIntel: I'm clicking but nothing is happening, plz halp!
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TempIntel: @ADudeCalledLeo Yea lets go with that! Not like I'm bad at coloring or anything... *nervous laugh.
I'm glad you liked it!
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TempIntel: @ADudeCalledLeo And a total blanket hog!
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TempIntel: @KuroNeko Well all cats are grey in the dark, if ya know what I mean ;) I have no idea on the context I just wait for a someone to say something quippy and roll with it XD.
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TempIntel: I like the Kaz carving on the tree, well done!
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TempIntel: what a cute snek! "magic snakes confirmed in next elder scrolls"
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TempIntel: This is peak fashion, no joke. Overalls are always pretty cute, nice pic
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TempIntel: seig heil, Katia. The Imperial Legion is no match for the Third Reich XD.
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TempIntel: @lapma I was split between making a pineapple joke or keeping with the theme. I chose the egg XD.
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TempIntel: @semiafro007 I wonder what they would taste like? Maybe similar to fruit loops.
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TempIntel: The armor is awesome, its got alot of ergonomics especially for the feet, the twisted handle on the sword is cool too.
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TempIntel: so say we all
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TempIntel: @Caps, Thanks for the kind words, it's a very depressing situation all around, but it has brought countries and people together. We have very lax business regulations compared to other countries so you would think markets would price gouge but they haven't yet. Our prices on oil and gas have dropped soo much, I could drive for miles, but there's no where to go. I'm currently in college trying to earn my degree in Accounting/Business, but 1 of my professors did not want to teach online, so that is put on hold for now. If there's anything good that comes out of this, its that the govt will finally see the weaknesses of our healthcare systems and try to improve it. It will be cool to tell younger people in the future that we both survived a pandemic XD.
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TempIntel: You write/speak English pretty well for an Argentine, you speak better than most Americans including myself, lol. I'm up North in Michigan, U.S. it's fine up here. I have friends and family in healthcare and they say it's manageable for now, unlike some other parts of the country like NY.
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TempIntel: Your MS paint skills are admirable. I like to use the dot tool and or turning off anti-aliasing in FireAlpaca for blocky art. I'm sorry for your loss, I hope things get better in Spain.
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TempIntel: @Caps, I was just joking, I appreciate your regard for my education tho :)
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TempIntel: @bluedraggy, Yep just sleeping through online classes, just like back in HS.
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TempIntel: This may be weird, but it reminds me of old mint related food adverts, like a mint flavored cigarette lol. Really cool unique style!
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TempIntel: I wonder what kind of feline diseases Katia and other Khajiits could catch?
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TempIntel: Woah, this awesome!
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TempIntel: "Medallions' humming, must be a source of power nearby"
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TempIntel: Do you think we will get HL3 before another update?
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TempIntel: Seems sleeping for 20+ days in a festive dream state has done a number on Quill, RIP.
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TempIntel: ↑ sorry, didn't put the link in the last comment https://www.pinterest.com/pin/791789178206992930/
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TempIntel: @semiafro007 @KuroNeko
So the artist goes by the name "vladcorail" you can view some of his/her stuff on https://www.pinterest.com/pin/721842646502647677/?autologin=true
(I know pinterest is a shitty website) but then something caught my eye this comic "Dragon's Burn" does that not look like Katia and Quill? lol
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TempIntel: I question how she tied up by herself, do you know the artist of the original?
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TempIntel: All rights go to Shorts Brewery.
This is a painting practice I was working on and decided to upload it anyways.
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TempIntel: This made my day! That's one villager you want to keep around.
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TempIntel: Amazing, I'm glad others in the community share my love for nightmare gods.
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TempIntel: @KuroNeko YYYYEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That's sooo awesome, I'm truly humbled, your head looks alot better than mine. Don't worry about the perspective it took me an embarrassing amount of time and reference to nail mine down.

@bluedraggy The comment section is going to need it's own tags I'm thinking; "scroll down at your own risk" "that is enough internet for today" and lastly
"what the hell is wrong with you people?"
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TempIntel: I don't care what anyone says, pineapple + pizza = gud
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TempIntel: @bluedraggy OOF old people bewbs, The context is Quill is dreaming and conjures up a more appealing V. I gather from the mini-games that V is not in control and Quill is Imagining what she would look like, because she looks more human in older comic pages?
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TempIntel: @Rick2tails Vaermina is uncharted territory, SO MUCH POTENTIAL XD.
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TempIntel: @damrok4321 just to be safe I added it.
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TempIntel: I like the thin cross hatching lines combined with the bolder outlines.
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TempIntel: Flying Nimbus? I see it now lol.
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TempIntel: @Caps no, she's just sitting on a poorly drawn cloud :/
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TempIntel: She took off the gloves just to wave. Maybe she was worried she would accidentally cast fire, and ruin her gloves?
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TempIntel: @KuroNeko YES! your last image reminded me of the Animal Crossing X Doom meme. I wish I had a switch to play AC, oh well.
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TempIntel: @bluedraggy
I can see this story ending in romance... They drift away at the mercy of the current to find themselves on a deserted island. Quill and Katia have their own survival adventures and then kissing. cool story ;)!
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TempIntel: @8Aerondight8 You didn't like the new CATS!?
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TempIntel: @APayne1776_2
Shots fired, shots fired
suspect down, gonna need medical asap.
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TempIntel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a6BbvCC0VI0
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TempIntel: @GrizzlyBear Amen brother

@KuroNeko I was gonna do the face but I thought screeching would be funnier, thanks!
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TempIntel: @APayne1776_2 "Oh god, I hope they don't find my moon sugar... or my pineapple"
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