Separate multiple tags with spaces. Separate words of the same tag with underscores ("_").

Dramatic Descriptions

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Unidentified_BA: Raven, if you would ever like, I would be willing to help you in my limited capacity. Just add me on skype or steam at Unidentified BA.

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Unidentified_BA: And here we can see katia is eating a pamphlet of cat puns from the local chapel.

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Unidentified_BA: This is not overly crossing the line to me. It shall stay.

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Unidentified_BA: @Mediocre_Scrublord: It's questionable because of that flagrant, unfiltered web browsing going on in the background.

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Unidentified_BA: @Mediocre_Scrublord: And deleted! Thank you for pointing that out.

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Unidentified_BA: Yeah alright, this one is adorable.

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Unidentified_BA: Eh, I would not call this one questionable at all.

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Unidentified_BA: @Mediocre_Scrublord: It's also a matter of style and presentation. I try to keep the tags at least a little presentable while also being functional. Having 4-5 tags consisting of 12 spaced words each makes it look sloppy and horrible. Sure, you can put a whacky tag or two in a picture, whatever. But keep it under control, dig?

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Unidentified_BA: @Moo_questionmark_or_aggy: Stop being such an idiot on purpose please. I don't mind people acting silly, but the tags should at least remain semi-functional.

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Unidentified_BA: @Mediocre_Scrublord: I am going to tag it questionable based off of ShroomBot's reaction.

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Unidentified_BA: @Mediocre_Scrublord: I do not think this should be deleted dude. Artistic shame is part of getting anywhere worth mentioning. Don't let your insecurities delete your past work when you can learn from it instead. If anything, you can become impressive enough to make everyone forget about this, effectively deleting it. If you don't believe me, look under "artist:Steve_potluck"

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Unidentified_BA: As fun as it is to talk about the horrible things we see on the internet, let's keep comments related to the pictures themselves, alright?

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Unidentified_BA: There is not really any reason the tags should not have "katia_managan" in them. Please tag your posts guys!

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Unidentified_BA: "Excuse me miss, have you seen my eye patch? I'm sure I was wearing it but a moment ago."

Also I'm sorry, but I can't help but see that black shape on her neck as a tiny arm.

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Unidentified_BA: So many questionable images. Make sure to mark them as such guys!

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Unidentified_BA: I'm seeing a repeating theme with 4chan. I think, correct me if I am wrong here, but I think they like naked people.

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Unidentified_BA: An informal picture on why you should not test flame based spells indoors.

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Unidentified_BA: I think this is JUST passable as far as questionable art goes. I'll look into it.

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Unidentified_BA: This is cool, good job.

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Unidentified_BA: This is a piece that deserves more attention because I have a pencil love bias.

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Unidentified_BA: You know it's questionable because the belt is not looped right and she bit her tongue.

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Unidentified_BA: ZizZazZuz, your transgression against the Uploading Deadra have come at a high price. Expect pain and suffering to be brought down on you at any given moment. (I deleted the dupe image, don't worry)

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Unidentified_BA: Moo, this image merely sheds light on the subject that not everyone is capable of eating fruit, and we should all be a little more sensitive of those that can't.

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Unidentified_BA: @tjk: I think its funny that you have no problem believing Katia would stab herself in the throat, but have trouble believing she would strangle herself trying to make it better.

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Unidentified_BA: @MikeyTheFox: I see your point, however, I feel it should be labeled questionable because the finger-knife-thing will probably soon fly off her finger and lodge itself in her throat. This in turn will cause her to rip her shirt off in a desperate attempt to construct a tourniquet. It's forward thinking is all.

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Unidentified_BA: It's up to you to bring back 70's rock music. I am surprised someone uploaded this though.

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Unidentified_BA: I deleted the other because this one is slightly larger and has better tags. Congrats on phasing out Kazerad's personal uploads Gren!

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Unidentified_BA: Christ, this image is almost as big as the first Xbox.

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Unidentified_BA: Make sure you tag all questionable images as such, guys!
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