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Varanonegro: in seven years we will have that technology :D
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Varanonegro: @ADudeCalledLeo: @Zerorganic: XD
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Varanonegro: Bonita escena :)
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Varanonegro: @Zerorganic: because it is the language that I speak XD
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Varanonegro: a dark dream 7u7
I liked the way he found the coordinates, even though I still find it curious that the story is set in this universe XD
No confío en Foles
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Varanonegro: @Zerorganic: me gustó, buen trabajo
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Varanonegro: I want to see the rest of your story, I look forward to it
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Varanonegro: @Skybolt06: Believe me, I understand perfectly how you feel, on the one hand I know that it feels that they do not appreciate your art and on the other I know how gratifying it is when they recognize a good work of yours.
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Varanonegro: @Skybolt06: I don't usually read fanfics but I liked this one. I like how you are handling the story, I want to see where this ends :)
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Varanonegro: Bien
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Varanonegro: @Skybolt06: I find it curious that you are 14 years old, I discovered this site when I was 14 - 15 years old. The way in which you were inspired to make this story is also interesting
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Varanonegro: Excelente @Skybolt06:
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Varanonegro: Excelente
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Varanonegro: Entendí la referencia
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Varanonegro: How long did it take you to think about the story before writing it?
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Varanonegro: Según Google 5'4" es equivalente a 1.62m
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Varanonegro: Nuevamente te felicito por tu buen trabajo
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Varanonegro: Esa idea del cilindro médico me recordó a Star wars, me gustó este nuevo capítulo, creo que será intesante ver la interacción de los demás personajes con Katia
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Varanonegro: @Skybolt06: Exelente :D
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Varanonegro: Katia is younger than me, how cute :)
I find the measurement you gave Katia interesting (1.62cm)
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Varanonegro: Que bella historia, resulta tierno e interesante que Katia se haya encariñado tan rápido con un animal rechoncho, le da a Katia una tierna apariencia de que aún conserva su inocencia :)
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Varanonegro: @Skybolt06: Don't worry, I've also been using Google Translate to comment here XD. I am very glad that you made an effort to answer me in Spanish, thank you :D
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Varanonegro: @Skybolt06: me gustó, es emocionante y me parece curioso que la historia este ambientada en nuestro universo. Buen trabajo y bienvenido al fandom :)
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Varanonegro: @Bokdan0:
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Varanonegro: @damrok4321: exactly. This is precisely why I do not agree that Katia is 1.70 tall, she simply does not fit the proportions of the other characters
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Varanonegro: @Zargothrax: yes, what if I noticed XD
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Varanonegro: Te quedó preciosa, felicidades :)
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Varanonegro: @KuroNeko: I agree with your opinion of Little Quill
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Varanonegro: @Zargothrax: Oh ... sorry, I didn't know it was a joke, I appreciate the clarification.
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Varanonegro: @Krozbott: So do you think I should increase Katia's height to 1.70m in the picture or do I leave it as I originally drew it? (1.60 m)
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Varanonegro: @Krozbott: I really appreciate your answer. Based on your words, Katia is 1.70 meters tall, but now she asked me how tall is Sigrid? since in the comic it is clearly seen that Sigrid is taller than Katia.
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Varanonegro: @damrok4321: XD
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Varanonegro: Me gustó esa historia
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Varanonegro: @Bokdan0: Aún más interesante e impresionante XD
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Varanonegro: this is the information that Zargothrax gave me
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Varanonegro: First of all I want to thank @Zargothrax for the information that he provided me in the image that I uploaded previously, however I do not know if I found an incongruity or simply did not understand. Is Katia really that small?
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Varanonegro: Interesante
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Varanonegro: @Zargothrax: Thank you for this information. I'll upload something about this
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Varanonegro: @Geravind: I labeled it "questionable" for the simple fact that the silhouette does not appear to have clothes
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Varanonegro: [url=https://www.prequeladventure.com/fanartbooru/post/view/80#search=user_id%3D2]imagen[/ url] de Kazerad
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Varanonegro: Hello, I have been in the fandom for two years and this is the first image I upload, in the same way it is the first drawing I make of Katia. I used [url=https://www.prequeladventure.com/fanartbooru/post/view/80#search=user_id%3D2 [/url] kazerad image for reference. I upload this image because it was necessary for me to know the exact measurements of Katia, in the image you can see her with a height of 1.60 meters. I am writing this with the help of Google translator
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