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Dramatic Descriptions

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Vinarto: "Kris, get the banana!"
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Vinarto: @KuroNeko: I don't. Is it Penny Dreadful?
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Vinarto: I would love to see a Cloak of Gray Tomorrow that actually turns you invisible when you equip it.
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Vinarto: Looks good so far! Can't wait see what for more updates!
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Vinarto: To be, or not to be, that is the question:
Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer
The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,
Or to take arms against a sea of troubles
And by opposing end them. To die—to sleep,
No more; and by a sleep to say we end
The heart-ache and the thousand natural shocks
That flesh is heir to:
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Vinarto: So cute!
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Vinarto: @Adroma did you keep the chest? I'm looking for one for my Prequel merch collection. I'll happily take it off your hands for a good price if you're willing to part with it.
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Vinarto: I like this design of the armor. Especially the "popped" collar.
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Vinarto: @Deo https://youtu.be/-etZ4IsaHCg
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Vinarto: I finally finished my Prequel fanfic. This is my second draft with a rushed ending, so go easy on it, please.
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Vinarto: I discovered Prequel like a lot of people here. Through Plague of Gripes video.
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Vinarto: Wow, this is really well done. I wish I had a team to help my writing look better.
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Vinarto: Is that the Wunderwaffe dg-2?!
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Vinarto: :)
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Vinarto: Uh oh, looks like Katia is gonna be sacrificed. If only there was someone there to save her!
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Vinarto: All I can hear is ROW ROW FIGHT DA POWAH!
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Vinarto: @Jim_North: Oh, not much, just... YOUR SOUL!
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Vinarto: Cats are liquid.
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Vinarto: No offence to Kaz, but I prefer Makkons art style.
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Vinarto: I bet she's on her 400th attempt of the Orphan of Kos From Bloodborne.
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Vinarto: "Now you're an egg mother fucker!"
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Vinarto: I think Filthypaladin is a good contender for replacing Kaz as the artist.
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Vinarto: @APayne1776: Maybe she's in the passenger seat.
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Vinarto: You guys know you can help tag these drawings too, right?
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Vinarto: Well... Katia is an Russian name.
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Vinarto: *Hug*
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Vinarto: I understood that reference.
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Vinarto: Finally! Someone else who gets that Katia has digitigrade legs!
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Vinarto: I was wondering when you were gonna make this.
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Vinarto: I like the blue on the armor.
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Vinarto: @Un_Mapache: I think she has a better chance getting in a small indie fighting game.
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Vinarto: I really wanted someone to make this! So, thank you! Also I think her costumes would be her adventurers clothes, mage robes, arena armor, and thieves tunic with the cloak. And her grab would be telekinesis, her neutral special would be fireball, her jab would be her "machete", her running animation would be her getting on all fours, her shield could be her bringing up her book shield, and her final smash would be doing a firey punch like the one she did to the imp boss.
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Vinarto: I really wanted someone to make this! So, thank you! Also I think her costumes would be her adventurers clothes, mage robes, arena armor, and thieves tunic with the cloak. And her grab would be telekinesis, her neutral special would be fireball, her jab would be her "machete", her running animation would be her getting on all fours, her shield could be her bringing up her book shield, and her final smash would be doing a firey punch like the one she did to the imp boss.
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Vinarto: For every person who gives you a hug, I'll give you two, because you deserve it.
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Vinarto: Well done!
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Vinarto: Ah, I see you're also a sonic Archie fan.
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Vinarto: @Rick2tails: Definitely!
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Vinarto: Now make this a mod for Gmod and Left 4 Dead 2, and I'll be sold.
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Vinarto: Wow, what an obscure reference... That's why this is good.
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Vinarto: I just got New Vegas Ultimate. And I'm totally gonna use this build.
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Vinarto: Make this featured masterpiece please!
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Vinarto: I like how you merged the oblivion symbol and the assassin's creed symbol. Plus I think Katia would like the assassins outfit because of the hood. So she can show off her ear trick with all her assassin friends.
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Vinarto: I'm torn between 3 and 4. 4 because of the lighting, which makes it look more professional. But 3 because the witch-hunter control panel is all in the mind, it's not physical, therefore it shouldn't cast light.
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Vinarto: Oh, it's Katia's birthday. I guess should've known my own waifu's birthday.
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Vinarto: The end?
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Vinarto: I can't tell what's going on with Katia's mouth.
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Vinarto: Yawn...
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Vinarto: Great as always DIO.
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Vinarto: @Toryu-mau Actually, I'm a writer, so I'm actually writing a fanfic. And as for actually making games, I've dabbled in GameMaker Studio 2.
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