Deliver fleeting happiness to a fellow mortal. Comment on their works.

Dramatic Descriptions

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Whistle: @Kazerad: oh my god .. this);

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Whistle: Katia in boots (poor pineapple)

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Whistle: @Whistle: no tail at the back (if you do not understand)

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Whistle: @Whistle:хвостик взади не хватает

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Whistle: Is it a hat with a rabbit or a hat with a hare
this owl and Katia cute

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Whistle: Katya, a defiled hajjit, a loser, drinks, she’s my muse, she tries to overcome herself and achieve something better (probably for nothing), but she doesn’t sit and cry all the time, she took a step and entered a lonely harsh world It seems that it takes time and effort to succeed (imagine being thrown into the street in shorts)I will continue to try to paint her beautiful

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Whistle: @Caps: thanks

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Whistle: @Whistle: if you can replace please replace

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Whistle: https://d.facdn.net/art/slavsvire/1581596017/1581594475.slavsvire_%D0%BE%D0%B3%D0%BD%D0%B5%D0%BD%D1%8B%D0%B9_%D1%82%D0%B0%D0%BD%D0%B5%D1%86.jpg
with tail (it slipped from my mind)

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Whistle: she clearly saw some kind of miracle

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Whistle: @AMKitsune//d.facdn.net/art/slavsvire/1580999585/1580999585.slavsvire_r.jpg

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Whistle: @AMKitsune: If you can replace, then yes.

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Whistle: FIXED VERSION IN https://www.furaffinity.net/view/34923572/

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Whistle: Wow, there would be more instructions of this type, because I still can’t imagine how Katia head will look in all directions.

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Whistle: @KuroNeko: from the body

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Whistle: I tried to do something cute

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Whistle: hell, I got the sheet a little dirty when I was drawing, and yes there are errors in the proportions, I will try to fix this problem during the next work.

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Whistle: @Tabby_Catface: Not. Of course, if your skill is “a different perception - pumping - by 100”, and you see a different value here, then perhaps our brain can just accept everything correctly and incorrectle , although it just hugged she.

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Whistle: This good job

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Whistle: he hugged her so much, it's cute!

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Whistle: while she is lying on the beach, I try to remember the last time I was on the beach, I would like to be there with her, but what is painted exists on canvas, and in my village there are only mountain manes, cold spruces and dead snow

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Whistle: he is so brutal

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Whistle: relaxation will not hurt anyone, especially from the fu****** world where Katia

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Whistle: maybe i missed something

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Whistle: she is so beautiful, everything is raging around her, but she stands with her head wet to the toes and looks just into the distance, it look ... epic !

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Whistle: I like the lines that you draw in your works, they are very beautiful and how your works

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Whistle: calm of my soul

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Whistle: @Dominik: Thanks !

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Whistle: I hope I haven’t forgotten anything

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Whistle: I redid a little

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Whistle: I think this is not what it used to be

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Whistle: okay this again not complete version see new here

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Whistle: i like game Dishonored ,because it is a stealth game

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Whistle: this is from the game Dishonored or not ?,not bad work

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Whistle: Katia cute

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Whistle: @Tabby_Catface: Моих знаний может ремесленника будут достаточна чтобы найти доску и обработать и покрыть ее чем нибуть ,но нету подходящих орудий труда ):

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Whistle: @Tabby_Catface: у нас в Сибири много(дофига) мест для сноубординга ,но сноуборда нет ,был когда то ,классная нарисована Катия

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Whistle: (no)

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Whistle: I think everything up well if the kitty some drinks (((:

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Whistle: if those who do not understand (some wine, it'sss not bad forrr mee)

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Whistle: @Tabby_Catface:Yes, I study ... in my own way

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Whistle: I love my muse, and, unfortunately, I draw a character well only without clothes, because I saw a lot of links, let's say, with perfect shapes and figure, aaaahhhhh, and I understand how to draw correctly. (* _ *)

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Whistle: @KuroNeko:Thank you, I do not mind if you talk about my mistakes, I will accept them (if they are constructive)

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Whistle: when drawing

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Whistle: In this art, I try to show my emotions

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Whistle: oooooooooooooooo, she is very cute when you see her, MY heart is filled with sincere reverence, SHE is charming like the sun at sunset

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Whistle: @Tabby_Catface:Я понил

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Whistle: fixed


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Whistle: @Tabby_Catface: Да чуть есть сходство ,я не знал как рисовать голову так чтобы смотрелась будто она смотрит в сторону
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