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Dramatic Descriptions

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Whistle: П@Tabby_Catface: может ты про идею пейзажа или позу ?

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Whistle: @Tabby_Catface: Что ты имеешь виду получилось случайно ?

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Whistle: I love my muse so much that I will die, having reached my goal - to draw it so that it is considered a real art (this is still the beginning of my progress)

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Whistle: @damrok4321:I would hug her tight if needed

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Whistle: @Betofall: cool drawing style, I did not know that you can so improvise

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Whistle: @Whistle: this dream was not clear to me,so I started to quickly draw my new creation

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Whistle: @Zargothrax:Wow, this is interesting, my sleep
was this: I see that Katya,she very realistic, she says that you are not sleeping, then I appear in a dream in another place, like a cave, very ancient and very familiar, she slightly pushed me, and what for? then I see her further in another place, like a cloud,she talk something but it scares me ,again laterthen she says something, and it will look like something very bright and kind,later a very strange thing, it takes and hits me in a sore spot
in the leg, when in childhood I fell on a stump and almost broke my leg,later then I see her sitting on the stove, she says; I am sorry, I will help, I see her insecure, and my appearance was shy, then I say; how sorry you are ?, she gets up from her place, comes to me, takes and gently bites, and then strokes it, she says ;never forget me,I only wake up when my ear turns red from the cold and really hurts

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Whistle: hatching is very cool done

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Whistle: recently

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Whistle: here is my approximate dream

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Whistle: although is it a style?

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Whistle: I like to use different styles

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Whistle: This very cute

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Whistle: Sorry the scale could not change

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Whistle: @KuroNeko:Why does the picture make me cry, you look at her and want to feel sorry for her.

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Whistle: A hopeless state after a bad day is when you feel helpless and realize that you are a helpless creature on earth, and you begin to understand that you want to FORGET the feeling that hits you on the head, you start drinking a lot of alcohol (strong), and you understand that everything is getting worse; your heart begins to beat and begins to hurt even more, and you have tears flowing that you do not even notice.
(in your thoughts tell yourself what to do next?)

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Whistle: @Tabby_Catface: референсы ! о теперь намного интереснее спасибо за совет !

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Whistle: @Tabby_Catface: Да я знаю , сам так делаю

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Whistle: @Tabby_Catface: Мне нужен еще совет если можеш дать, как рисовать все что угодно будто глаза,обьекты,тела,и многие другие помимо что нужно смотреть это на все как на фигуры ? чтобы проще была ассоциация ,и еще какие знание нужны для дальнейшего развития улучшение мастерства ?

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Whistle: @Tabby_Catface:Кстати я не использую графический планшет или обычный планшет,а просто мышка и из за этого трудно рисовать.

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Whistle: Спасибо за совет

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Whistle: (но походу гугл переводчик не оправдывает ожидание и хотя я сам плох в переводе)

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Whistle: чтобы остальные могли понять

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Whistle: @Whistle:Я пишу на английском переводе чтобы другие смогли понять

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Whistle: @Tabby_Catface:Да я русский

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Whistle: @Tabby_Catface:No doubt your muse still inspires you, and mine wakes me up to inspire me until I turn to dust, then I let her go to let others be her muse and inspire them, I won’t wake her up.

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Whistle: @Tabby_Catface:in real life or not?

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Whistle: This is my muse, and as you know, the muse accompanies us and inspires us not to be it, my world would be dark and joyless and bezless, without pain and laughter, to conduct the comics that I read was like a bible (a joke), and she is mine muse and only! (I'm not a fruit.)

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Whistle: rather

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Whistle: idleness

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Whistle: this is my first loafer ahem ahem ... loading
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