Mortals cannot be trusted to make decisions on their own. Peruse other images to make sure you are tagging properly.

Dramatic Descriptions

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bazelini: @Armored-Struggle-Wagon: I will try.

- Reply
bazelini: @Kazerad: Thanks for fix. Is it possible to add a direct link from the deviant for the next update?

@Radian: Да, там была часть из следующего обновления. Дело в том, что обновлений будет довольно много. У меня тут целый список шмоток для хорошей кастомизации).

Yes, there was a part of the next update. The fact is that the update will be quite a lot. I've got a whole list of belongings for good customization).

@Tahrey: It will soon be available.

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bazelini: Need change to this: http://orig00.deviantart.net/d081/f/2015/230/1/f/dressup_game___katia_managan_by_bazelini-d95nyiq.swf

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bazelini: Sorry...uploaded the wrong file(. How to change?

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bazelini: Думаю это вариация фразы "Power to the Prequel".
Звучит мощно)

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bazelini: Loki?

- Reply
bazelini: Very beautiful and high-quality art. I am impressed
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