damrok4321: It isn't made out of drugs? They add moon sugar as a seasoning, yeah, but I never found anywhere that they're making food entirely out of it. Nvm. Nice drawing
damrok4321: That's kinda off. 1,70 is the average height of the human. We see in the comic that Katia is basically shorter than most of the people. If she were 1,70m that would mean, almost every other npc is around at least 1,80 m which doesn't really seem to be right. Plus if we compare the scene when she stands near Asotil, and we assume that she's around 1,70m that would indicate Asothil's height to be over 2 meters.
damrok4321: Katia turn's out to be a Dagi instead of Cathay then. I only wonder why the majority of people she met till now, turn out to be midgets if we compare them to her height.
damrok4321: "Citizen, do you know how I became strong enough to serve in the Imperial Legion, one of the most selective and skilled combat forces in all of Cyrodiil?"
damrok4321: @AMKitsune: Thank you! this is honestly my first time ever when I attempt such complex shading and lighting, took me a bit to make it not look like a complete disaster.
@Bokdan0: Hah, yeah. That's probably the only reasonable explanation which could be assumed if we want to keep things lore-friendly. One could say also that maybe some cults were involved.
@semiafro007: I took a picture.
damrok4321: So, behind this art lies an interesting story. I want to give my thanks to Zerorganic for allowing me to test his Katia mod in skyrim vr. After playing a bit with commands, running around, and ordering one of them to interact with a certain chicken. A very interesting scene was born. I decided to illustrate it.
damrok4321: I shouldn't correlate a well with fishing, but every time I see one I immediately think there are fishes in there. I guess this comic really changes some aspects of how you see the world permanently.
damrok4321: @Zargothrax: I actually made that texture by hand, first drawing two straight lines, then copying them over and over until I had them covering the space which her legs take, then copying those lines again, flipping horizontally and positioning them so there became a fine fishnet like texture. Then I just placed them on a different layer and erased, so it fit inside her leg contour. I was just a bit lazy with that.
As for her pose, I sketched it this way from the beginning but I may just suck at the anatomy still and could probably design it a bit better. I appreciate your critique and will try to be more correct in the future. May I ask though how could I make her top of the shoulders visible? Should it be done by giving them more form by shading? Or rather I should just draw them differently?
damrok4321: It turned out really good, I love the atmosphere of this drawing, and the shading you did. Tbh I'm really proud of you rn. Talking you into trying to draw on paper again surely was worth it.
I am really looking forward to seeing more of the stuff you're gonna do.
damrok4321: Did somebody replace Zer and he's enjoying Rajirra drawings now? Can't believe my eyes.
Really nice work here, as always. Also because of that lighting, I thought you actually made it in digital. That's how good it looks.
Dramatic Descriptions
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@Bokdan0: Hah, yeah. That's probably the only reasonable explanation which could be assumed if we want to keep things lore-friendly. One could say also that maybe some cults were involved.
@semiafro007: I took a picture.
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As for her pose, I sketched it this way from the beginning but I may just suck at the anatomy still and could probably design it a bit better. I appreciate your critique and will try to be more correct in the future. May I ask though how could I make her top of the shoulders visible? Should it be done by giving them more form by shading? Or rather I should just draw them differently?
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I am really looking forward to seeing more of the stuff you're gonna do.
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Really nice work here, as always. Also because of that lighting, I thought you actually made it in digital. That's how good it looks.
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