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egliomatn: @Whistle: thank you :)

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egliomatn: @semiafro007: a benevolent yellow cat ponders at creation from the heavens and wonders if gets to keep the cool saintly aura

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egliomatn: it's a good view

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egliomatn: @KuroNeko: @semiafro007: thank you both, you two honestly make great submissions yourselves :)
no doodle this time sadly, but i'll get around to submitting something new in due time. it could even be more than a doodle if there's any interest for that

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egliomatn: oops, i spelled thanks wrong, but you understand

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egliomatn: @ADudeCalledLeo: thsnk you! katia's a nice character to draw

i think individually thanking everyone is starting to become a habit

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egliomatn: @SaintDumos: if it does, then that's a compliment i highly regard. maybe tintin is a subconscious inspiration for my art, because i didn't make that connection the first time. thank you though

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egliomatn: @GrizzlyBear: thank you, the expressions were nice to figure out
@Varanonegro: gracias :)
and no, i'm not particularly new to this fandom. i just decided to contribute after reading the comic for a while

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egliomatn: @KuroNeko: thank you :)

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egliomatn: two submissions in one day is a new personal record

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egliomatn: feline feelings

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egliomatn: @ADudeCalledLeo: no, but with good connections you will eventually understand the true nature of this specter of mustard-y complexion

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egliomatn: scary
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