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Dramatic Descriptions

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kamperkiller: @Pepsidude: They bring Skooma to our streets, and they are nothing but sexual fiends, murderers, and deviants with disease.

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kamperkiller: @MikeyTheFox: If it worked for ALL the major artists of history, I personally think it's good enough for furry artists.

Just don't post it as your own (or at all really)

The next step is to use them as references

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kamperkiller: @Tahrey: is mostly a bust sketch

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kamperkiller: @Tahrey: I was going more for "Smug" lol

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kamperkiller: @tronn: lol, I could see her being a little pettanko

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kamperkiller: @Tahrey: Extra Food?

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kamperkiller: Trying more Light effects with Katia (Tips welcome)

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kamperkiller: Trying more Light effects with Katia (Tips welcome)

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kamperkiller: @Pepsidude: Thanks. :3

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kamperkiller: @Armored-Struggle-Wagon: And added to the collection

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kamperkiller: @Armored-Struggle-Wagon thanks. My favorite is #3 Katia in the paint. She just feels really happy to me, don't know why

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kamperkiller: Katia seems to have issue with a certain reckless Bunny coming into her district.

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kamperkiller: Katia just having a good laugh

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kamperkiller: Katia just having a good time... too few of these.

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kamperkiller: Seems Katia went a little too far with her powers... again.

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kamperkiller: Quill-Weave got Katia a new "stealth top" for... reasons.

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kamperkiller: just a collection of doodles while get use to drawing Katia

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kamperkiller: Quill-Weave has spotted something she likes
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