Mortals cannot be trusted to make decisions on their own. Peruse other images to make sure you are tagging properly.

Dramatic Descriptions

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tronn: Static electricity must be an inconvenience to cats!

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tronn: Very nice, something something popping his cork double entendre.

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tronn: Perfection of the form, 10/10 art.

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tronn: This is a reasonable reaction to confection made by hairy cat hands.

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tronn: I like the bartender when he looks displeased, so basically always.

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tronn: ...but even worse.

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tronn: Personally I'd like to see her team up with Sigrid :D

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tronn: "You literally just got off the boat and said you were going to get a real job, stay out of jail, and not get into any more trouble with cults. Besides, it's a small world - a KKK member might remember you.

Also, you are Katia Fucking Manxagan. As guards have always reminded you, the booty shakes on its own."

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tronn: "
With that over with, you decide to enter town.

Not many people out here; everyone must be inside. Looks like there’s some shops near the dock. One appears to be a store, the other some kind of restaurant."

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tronn: ""Katia Manxagan"

"What, no, that was just the first thing that popped into my mind! My real name is-"

"Sorry catface, already wrote it down. They don't just hand these immigration forms out, you know."

"Oh...I guess I can just use it as a nickname, then..."

"Yeah, no, it's all official and shit. Most will just call you Katia, if that's any console."

You heave a sigh as the guard walks off, and remember there are worse ways you've began a day."

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tronn: "Ah, now this is a REAL name! The name of a strong, independent anti-heroine! Forged by fire! Servant to no one! Terror of the daedra! Probably a vampire!

Yeah, you've got a good feeling about this. From now on, you will be known as-"

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tronn: "You are quite certain this name satisfies none of your conditions."

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tronn: "Despite your efforts, reinventing yourself is difficult when you lack a khajiit's only true measure of worth - a tail.

The tale of how you lost it is as painful as the shame you put up with every day of your life. You quiver in longing for once again having the long, luscious tail that used to get so stiff and sensitive when castle guards used to...

Never mind. The past is the past, and you need to move forward! You need a name. A memorable name. A name that will conjure majestic imagery and distract from your...inadequacies."

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tronn: "One month ago you made yourself a promise: you were going to turn your life around. You were going to get a real job, stay out of jail, and not get into any more trouble with cults. Nobody thought you could do it; they said your questionable reputation, lack of any useful skills, and flagrant alcoholism would always hold you down.

But you had a plan.

You were going to start over, far from home. You pawned off your belongings, withdrew the rest of your inheritance, and narrowly managed to buy your way onto a merchant ship bound for Cyrodiil.

And now you have arrived, alone and penniless in a foreign country. Rounding up to the nearest week, you’ve been sober for an entire seven days. This is your chance to be whatever you want to be. Whoever you want to be.

You think you’ll start with a new name. Something less ethnic, maybe suitably Imperial, to fit in in your new home."

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tronn: @Kaz: You're the only one who can make the graph trend upward :/

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tronn: @Lowenkrieger: Measure content by how many mbytes of data the text, pictures, and flash combined each update contains.

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tronn: The left side is more uneven than the right side.

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tronn: Looks like a JoJo character and his stand :D

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tronn: Yes, she looks kinda fat down there. Either a huge beer gut or multiple pregnancy.

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tronn: People kept seeing thumbnail of the picture as a body in swimsuit, an anon took it upon themselves to illustrate that.

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tronn: "Do not worry, Kazerad made the site off-line accessible. You don't even have to check the website anymore, you can just think of the comic and be disappointed." that bit made me laugh

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tronn: This and its companion piece are some of my favorite Prequel fanarts.

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tronn: This is someone's fetish.

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tronn: @CaptainLackwit Nah, it's just awkward and weird and not in a funny way.

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tronn: Yes, yes! This is pleasing to me!

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tronn: Kazerad most definitely does deserve all the fan-snark he's brought upon himself though fam.

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tronn: I like this and I like you!

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tronn: I like your style and I like you!

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tronn: I like this Gustav Klimt-inspired reimagining of Katia!

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tronn: This is a good plan with no downsides.

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tronn: Wait, what, naked bartender where!?

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tronn: I think this comic takes place over fifteen minutes, maybe twenty. Katia is easy~

And hungry.
But mostly easy.

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tronn: "Welp, that happened."

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tronn: I feel as if the uploader is trying to send us a message, but what it means...?

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tronn: The proportions are fine, she canonically has a huge noggin.

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tronn: She looks like a starving murderhobo. I like it!

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tronn: Lacks Katia in a MAGA hat.

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tronn: I first read that as Katta, and thought misspelling her name fits her M.O. very well!

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tronn: This is not terrible this is amazing.

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tronn: These questionable images are getting less questionable and straight out smutty.

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tronn: This and the followup make for a great story!

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tronn: [ethnic diversity mural intensifies]

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tronn: Only tangentially related, but screw it it's a great play.

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tronn: "Katia as Reed Richards meeting alternate Earth versions of himself."

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tronn: "Katia as a Vampire Hunter from the Castlevania series"

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tronn: "Annex Poland, it'll be fun they said. I should never joined the Purrmacht."

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tronn: There's water in the pool, but looks like Katia is going to miss it :D

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tronn: Haha yes! This is pleasing to me!

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tronn: I like your style Radian! I like you!

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tronn: Curiously enough there is a version of this with big honking tits. I think it tells a lot of us as a society.
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