All beings within Mundus are but characters on the stage of fate and should be tagged as such with "character:" before their names.

Dramatic Descriptions

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tronn: (The tail represents an erection, the shark the fandom, and the Katia a Katia)

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tronn: Great picture, but the fist punching Katia in the eye is wrong side up!

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tronn: Haha this is totally rad! ...But where is her tail?

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tronn: thorny_khajiit_dick.tiff

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tronn: ...the running female cat man?

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tronn: TemporaryFace, why must you act like a surly child at times? Do you feel like you're fighting against 'The Man'? Rebelling against an authority figure or something? Carl is the name of the character being depicted so it stays. If that bothers you then may I suggest that you draw some more fanart featuring him?

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tronn: Dragon dildos?

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tronn: Somehow seeing sad Katia always makes me want to bully her. It never happens with happy or confident Katia, which is weird!

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tronn: Oh Kaz you card :)

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tronn: Seeing Katia usually is, Struggles.

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tronn: I like this! I like you!

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tronn: (These stories should feature robots and/or skeletons prominently)

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tronn: I think it goes without saying that every one of us has fallen in love with Kaz at some point. If I could I'd take him home and kept him under a nightstand, and make him tell me stories until I fall asleep. He's dreamy~

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tronn: I like this!

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tronn: No, story666.gif is its humorous filename. As far as I know it is OC not crossover thingy.

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tronn: "story666.gif"

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tronn: Haircut, 90s clothing, latex gloves, it all adds up.

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tronn: And don't be afraid to make boners every now and then!

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tronn: But I think you'll do fine, if you just let people come onto you.

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tronn: It is a heavy load he has laid on you, ThatWaifu.

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tronn: So you're saying that Kaz has put you in a missionary position?

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tronn: There is nothing in this picture I don't like. Four hands! Irrational exuberance! Mysterious rainbow!

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tronn: "What, me worry?"

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tronn: Imperious!

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tronn: Now this is looking good!

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tronn: What if this is Katia's mom?

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tronn: This is a solid plan and I wholeheartedly support it!

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tronn: I like the funny details hidden in the picture!

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tronn: She has a healthy, shiny pelt because she eats Whiskas, Man_of_Mer. Whiskas - eight out of ten owners said their Khajiit prefers it!

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tronn: I like it, she's alarmed yet intrigued!

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tronn: Haha, I like this! It is very awkward!

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tronn: I think Plague is one of the few artists who have realized how grotesquely large Katia's eyes really are, and draws them accordingly. Great job!

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tronn: It feels like staring into a vortex of raw Barbie Horse Adventure substance!

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tronn: Haha she's not merely tripping, she's also in pain!

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tronn: I like her expression!

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tronn: Topical and clever. Nice!

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tronn: Tagging is done on volunteer basis, as always.

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tronn: Your reasoning isn't very solid, TemporaryFace. You can very well have both 'sports' and 'baseketball' as tags at the same time, it's not like the tag cloud is going to run out of space. In fact, having lots of synonyms makes it more robust. For example I might remember that the picture I was looking for had a crying cat in it, but if I don't remember that the tagger had chosen only 'tears' as the sole tag then I'm out of luck - going through 'sadness' would include the majority of the pictures in the archive after all.

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tronn: Honestly, I would have expected her to wear Vault 13 jumpsuit.

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tronn: Every tag is unique the first time it is used, and it can take weeks or months before becoming established. Give it time.

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tronn: "Katia stuck in a tree"

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tronn: Is 'yogurt shop' an euphemism, or do the cool kids really hang out in frozen dairy bars nowadays?

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tronn: ...and that dragon dildos edit, which was clean and frankly hilarious. We need consistency in the moderation!

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tronn: I didn't draw that, just uploaded it.

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tronn: The original description for the picture was "Katia skydiving".

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tronn: No, she is appropriately dressed for a beach and is not posing suggestively.

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tronn: She looks racy!

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tronn: Haha, she's sad! She probably looked in the mirror!

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tronn: Aww yiss, this captures Endtown's style perfectly. It's almost as if something bad is already happening to her!

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tronn: She looks like a dog...
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