Spanking is reserved only for mortal punishment, not fanart.

Dramatic Descriptions

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unknown_victor: Awesome expression in the face.

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unknown_victor: Well alright then...

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unknown_victor: @Enheldor:

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unknown_victor: @Pronin: fair enough.

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unknown_victor: @Pronin: my point is anything can be fetish material, ANYTHING.
Someone could have a sexual desire towards clothing, so because that's fetish material to them doesn't mean it's fetish material for everyone else.

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unknown_victor: @Pronin: That's a very blurry line :/

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unknown_victor: @PermanentFace: @Rick2tails: This was the idea is had, I wanted to see where the community drew the line, so far the images haven't been removed so I think this is the limit of what's 'acceptable' in the community, however like what Rick has mentioned this line will most likely move forward in the future.

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unknown_victor: @Petrified_Yo-yo: thanks

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unknown_victor: Was going to do more but I'm curious to see if any of them get taken down.

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unknown_victor: @furnut: @Rick2tails: @Enheldor: you lot have given me an idea!

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unknown_victor: @Enheldor: I approve this message.

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unknown_victor: Guns are a bit small, other then that I love it!

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unknown_victor: Hey guys it's scarce here...

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unknown_victor: blimey! That's big.

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unknown_victor: Yea sure, I wasn't really using it anyway.

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unknown_victor: Haha, if you posted a few days earlier I wouldn't have gotten the reference.
Welcome to the fandom and keep up the good work!

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unknown_victor: You can take this down after if you want

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unknown_victor: I really like your style, it has a simplistic but cool nature to it, nice

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unknown_victor: Cute

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unknown_victor: I'm guessing it's just another box.

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unknown_victor: I need your help.
So me and my bro made a comic a while back and in the comic is a mega city that was built by the Axis forces as an ark for 'humanity', Before it was fully constructed the Allied forces invaded it and won the war... problem is we don't have a name for it, if anyone has any suggestions then please feel free to comment.

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unknown_victor: PREQUEL, where racism is cute.

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unknown_victor: @Toryu-Mau: @Riddle78: @SomethingAfwl: ASW was right the first time, though not 100% accurate it is supposed to be a GSG StG 44 .22lr, like I said, fitting with the comics timezone.

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unknown_victor: @Armored-Struggle-Wagon: Thanks, but it's based off a comic set just after ww2, in an alternate timeline of course.

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unknown_victor: My world has ended.
Imagine you woke up one day to find your equipment just decided to crop itself and just STOP WORKING!
Yeah... that's me, I was planning on actually finishing it while I was away for the week but now it looks like I'll have to pack some books, I have a webcomic to update as well, now that's going to have to wait.

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unknown_victor: Some art I did while I was bored, I was going to draw them in the full uniform but they look better without the battle coat.

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unknown_victor: Awwww, this is cute.

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unknown_victor: @Mezhik: feel free to post yours as your own if you want, this took me like 20 seconds to draw and the idea came from Geravind nitpicking anyway.

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unknown_victor: @Mezhik: should have posted yours instead, did a way better job of it than me, oh well.

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unknown_victor: This is my new favorite piece of artwork.

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unknown_victor: Just to annoy Geravind

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unknown_victor: Something something something dark side, something something something complete.

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unknown_victor: @Geravind: also 'He' is basically holding an oversized Barrett M107, if you look you'll see that the bipod is in fact in the correct position (because I traced it).
All other demoralising criticism has been accepted.

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unknown_victor: @Geravind: thanks, you've really motivated me to continue pursuing art.

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unknown_victor: My re imagining of katia.

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unknown_victor: Katia finding her inner peace.
Though it makes no sense considering she's a khajiit but I still had fun drawing it.

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unknown_victor: Truly emotional

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unknown_victor: Someone needs a hug, *unlimited hugs*

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unknown_victor: Cool.

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unknown_victor: Nice shape.

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unknown_victor: Shouldn't this be questionable?

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unknown_victor: Nice!

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unknown_victor: This one is not pleased.

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unknown_victor: It's been a while since I've drawn a naked cat, I hope this is fine.

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unknown_victor: Their we go, fixed :happycat)

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unknown_victor: Need not fear for the Dynamic Duo is here!
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