Obey all rules or suffer unimaginable consequences.

6099: Sigrid's_dungeon glowing_eyes magic magic_fire questionable text very_casually_underdressed

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Tabby_Catface: hell that looks cool

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Rick2tails: ok so many conflicting thoughts here. sigrid has done bad things. but shes hot. shes been manipulative and greedy but then again shes hot. she made our heroine Katia have a bad time but here shes hot and naked! so in conclusion yes I`d sleep..with her! XD

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Geravind: "SLEEP"?! Like... really? You're the most cunning hider, Kaz. Khajiit was neglecting that word in the comic until now.

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Paulverizer: T h i c c t h i g h s s a v e l i v e s ! ! !
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Micropipi69: Those thighs are quite delectable.

6488: character:Joker character:Katia_Managan crossover modern_clothing photo song_and_dance

character:Joker character:Katia_Managan crossover modern_clothing photo song_and_dance

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Dominik: I know that this movie may be controversial but i decided to give it a try anyway

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lapma: @Dominik: Idk why some ppl find it controversial.

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OgTariq: i dont get why people think that either, im going to see it today as well

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semiafro007: OgTariq, enjoy it, it´s a great movie

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OgTariq: thanks semi, i saw it and it was fantastic

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APayne1776: Dancing in a society

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CorvusRichardFarhent: Dacing in the moonlight be like

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Vidiotdragon: because the media said it was. and that we should totally shoot up the theatre. the media reaaaaaaally wanted that.

1014: Oblivion artist:TJK character:Katia_Managan fire

Oblivion artist:TJK character:Katia_Managan fire

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tjk: Speedpainting, about 50 minutes.

I stole the pose from this fanart by Kazerad: http://www.prequeladventure.com/fanartbooru/post/view/995

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ZizZazZuz: @tjk: You make me look bad.

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tjk: @ZizZazZuz : Nonsense. The only way you'll look bad is if you don't keep on arting. Draw and draw and draw!

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tronn: Nice, how did you do the canvas texture?

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tjk: Whenever I do a canvas texture, I start out with a base noise layer. I use GIMP, but there's usually an equivalent to everything I do in photoshop. I forgot exactly how I made this one, but I usually just make two layers of noise, and blur one horizontal, the other vertical, and then put them on top of each other.

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tronn: Thanks tjk, that is a good trick!

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OgTariq: this looks fokin amazing!

6487: Skyrim artist:lapma casually_underdressed character:Katia_Managan merchandise

Skyrim artist:lapma casually_underdressed character:Katia_Managan merchandise
showing 10 of 11 comments

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OgTariq: coot

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KuroNeko: Noooo. What have you done?! The laws of RPG female armor states that the less clothing she has, the warmer she is, now she is going to freeze to death, I hope you're happy.
But seriously, this is well done, I like the body painting and those big eyes are really cute. If can make just a small criticism, I think her right forearm should be placed a bit higher, but aside from that little detail, this is very good.

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semiafro007: This is very cute, it’s time to make some snow angels without suffering hypothermia

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Dominik: Oh my , it looks awesome!

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Rick2tails: Id offer to keep Katia warm with hugs!

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OgTariq: also, THICC

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Drasci: "merchandise" is this one of those cults she joined?

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Zargothrax: Aww, her face is so adorable on this one! And yeah, nice tattoos. And tail scarf. Gotta keep that warm(ish) too

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lapma: @Drasci: It is from another universe when after a misspelling incident instead of waking up in Quill home Katia woke up in Skyrim as a forsworn with purple paint all over her.
@Zargothrax: Thanks, and the tattoos design was made by Raydio a long time ago, but I realy liked it so since then i made it quite a few times@KuroNeko: I think it only counts towards armor, her body temperature should be safe.

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Drasci: @lapma: Thanks, but that was an ironic question, my attempt of comedy. UmU

6325: artist:MinnoSimmins character:Katia_Managan meme painted_underwear tears text

artist:MinnoSimmins character:Katia_Managan meme painted_underwear tears text

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MinnoSimmins: Katia like 90% of the time

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Zargothrax: Nice reaction image! I'm certain it will find it's use in the comment section

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damrok4321: :c I want to hug her

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KuroNeko: @damrok4321: Me too but my screen is getting in the way

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Dominik: Dont know how about you guys but that goddamn 4th wall wont stop me from hugging that poor kitty!

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CorvusRichardFarhent: Mood

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NotGod: dooM
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pconpc: tfw imp ultimate badass murderboss

6483: 3D artist:xbgt character:Katia_Managan

3D artist:xbgt character:Katia_Managan

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semiafro007: I don't know what to say about this image, but I like it

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OgTariq: it scary QwQ

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KuroNeko: The last thing you see before you die.
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CO_Managan: "I showed u my pussycat answer me"

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Dominik: That was unexpected

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APayne1776: This makes me uncomfortable

6443: Katia's_wizard_robe artist:lapma character:Katia_Managan economics text

Katia's_wizard_robe artist:lapma character:Katia_Managan economics text

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lapma: Katia explayning basic economics to Captain Gaius

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semiafro007: A republic (Latin: res publica, meaning “public affair”) is a form of government in which the country is considered a "public matter", not the private concern or property of the rulers. The primary positions of power within a republic are not inherited, but are attained through democracy, oligarchy, or autocracy. It is a form of government under which the head of state is not a hereditary monarch.

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Zargothrax: Katia's incredibly cute when acting smart!

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KuroNeko: Kings take you money via taxes, so kings are evil, therefore kings are scary. QED
I really like her pose here, she's acting all cute while explaining stuff.

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Rick2tails: this is cute and educational! XD

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AMKitsune: ... and this is why Katia was kicked out of her position as a volunteer teacher's assistant and the local orphanage.

6470: artist:Makkon character:Katia_Managan inconsistent_rendering monochrome spear

artist:Makkon character:Katia_Managan inconsistent_rendering monochrome spear

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Dominik: Nicely shows how practice improves skills

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semiafro007: don't tell others, but you are my favorite artist around here

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damrok4321: I really admire your way of constructing bodies and how you make those sketches. Also, those face expressions look hella good

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OgTariq: i fokin love your drawings so much

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KuroNeko: Awesome, the way you draw the body is so good.

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AMKitsune: I'm sorry, but after seeing the little Katia, I can't get the 'villager news' theme out of my head now.

6471: Booze_O'Clock Khajiit booze character:bartender

Booze_O'Clock Khajiit booze character:bartender

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semiafro007: it's time to botellona loca

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KuroNeko: This is the face of someone who's trying to figure out where his life went wrong and really needs a drink.

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Dominik: I would drink with him

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Rick2tails: he needs a hug *hugs*

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AMKitsune: I bet he's currently seeing
and wishes he wasn't stuck behind his bar all evening. Does he want to join in with the merriment, or is he just fed up of all the noise? Who can say...
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