Spanking is reserved only for mortal punishment, not fanart.
2990: Khajiit Official_Badass artist:Radian character:Katia_Managan character:Sheogorath daedra featured_masterpiece food green_eyes teeth
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showing 10 of 18 comments
Makkon: No worries, I wouldn't for Katia to kill this guy, he's not particularly evil or harmful. It might be fun to show her just hanging out with some aedra rather than just killing everything.
Kewot_Rokar: Nice attention to facial emotions. Most people would forget about drawing the ears on Katia downward.
Geravind: =О_О=
Этот арт должен лежать рядом с клипом Такежана. Теперь Кхаджит потерял не только здоровый сон, но и веру в то, что в зубах у них сыр, а не девайс сомнительного назначения.
ImaIntuitor: I made an account just to say how awesome this is!!!
SrLupinotuum: This thing is evoking an .mp3 of dogs figthing sounds in my brain!!
8844: Katia's_wizard_robe Khajiit adorable artist:Miscreation character:Katia_Managan character:Rajirra romance unexpected_kindness
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LanaTheBadass: Happy Valentine's Day
Rick2tails: I`ll take things that will never happen for $500 Alex
TheGibusGuy: Hard to imagine breaking Raj's cold exterior.
Radiocaster: To be fair, we mostly saw her in "Annoying stranger expects me to fight mutants" mode. Anyone could be cold in that scenario.
Jig_Bigga: @Radiocaster: Wasn’t she also being cold and rude even before that?
I suppose Katia wasn’t helping anything either
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NewFace: "Annoying stranger expects me to fight mutants" misrepresents her decision not only to cut and run but to lock "annoying stranger" in a room with the mutants, presumably to die. She was also rude before that though, yeah.
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GrizzlyBear: The bug musk made her do it, people. She’s innocent!
Radiocaster: @GrizzlyBear: Every act of villainy and wickedness in the universe can be explained by the funny insect gas
8845: Kvatch_arena_armor character:Katia_Managan monochrome portrait
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TheGibusGuy: She's feeling quite cheerful today.
8843: 3D Katia's_Thief_Tunic Khajiit Team_Fortress_2 Valentine's_Day adorable artist:PIRAMATRONIC_GAMING black_eyes candle character:Katia_Managan crossover happy hats pineapple smiling
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bluedraggy: No Katia! You don't eat the roses! (just kidding. adorbs.)
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noob_dev2323: Spy!!!!!
TheGibusGuy: There's something endearing about her wearing her adventurer garb to a fancy date.
8840: Khajiit adorable amulet_of_silence artist:halfofmilk casually_underdressed character:Katia_Managan eyepatch food fruit painted_underwear teeth
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halfofmilk: It's fun to study Prequel drawings. I'm obviously not nearly as experienced, but the style is close enough to how I draw anyways - so it's comfortable, I just have to make some adjustments. As always, there's a lot to learn. I drew two things, now I will vanish for a surprisingly extended period of time. I'll draw and post again when I return! If you read this: always be confident about your art, it's amazing!!!!!
TheGibusGuy: Sweet nibbles!
Rick2tails: is she eating some orange?
Radiocaster: She's holding that orange like it's a chicken wing that owes her money
8838: Khajiit actual_underwear artist:Filthypaladin casually_underdressed character:Katia_Managan modern_clothing questionable
showing 10 of 11 comments
Filthypaladin: *** I'LL BE WATCHING <;o) ***
Kibermozgai: I would like to have Katia daki, but this one... I just can't bring myself to bother her and accidently ruin her sleep. Would just let her enjoy it by staying away
Vidiotdragon: kat nap.
Rick2tails: perfect for cuddling
Dmitri_Fanboy: buttseccs
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GrizzlyBear: Refill your popcorn…
8841: Kvatch artist:AMKitsune character:Katia_Managan magnus outskirts_of_Kvatch pixel_art portrait screenshot
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AMKitsune: Ok, not a work of art, but a novelty with a story.
I was flipping through stacks of my old CDs the other day, and came across my old copy of kidpix studio (only 90's kids will remember). Of course, it goes without saying that it wouldn't run on a modern windows 10 installation, so in an effort to get this, and a few other old programs running, I installed a windows 98 virtual machine, got it all working, installed kidpix, and ta-dah! Quite possibly the first Katia ever drawn in software from the 90's. (that isn't being constantly updated to work today. actual 90's software) Fun facts: The undo button (no keyboard shortcuts here) undoes once, then back forwards again when pressed. You get one undo, so it pays to not be too fast and loose with your strokes. And secondly, due to the limited colour palette, some of the lighter shades of colours are just 'regular' coloured, mixed with white in varying dither patterns to give the illusion of lighter shades. Unfortunately, the fill bucket tool doesn't understand this, and will only fill in solid areas of the same pixel colour. That means good lock trying to change any areas that were previously filled with a dithered pattern! It's so easy to forget how good we have it these days, software wise.
TheGibusGuy: I remember in elementary school we had some computers with a newer version of Kidpix on it. I never knew about this older version.
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GrizzlyBear: Not quite a 90s kid but I remember this! Of couse I was so young all I did was mash buttons. It’s not nearly as memorable as the 2004 version though
7864: artist:SsethTzeentach character:Katia_Managan modern_clothing
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Dmitri_Fanboy: Hey hey people
Sseth here Have you ever wanted to be robbed by an orc because it's a weird fetish you have for some reason? Well know you can you sick fuck |
8037: Khajiit acrobatics artist:Vaktus character:Katia_Managan modern_clothing text
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Rick2tails: both seems likely
Dmitri_Fanboy: totally tubular
8842: artist:RyanMUs character:Katia_Managan meme pixel_art skooma_is_a_hell_of_a_drug
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