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8834: artist:xydark character:Katia_Managan mathematics monochrome pencil_drawing photo sketch smiling

artist:xydark character:Katia_Managan mathematics monochrome pencil_drawing photo sketch smiling
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XyDark: I got bored in math class and drew this.

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AMKitsune: This katia = Q.T.π

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TheGibusGuy: She looks like one of those paper cutout dolls.

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WendSR: This is so cute

5026: character:Dmitri_Argoth character:Katia_Managan redraw

character:Dmitri_Argoth character:Katia_Managan redraw
showing 10 of 12 comments

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LuminosityXVII: Dmitri's end was the untimeliest of all. May he be blessed with many kittens in the Dreamsleeve or wherever he went.

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Geravind: Dmitri, rise as undead and ruin the plot.
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forestOverlord: Haha. I like this panel. More people should redraw this panel.

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AMKitsune: @Geravind: My headcanon is that because his gift basket never reached Katia, he still has unfinished business. You know what that means...

Dmitri the friendly ghost!

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Gren: @AMKitsune: Whether or not Katia is the Hero of Kvatch she's still the protagonist of this story, and that makes her a "Hero". Since Dmitri is likely associated with a future quest, he may as well be an "essential character" which means he cannot die until the quest is over. I wouldn't be surprised if Kazerad actually meant to poke fun of another silly game mechanic.

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CandyDragon: @AMKitsune: I concur, that is a good idea.

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Glandziu: @Gren:
Mister, you're a genius

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Toryu-Mau: @AMKitsune: ... Well, my take on the friendly ghost shenanigan is that D'mitri managed to bind his soul to the "Friendship Diamond" with his dying breath.
Now, that would be hilariously tragic. >):'^]

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Gren: @Toryu-Mau: You can't soultrap your own soul into a soul gem and then enchant an object with it WHILE YOU'RE DEAD.
Not to mention the ring already has a minor fire shield enchantment on it.

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Dmitri_Fanboy: Dmitri
Gone but not forgotten

552: Speechcraft artist:KillerfishSG candle character:Katia_Managan character:Stephane chiaroscuro

Speechcraft artist:KillerfishSG candle character:Katia_Managan character:Stephane chiaroscuro

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Dmitri_Fanboy: Their on a date

3051: Blade Cosplay Safety_hat armor artist:Jan_Matejko artist:Kazerad artist:notabigthreat character:Stephane classic_art food group_photo inconsistent_rendering knock_off mage_hands musicality robes royalty wilderness

Blade Cosplay Safety_hat armor artist:Jan_Matejko artist:Kazerad artist:notabigthreat character:Stephane classic_art food group_photo inconsistent_rendering knock_off mage_hands musicality robes royalty wilderness

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Dmitri_Fanboy: Stephane

4663: Cosplay Katia's_wizard_robe character:Katia_Managan character:Stephane eyepatch knock_off rwby

Cosplay Katia's_wizard_robe character:Katia_Managan character:Stephane eyepatch knock_off rwby

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Odes: my thumbnail for this video https://youtu.be/yg096hY3d_w showing katia as the adorable ruby rose

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Dmitri_Fanboy: Evil Katia

5722: DC HISHE artist:Nicros_Man batman character:Katia_Managan character:Stephane comic crossover

DC HISHE artist:Nicros_Man batman character:Katia_Managan character:Stephane comic crossover

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DOOMGUY11: This hurt my soul

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Nicros_Man: This is just the intro for Prequel's HISHE. Also, BECAUSE I'M BATMAN!

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Rick2tails: ok this is awesome

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gdfsgdfg: Naaa you can't be Batman, *pulls off mask again* Kazerad!!!?

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Toryu-Mau: ( - Dramatic camera pan - )
... D^:(<

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SlashSeven: That's quite a twist.

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DarthVader: Noooooooo!!!!!

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DOOMGUY11: I bet later on batman kung fu'd everybody XD

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Dmitri_Fanboy: Prequel if it was good

6285: Cosplay TES_Morrowind casually_underdressed character:Dagoth_Ur character:Katia_Managan knock_off pineapple text

Cosplay TES_Morrowind casually_underdressed character:Dagoth_Ur character:Katia_Managan knock_off pineapple text

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damrok4321: If I’d see that instead of real Dagoth ur I’m sure I’d freak out and get the hell out of there

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PermanentFace: Why does Dagoth Ur have a bra and a tail?
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Streetwind: @PermanentFace: He is preparing to attend his first Furry convention and is quite nervous about it, so don't you go judge!

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OgTariq: @streetwind lol

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Dmitri_Fanboy: *Dagothwave starts playing*

8789: Batia Tales_and_Tallows artist:Radiocaster character:Aggy character:Atrantu_la character:Katia_Managan character:Nah character:Quill-Weave crossover dwemer_technology fire_safety ghost modern_clothing vampirism yellow_eyes

Batia Tales_and_Tallows artist:Radiocaster character:Aggy character:Atrantu_la character:Katia_Managan character:Nah character:Quill-Weave crossover dwemer_technology fire_safety ghost modern_clothing vampirism yellow_eyes

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Radiocaster: We aren't sure what Aggy is supposed to be, but he keeps insisting on headbutting everyone, so maybe we don't want to know. We're like 99.9% sure the yellow one isn't wearing a costume and simply had a hex put on her by a witch; she also raved about vampires for a bit, I dunno. Quill refuses to travel through any means other than the rooftops, it's a shame flat-roof highrises haven't been invented yet because she keeps falling off. The normal human is clearly just wearing normal human clothes, though she keeps singing off-key and making references to horror moves we have not seen. Happy Halloween!

(Note: To see the image without the grey filter applied by the Ideal Master, right click on it and open the image in a new tab.

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TheGibusGuy: Alright I've got:
- Scout from TF2
- Caleb from Blood
- Faith from Mirrors Edge

I'm believe I'm not familiar with the rest of them.

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Radiocaster: You got those right. Kati- The yellow one has one of Dio's outfit from the JoJo Phantom Blood anime, and Atrantula is just a bee, their back-leaf-tail-thing just reminded me of the shape of a bee. Let's pretend Atra's thousand-yard spider-stare is not me being too lazy to shift their eyes a few pixels to the left and they're just trying to ignore the presence of el gato amarillo.

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Dmitri_Fanboy: Scout TF2

8793: Cosplay character:Kvatch_Rock crossover monochrome outskirts_of_Kvatch text

Cosplay character:Kvatch_Rock crossover monochrome outskirts_of_Kvatch text

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TheGibusGuy: The rock has grown tall now that it's not being weighed down by a Khajiit.

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Radiocaster: "Yo, Angelo."

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Zargothrax: At first I thought it's that thing from Spirited Away. Didn't expect Bionicle.

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BattedBook: This was the last place i expected to see a Bionicle reference.

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Dmitri_Fanboy: What getting sat on by Katia does to an MF

8833: Khajiit artist:halfofmilk character:Katia_Managan questionable smiling very_casually_underdressed

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durandal: she finally washed the paint off

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TheGibusGuy: Clean!
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