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8811: Katia's_Thief_Tunic artist:Robbyn character:Katia_Managan character:your_weird_OC comic death docks khajiit_racism kvatch_arena_trousers rude

Katia's_Thief_Tunic artist:Robbyn character:Katia_Managan character:your_weird_OC comic death docks khajiit_racism kvatch_arena_trousers rude

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Robbyn: Katia forgets there are other cat people in Kvatch

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Radiocaster: Considering the failure rate, she'd be better off assuming every Khajiit she meets is a different one

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Jig_Bigga: sorren’s such a babey awwwhh

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TheGibusGuy: He's so eager to make friends! Too bad Katia isn't.

8808: Saturalia artist:Radiocaster blushing character:Aggy character:Katia_Managan character:Nah character:Quill-Weave christmas kissing romance text

Saturalia artist:Radiocaster blushing character:Aggy character:Katia_Managan character:Nah character:Quill-Weave christmas kissing romance text

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Radiocaster: Belated Christmas lesbians. I started before Christmas but it wasn't going to be done in time, so I took it slow. Katia and Quill's outfits are based off Jonathan Morris and Maria Renard respectively, both are characters from Castlevania. Yes, you don't need to ask.
There's some random stamp doodles in the corner because why not.

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Rick2tails: and then Quill woke up XD

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Radiocaster: @Rick2tails: Noooo!

Quill is a very deep sleeper, she's not waking up just yet.

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Jig_Bigga: God that little kiss is so CUTE

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bluedraggy: Missletoad. I see what you did there! ;)

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TheGibusGuy: So confident!

8809: Khajiit Kvatch_arena_armor artist:mikeal26 black_eyes character:Katia_Managan character:Kvatch_Rock fireball kvatch_arena_trousers magic

Khajiit Kvatch_arena_armor artist:mikeal26 black_eyes character:Katia_Managan character:Kvatch_Rock fireball kvatch_arena_trousers magic

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M4_G0d: Not sure if was already posted, since there wasn't any tag with this artist. If there was already then someone report to staff to delete this.

8805: 3D Khajiit Saturalia artist:PIRAMATRONIC_GAMING character:Katia_Managan christmas fire happy pineapple presents smiling

3D Khajiit Saturalia artist:PIRAMATRONIC_GAMING character:Katia_Managan christmas fire happy pineapple presents smiling

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FOXY_BONNIE: merry christmas everyone :3

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Rick2tails: a cat for Christmas will do ^_^

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TheGibusGuy: Awwh, I like her Santa outfit!

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Zargothrax: This Katia model is just so adorable

8802: 3D Khajiit Kvatch accidents_happen accidents_waiting_to_happen amulet_of_silence artist:ofeerz character:Katia_Managan erect_tail eyepatch night painted_underwear questionable redraw streets_of_Kvatch very_casually_underdressed

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Ofeerz: I made this render based off that one panel that's after Katia gives all her stuff to Sigrid. The Katia model itself is available for free at my Gumroad. Link is in the source tweet. Really liked making this render :P
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NewFace: In retrospect, it was nice of Sigrid to let her keep her bandages.

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TheGibusGuy: I felt bad for finding this scene kinda cute in the comic.

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Kibermozgai: Awww, love that little fluff on her cheeks<3

8698: Khajiit artist:MythRava character:Katia_Managan green_eyes smiling

Khajiit artist:MythRava character:Katia_Managan green_eyes smiling
showing 10 of 11 comments

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Rick2tails: very cute!

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DearFox: It seems that this is not the maximum resolution that is available. Perhaps it can be updated?

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TheGibusGuy: @DearFox: This was the version I get sent over in my Twitter dms, I could ask again though.

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TheGibusGuy: @DearFox: Extremely high res version available here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/17vW8UdRdjN0ygxBymKb0yK_58c66OgmE/view?usp=sharing

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Jig_Bigga: @TheGibusGuy: 8118x19911? YOU WEREN’T KIDDING!

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Radiocaster: That's the kind of resolution that makes programs warn you before opening the file lmao

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Raywingale: I don't think such a high resolution is necessary for drawing, at least not for characters

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Radiocaster: @Raywingale: I can understand it since the piece was done in a very painterly style. It also explains why they didn't bother sending over the full resolution version. To that end, I wonder why they sent the max resolution version and yet still exported it as a jpeg.

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Raywingale: @Radiocaster: There are no small details here that would require enlarging the canvas to view them. So it was possible to do this in a much lower resolution without completely losing the quality of the artwork. And it wouldn't even have to be scaled down. As for jpg, if the artist exported this art to png, the file would weigh more than 300 MB.

8804: Katia's_Thief_Tunic Khajiit artist:Robbyn character:Katia_Managan character:your_weird_OC khajiit_racism kvatch_arena_trousers text

Katia's_Thief_Tunic Khajiit artist:Robbyn character:Katia_Managan character:your_weird_OC khajiit_racism kvatch_arena_trousers text

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Robbyn: Katia meeting my DnD character, Sorren the goody two-shoes paladin

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Jig_Bigga: Sorren’s such a little cutie!!

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Sashimi: I really dig your style of kets!

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Robbyn: @Sashimi: Thank you, will make sure to draw more kets

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Rick2tails: cute art there!

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TheGibusGuy: He's so fuzzy!

8803: Katia's_wizard_robe Kvatch_Mages_Guild Mysticism animation applied_telekinesis artist:Radiocaster audience character:Katia_Managan character:Sigrid comic commands fanfiction fire_safety text witch-hunter_control_panel

Katia's_wizard_robe Kvatch_Mages_Guild Mysticism animation applied_telekinesis artist:Radiocaster audience character:Katia_Managan character:Sigrid comic commands fanfiction fire_safety text witch-hunter_control_panel

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Radiocaster: This page originally started as a full video animation before getting reworked into a GIF. It was going to be set to this song from Symphony of the Night.

Frankly, this page sucks. I'm going to retire big animated pages as they take too long to make to be enjoyable, and don't add anything to the story. I've come to hate the GIF format and its limitations; I don't like formatting GIFs for the booru as the site was never built to allow image sequences without the wonky comment section workaround, and as far as I know the site doesn't support the less limiting animated WebP format either.

The fire in the background was supposed to be animated. Even though I know I still have the frames somewhere, I'm too lazy to fix it and I'm frankly really tired of working on this page. As a consolation, I can tell you that we won't be in the dark on Sigrid and Katia's places on the celestial board for much longer...

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Radiocaster: Honestly I don't like where this page ended up so much that I'll probably just pretend like it never happened. It's true what they say, know when to kill your darlings.

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TheGibusGuy: The gifs are cool, but maybe just gif panel per page would work? That way you don't have to make sure each animation is the same length.

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Radiocaster: @TheGibusGuy: Yeah, I've considered just limiting it to a couple frames per whole page, or one animation per page, which would give me some leeway. I don't plan on it anyway because the GIF format simply doesn't look good under how I like to do things. Notice how most previous panels made heavy use of gradients and vignettes to achieve a moody exterior; GIF always reduces image colors to the point that flat gradients look horrendous, effectively meaning I can't use them. It would be less of an issue if I went back to a sequence of images (again not really feasible on Booru without precariously embedding it all in the comments). If I could use a different format like WebP that allows for full color animation it would also be a different story, but I have no reason to believe this website supports it. At the end of the day, I'm more of a comic artist than an animator, and I'd rather focus on story than visual clutter.

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AMKitsune: Personally, I love these long, multi-panel gifs simply for the technical feat of having multiple, independent animations all playing simultaneously on the same timeline.
As for webp support, I suppose that depends on whether the web server has the capability to generate thumbnails for them like it can other image formats. Thinking about it, this web server was set up long before webp was even a twinkle in it's creator's eye, so the back-end image manipulation software probably doesn't even recognise webp as a format!

8801: artist:Raywingale books booze character:Katia_Managan character:Quill-Weave literary_endeavors

artist:Raywingale books booze character:Katia_Managan character:Quill-Weave literary_endeavors

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Jig_Bigga: Quill looks absolutely adorable here, and the detail and the shading and everything is just beautiful

but oh my gosh please don’t tell me that silouette is katia
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GrizzlyBear: Katia can solve the mystery behind her nightmares, become the best wizard ever, save Tamriel from the Oblivion crisis, achieve CHIM and reshape Nirn to her will, but all I really want to see is these two reuniting

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TheGibusGuy: Cool perspective! It's nice to see Quill again, it's been a bit since we've seen her on the booru.

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Rick2tails: Quill looking lovely here
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TempIntel: Katia's got some interesting stories to tell Quill, if/when she makes it back

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Robbyn: This is very pretty, the lighting feels natural and warm.

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damrok4321: That's looking very cool

8799: anachronism artist:cadibles character:Katia_Managan dwarven_corvette dwemer_technology food modern_clothing

anachronism artist:cadibles character:Katia_Managan dwarven_corvette dwemer_technology food modern_clothing
showing 10 of 11 comments

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TheRedStormer: trug

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Auserr: Didn't think I'd ever see Katia sitting in the back of an old square body chevy. Or is it a gmc? Hard to tell with the tailgate open. Very cool art.

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Jig_Bigga: Oh man, I adore every part of this

That pickup’s immaculate, and Katia is so fucking pretty oh my goodness

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TheGibusGuy: I love the modern setting and detailed cars.

The short top is also very cute...

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Robbyn: That's some good perspective on that car, i like the feeling of that background too.

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Zoltier: this is soulful
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TempIntel: Road trip vibes, also Cyrodil plate and Kvatch cafe, nice

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Rick2tails: this is very cute.would love to roadtrip with her ! ^_^
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Tigran_Bro: I'm always love seeing tamriel arts in modern time style

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Sashimi: She works so well in that setting
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