Obey all rules or suffer unimaginable consequences.

7352: accidents_happen artist:Bluedraggy character:Quill-Weave hist_glands questionable text very_casually_underdressed

showing 10 of 13 comments

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KuroNeko: So that's what lizard boobs are used for
Nice work, and don't worry about hands and feet. someone is not a true artist if they don't suck at drawing these :p

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ADudeCalledLeo: That... will probably hurt like a bitch later.
Good art, though.

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Skybolt06: Lol, awesome work dude, wonder what's gonna happen when she lands?

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bluedraggy: Parachute will probably get stuck in a tree with her dangling 3 feet from the ground and people gawking at her. And most likely her only thoughts besides trying to crawl inside her own skin will be to wonder why on earth she thought naked skydiving would be a worthwhile endeavor.

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Skybolt06: @bluedraggy: Makes sense, but you'd think this type of thing would happen to Katia, not Quill, especially if booze was involved

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bluedraggy: True, though I'm fairly sure that QW gets pretty lubricated from time to time. TBH there's no evidence that leads to naked skydiving though.

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Dominik: Well, it's better than landing with your face so she could be more Thank full , cute art

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AMKitsune: @bluedraggy:

Now she has some motion and a shred of decency!

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bluedraggy: I was rather hoping AMK might come thru here! THANKS!

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KuroNeko: Would have been funny if Quill kept falling but the censors stayed in place :p

7355: Quill-Weave's_house artist:lapma bath character:Katia_Managan friendship painted_underwear pig

Quill-Weave's_house artist:lapma bath character:Katia_Managan friendship painted_underwear pig

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lapma: Piggy making sure katia will have towell ready after bath.

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Skybolt06: Me: *casually learns to love the pig
This is actually really cute, used to kinda think that the pig stuff was weird but this changes things, I love this
art style!

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ADudeCalledLeo: this be cute

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_Noxygen_: Still don't know why this pig is everywhere, but nice art my guy

7353: Blade character:Dodger criminal_scum knife monochrome sketch

Blade character:Dodger criminal_scum knife monochrome sketch

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Johnny_FiveAces: I return, kind of, maybe, possibly.

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KuroNeko: Kobold Quill
That's some pretty good art

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Johnny_FiveAces: @KuroNeko

Thank you lots my dude, I have a few more ideas that I’ll hopefully be building off of in the near future. Thanks to quarantine I’ve been (mostly) nothing but an art machine as of late.

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ADudeCalledLeo: Dodger: cool-ass adventurer
Quill: boring writer
what happened
Anyway, good art!

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Johnny_FiveAces: @ADudeCalledLeo

It really does make you wonder, doesn’t help that it takes place 28 years before Prequel began so there’s a lot left up to our imaginations. Maybe someday we’ll learn more about our friend Quill’s adventures, and I really hope we do honestly. Anyways, I’m glad you like my dude!

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Skybolt06: "Somebody's gonna die tonight" nice work!

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damrok4321: I like her expression there. Gives well this menacing feeling of "someone is gonna be stabbed". Nice work

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Johnny_FiveAces: @Skybolt06 @damrok4321

Someone has crossed her for the last time...

Happy to hear that you guys like it!

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Dominik: It looks really nice. Well done!

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Johnny_FiveAces: @Dominik

Thanks man! Glad to hear that!

7322: Katia's_wizard_robe animation character:Katia_Managan character:your_weird_OC fear friendship tears unexpected_kindness

Katia's_wizard_robe animation character:Katia_Managan character:your_weird_OC fear friendship tears unexpected_kindness

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Dominik: I actually wanted to make them dance together but i choosed wrong music for drawning. Sry

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Rick2tails: kat hugs are always good

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KuroNeko: This is very sweet. Katia's hugs are best therapy.

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Skybolt06: nice job, personally I love OC's, so I can run with anything basically (there is the exception of certain situations tho )

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ChrisMono: touching

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Whistle: very good (;

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FriendOfFennecs: Not often that you see Katia giving comfort and reassurance rather than needing it. It's a nice change of pace.

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Nicros_Man: Love it

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ADudeCalledLeo: Good art!

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DarthVader: This looks like the nock off comic of katia in a discord I know

7347: Friends_in_High_Places fanfiction

Friends_in_High_Places fanfiction
showing 10 of 12 comments
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Varanonegro: No confío en nadie, tengo el presentimiento que cualquier personaje puede traicionar a Kitia
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Varanonegro: Me encantó este capítulo

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Skybolt06: Hey, good to see you back man, how long has it been now, like since chapter seven maybe? Oh well, glad you liked it!
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Varanonegro: @Skybolt06: Efectivamente, me aleje un rato de Prequel para dedicar un poco más de tiempo a un Fanart de Katia que al final no sé si voy a subir; también dediqué tiempo a ver una nueva serie que me terminó encantando.
Yo también me alegro de verte Skybolt06.

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Skybolt06: @Varanonegro: Nice, can't wait to see what you came up with

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Skybolt06: Did anyone else notice this or... do we need to draw more attention to it, I just want a little clarity, cause I don't want to end up posting chapter 16 later and have people being like, "Sky ya little bitch, how the fuck did we get here?"
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GrizzlyBear: @Skybolt06: I noticed it. Sorry, I should probably leave a comment after every chapter so you know I’ve read it. And I’ve been checking the booru a lot less lately so I apologize for that too

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Skybolt06: Nah, you're good, like I said just looking for some clarity, also, glad you're one of my few readers, feels nice to be noticed every once and a while
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GrizzlyBear: @Skybolt06: Not a problem man, and I’m sure more people read this than you realize, they just don’t always comment
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Varanonegro: @GrizzlyBear: Concuerdo con tu opinión; no todos los que vean la publicación estarán dispuestos a hacer un comentario.

7354: character:Katia_Managan character:your_weird_OC portrait

character:Katia_Managan character:your_weird_OC portrait

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Stalker682: Katia Managan and Agro (my character) i just mashed up Katia in photoshop 2 years ago , and i guessed why not post it in here.

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Sorry the crusader outfit reminded me from father from Bread Boys, anyway, nice OC

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Zargothrax: Should OC's even have separate name tags on this booru btw?

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ADudeCalledLeo: @Zargothrax: I think most OCs should be using the "your weird OC" tag, unless they appear in a lot of pics.
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Varanonegro: @Stalker682: Buen dibujo.
Te quiero dar la bienvenida al booru. :)
@Skybolt06: XD
@ADudeCalledLeo: Yo te acompaño a tomar Jerusalén.

7351: Katia's_wizard_robe artist:Nicros_Man birthday cake character:Katia_Managan character:your_weird_OC presents sweet_roll text

Katia's_wizard_robe artist:Nicros_Man birthday cake character:Katia_Managan character:your_weird_OC presents sweet_roll text

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lapma: So nice to see you back, and your OC to!

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Skybolt06: YES, I was wondering when we were gonna see some of your art again, love your style!

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Rick2tails: is today AWESOMEKatia`s birthday? nice to see some cute wholesome art of her

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Whistle: cool style (and Katia :3)

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ADudeCalledLeo: happ borth
Cute art!

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KuroNeko: That's adorable. Especially when she's eating that sweetroll.

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Dominik: Ouu they both look so cute. Good job!

7349: Secunda Tales_and_Tallows artist:GrizzlyBear character:ASOTIL character:Katia_Managan character:Scleepy_the_Healing_Snake happy masser night pixelated pumpkin smiling snakes

Secunda Tales_and_Tallows artist:GrizzlyBear character:ASOTIL character:Katia_Managan character:Scleepy_the_Healing_Snake happy masser night pixelated pumpkin smiling snakes
showing 10 of 11 comments
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GrizzlyBear: I've also got an animated version, but it came out a little weird I think. Also I'm terrible at animating, so

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Skybolt06: YAY! I actually didn't expect you to take up my suggestion, but this is awesome, I love how Katia looks, and the fact that you got Quentin in here too. Even though this probably wasn't made for me, it kinda feels like it, so thanks!

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NotGodOkay: Do-pe dopedi do-pe dopedi do

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Skybolt06: @NotGodOkay: lol
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GrizzlyBear: Referencing this scene, for those who didn’t have proper childhoods https://m.youtube.com/watch?feature=youtu.be&v=xiSIQzwIPzQ

@Skybolt06: I definitely thought you would appreciate it, and I’d feel kinda bad if I didn’t go through with it. Besides, I’m fresh out of ideas atm lol

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Skybolt06: Lol thanks again bro

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KuroNeko: Simply adorable.
Especially scleepy that you somehow managed to draw even cuter.

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ADudeCalledLeo: Cute! And also slightly spooky
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TempIntel: Gettin those charlie brown vibes

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Skybolt06: @TempIntel: Yes, finally, my plan has worked, to find another that is not unfamiliar to true cartoons (even though it was made way before I was born, it's like bugs bunny tho, never gets old, until they remake it, completely changing the story)

7348: argonian artist:KuroNeko character:Quill-Weave monochrome portrait text

argonian artist:KuroNeko character:Quill-Weave monochrome portrait text
showing 10 of 11 comments

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Skybolt06: I like the expression, good job

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damrok4321: I WANT TO BOOP HER

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damrok4321: ok now im satisfied

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KuroNeko: @Skybolt06: Thanks :)

@damrok4321: Lol
But now I'm sad because we'll never be able to boop the snoot of a cute lizard gitl

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Zargothrax: This is Quill when she saw Katia in her bed

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ADudeCalledLeo: MAXIMUM

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Rick2tails: maximum sexy?

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KuroNeko: When Quill found Katia in her bed, Quill wasn't sure what she should do. But she certainly did not think about joining them. Not at all.
This was inspired by Zargothrax's comment and bluedraggy's color in which she looks like she's not wearing clothes.

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Skybolt06: Haha, yes, this should be posted in the booru on it's own, just cause it's that good

7350: accidents_waiting_to_happen animation artist:damrok4321 character:Quill-Weave hist_glands questionable very_casually_underdressed


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damrok4321: I learned recently that some people are into something like naked skydiving, Websites say that it's very "freeing, fun, and extreme" Quill wanted to find out on her own.

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Skybolt06: Lol, nice artwork, and that sounds like a strange hobby, but whatever floats your boat Quill

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KuroNeko: This is the face of someone who made a huge mistake XD
Nice animation

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Whistle: oh god open your parachute! (cute drawn)

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*ahem anyway, cute
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